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I dug my heels into the ground as Astra yanked on our cuffs once more

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I dug my heels into the ground as Astra yanked on our cuffs once more. She leaned back, desperately trying to pull me forward "I thought you said you wanted to find Melbourne?!"

My fingers dug into the corner of the wall, slipping slightly on the smooth surface but ultimately my grip was stronger. "Yeah, that doesn't mean I want to meet a bunch more humans," I argued, trying to shuffle myself further away from her but the sound of metal straining reminded me of my circumstances.

"You've barely met three!"

"Nuh uh, we met the nurse, the receptionist, that bitch of a mail guy who wanted to fuck you, the one that accused us of fucking and-

"Sol, if we want to find out who this guy is our best bet is most likely going to where all of them hang out," She explained, "Humans are very social creatures, especially on their lunch break."

I groaned sinking to the floor "And we have to watch them eat too? Your humans don't have anything that doesn't have a dead animal in it and I actually liked the peyeapple you gave me earlier."

She stopped "You mean the pineapple?" She snorted "You spat that out straight after eating it."

I huffed "It felt like it was trying to chew me back."

"Well isn't it my favourite recently pregnant couple!"

A squeal was heard from down the hall and suddenly a flash of blonde messy hair had run past me and Astra was enveloped in a hug so strong if not for our cuffs she would've been flying back. To cover the cuffs I fell forward to grab her hand instead, making it seem like we'd been holding hands the whole time.

"Tee!" The woman screamed.

"Connie!" Astra screamed back.

I blinked.

'Connie' began rubbing all up on Astra's stomach, pressing her cheek against the cloth as if she could feel something through the suit. "I know I'm being so silly, you're only a few weeks along but omy-" And suddenly Astra was in the air, swung around by the blonde as she screeched in excitement "I'm just so so so so super happy for you!"

Astra tapped her arm in a gesture to put her down and Connie barely put her back on the ground before speaking again. "I mean just look at you!," She grinned, "I bet you're just glowing underneath that," She reached forward to pull the latch on Astra's helmet down and that's when I stepped in.

"We're trying not to expose ourselves to any Martian germs right now," I explained, peeling off her fingers from Astra's head "Very not good for the baby," I shook my head at her as if she was a small child "You understand?"

She nodded sadly "Always the practical one huh Kofi?" Her mouth spread into a strained grin "I'm surprised you even let me hold her at all," She muttered under her breath.

"Kofi's trying to make sure we're as careful as possible," Astra laughed, interlocking her elbow in mine. "Especially after the accident."

Connie slapped her hand over her mouth "I heard about that! I can't believe you guys insisted on doing a check up especially when you're both on leave!" She was yelling at both of us but her disapproving stare stayed on me.

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