1: New start.

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 As the train followed the tracks at a fast pace, the girl looked out the window, not feeling comfortable with this whole scenario. Across the uncomfortable child, sits a male probably around his late teens, looking out the window like her. They wait, and wait, and wait until the train stops at their designation.

With the train stopping, they stood up and grabbed their bags. Next to the girl was a boy just around her age: with an orange dino cap. But they paid little to no attention to him as they exited the train's doors.

"Well, welcome to your new home N/n." He snickered, with the younger girl rolling her eyes— not trusting this new.. 'Home' of hers. It was peculiar for her to move.

"I don't want to do this." She grumbled, walking off to exit the train station, with a pout on her face, causing the older one to laugh.

"Don't be so negative! You could make new friends, you know?" He tries to reason, but only fails.

"Yeah, yeah, come on, let's just go." She replied, tone dripping with sarcasm, before drawing near their new home.

"So.. Are you excited to live here?" He smiled.

"Yeah, I guess. Just nervous I won't make any friends I guess?" Y/n chuckled.

".. Gold, what about my magic? How will I practice? This is a completely new island, and I don't think there are any abandoned forests here?" The kid asked curiously, as Gold chuckled.

"You'll see." He assured, before making it to their new home. It was a slightly large house that had 2 floors. Gold inserted the key into the hole, twisting it as the door creaked open. The steps they made echoed the dark halls of the household, before the flicker of a light switch was heard. The room was quickly illuminated, before a satisfied grunt was heard. As Y/n scanned the room, there were countless boxes pre-delivered to the home, making it less of a problem to bring the said items on the train going there.

"It's already furnished with cabinets. Nice, now we just have to place stuff where we want them to be." Gold smiles, breaking the comfortable silence, before picking up a box carefully with both hands. Y/n excitedly nodded before rushing over picking up a medium sized box, and brought it to the center of the living room.

"Gold the shelf is falling!" Y/n laughed out, calling her brother to be aware.

"What? Oh dear!" He laughed, trying to hold the shelf upwards, and succeeding to do so. After a while they just continued to furnish the house with their brought things. They eventually finished up fixing the living room, bathroom(s), and even the kitchen. So long story short— the 2 siblings finished up organizing the 1st floor. After a while, the siblings brought boxes upstairs into their respective rooms.

"Oh damn. This room is bigger than I expected!" Gold gasped, before closing the door behind him and looking around the room.

"White wallpaper? Eh." He shrugged, before picking up wallpaper colored gray, and started putting them up his walls. He was quite the tall figure, so he was able to do so without any small ladders. He started putting rock band posters ip by his wall side, and changed the bed sheets to Navy blue, and pillow cases to light yellow.

"Ah. That's better!" He told himself, hands on his hips before his eyes landed upon more bags to unpack.

As for Y/n though, she was struggling with applying a white wallpaper over a stained gray one, which is ironic since Gold wanted gray wallpaper. She then changed the bedsheets to f/c, and her pillowcases to s/f/c. As she finally finished with changing things to her liking— the corner of her eye caught the attention of a blank gray card, except for the fact there was a logo in the center of the card in a darker shade of gray, but not entirely black. Before she could even pick it up, she heard the doorbell ring.

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