3: See ya'!

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3 days passed from the incident where BoBoiBoy got sucked into the game, which also meant 3 days had passed from when Y/n was once again, left out from fun exciting adventures. But hey- at least Fang was coming over to earth right? At least she won't need to hide the stupid powers that led her into a hindrance to hide just cause it's 'sacred.' Moving on from the past, she groaned in annoyance as the sound of her alarm clock buzzed. Y/n smacked it off the nightstand, before sitting up from her bed. She looked out her window, sun radiating, a 'small' tornado passing by, wait. A tornado? What time even was it? She thought before glancing at the wall clock. At the moment, the clock hands are directed at '1' and '7'.

"1:35? I slept in too long.." Y/n grumbled before flailing her legs over to the edge of her bed and standing up, heading straight for the bathroom before washing her face, and walking over back to her room to change into her usual clothes, a turquoise shirt and skirt. She descended down the flight of stairs before glancing at Gold, who was casually sleeping on the sofa.

"Does he not know beds exist?" Y/n thought before taking a piece of toast from a platter in the kitchen, before heading out to the Kokotiam- completely forgetting about the tornado that passed her window earlier. As she grew closer, her eyes spotted a boy in a dark shade of blue, and riding a.. Hoverboard?! With such awe, Y/n froze on the spot, before noticing that he was fighting with a boy with a black-and red attire, and.. BoBoiboy Earth?

As she watched the scene unfold, she was not aware of the incoming lightning staff, that came from when the mysterious blue capped boy reflected the mysterious black capped boy's red staff, about to hit her before a voice snapped her out of the trance.

"Y/n you idiot!" Gold called out, before a laser suddenly destroyed the staff into ashes. The group stares, as Gold holds the card, on his right hand.

"Y-your brother has powers?!" Ochobot exclaimed from the distance, as said brother just stays in place: filled with regret, as the Kokotiam gang, including Tok Aba and Ochobot stare, shook.

"Absolute idiot." Y/n mentally groaned, before suddenly: the 2 unknown boys resumed their fight again, as Earth proceeded to try and split them up in their fight. Awkwardly, Gold makes his way out of the scene by slowly walking away. But before that, Gold tapped Y/n on her shoulder and secretly lended her the card that she can use to defend herself if things get risky. Y/n made her way ever so casually to the Kokotiam and sat on the seats, before spinning the stool to face the scene of the fight. After some time, they calmed Cyclone down by watching some sappy soap opera they somehow managed to make him see, as Ochobot approached the h/c'd kid, watching the scene.

"I still remember your brother Gold having powers.. Explain." Ochobot stated, as all eyes fell on Y/n. Nervous, she chuckled lightly.

"Surprise? I mean.. I don't think I can tell all of you about his powers, since it's breaking his privacy, right?" Y/n excused, not mentioning her having powers at all. Surely nothing bad will happen, right?

"That's true, but do you have powers?" Ying asked, as her face grew pale when she heard the question.

"No.." She lied, as they nodded. Surprisingly, buying the lie and believing her, except for Ying though. Something is telling her that Y/n's just lied: but decided to ask later when they'll walk back to their place.

"I need to find out how to unlock Earth's 2nd tier element.." BoBoiBoy thought out loud, as the attention was directed to him instead of her. '

'Sweet relief..' she thought in her head, glancing at the elemental manipulator, who was almost instantly comforted by the group. After some time: BoBoiBoy and Gopal decide to hang at his place, but the girls refuse to come over. Asking Y/n if she wants to come, she

agrees and heads over to BoBoiBoy's place for the second time in her time at Paulu Rintis.

Que timeskip ;;

"Maybe.. Earth needs to feel some type of strong emotion!" Gopal exclaims before running to Tok Aba's kitchen and grabbing a frying pan.

"I.. don't think that's the case." He stutters, as Gopal draws nearer, as he hid behind Y/n, making her stifle a laugh.

"I don't think being smacked by a pan is the best route to take." Y/n dismissed as Gopal dropped the pan in defeat. Suddenly, Tok Aba pops out of literally nowhere and tells Gopal to go home, since their school break was ending- to Gopal's dismay, he whines, before taking his leave: leaving Y/n there awkwardly.

"Do I take my leave too..?" Y/n asked, as Tok Aba nodded.

"Yes Y/n, it's going to be late soon so it might be more dangerous to walk alone." He says, as Y/n frowns, not really wanting to go home.

"Okay Tok, bye! And bye to you too, BoBoiBoys!" She waves at the 3 elements and their grandfather before walking to the door, ready to leave the household. During the walk back, she sneakily goes to a tight alleyway, and grabs her card from her skirts pockets: manifesting energy to it and throwing it, opening a portal that's just large enough for her to walk through it. As she does that, she feels her energy dropping: before groggily walking in it, as Gold watches before the portal closes.

"What did I say about the portal usage? That takes too much energy." Gold commented, as Y/n sheepishly chuckled, making her way over to the sofa, and sitting down.

"Pang's coming over in 2 days to earth." Gold blurts out. Y/n being too tired to realize her older brother called him 'Pang,' just gleefully squealed.

"Finally!" She cheered: leaving her older brother to chuckle at his younger sister's antics, happy to see her smile even after how he accidentally revealed he had powers to her friends.

Scene change:p

"Okay Pang. You know what you're doing there on earth, right?" Kaizo coldly asked, as his younger brother looked at him.

"Accompany Y/n and l-" Fang tried to answer.

"No! You get the power watches from that Powersphera that Gold was talking about!" Kaizo corrected before Fang could even answer, as he groaned.

"Ah, right, right!" He shook his head, before his older brother sighed at the behavior his brother displayed in terms of memory.

"Anyhow, we will be voyaging to earth now, so I can drop you off. Though I won't drop you off directly at the location, so you'll have to take a train there, got it?" Kaizo stated bluntly, walking over to the control area, as he sat down to pilot the space ship.

"Y-yes." Fang nodded, before walking over to a free seat near the control panel. With a pull of a lever, the ship started running and flew towards earth. But knowing Planet Earth is multiple light years away, it would take some time to arrive rather than a 10 minute flight.

"Are we there yet?" Fang asked out of boredom.

"No." Kaizo replied bluntly. 2 seconds later, another word came out of Fang's mouth.

"What about now?"

"Still no."



The exchange went like this for a good 20 minutes, before Kaizo finally snapped,

"We are still far from earth, now just get rest." He scolds annoyed, as Fang's face goes pale from the sermon, and just zips his mouth: not poking the bear anymore, and just thinking about the possibilities of how much he and his friend, Y/n could do on earth. The amount of mischief that could happen, the amount of friendly banter! He was excited.

And now, the waiting game.



Kinda short chapter but it's fine, right? Anyhow.. Lore drop?? Omg?? Crazy!! Word count is 1.3k. Join my discord server for cool teasers/update notifs and also friends!!11


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