8: Wrong roll

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"TAPOPS to Star L/n, TAPOPS to Star L/n." A rough voice yelled through the intercoms, as the supposed child of the L/n lineage groaned,

"I-I'm here Admiral Maskmana." She roughly muttered, clutching the communicator on her chestplate armory, blood trickling down her forehead as she hid behind a large rock, as her mace was leaning on the rough surface.

"I've sent some backup to cover for you. The powesphera is with you correct?" The Admiral asked in a strict voice, Star's eyes shutting tightly.

"I'm afraid not Admiral, the powesphera Entrobot was recaptured before I could even leave the facility of laboratory 43B." Star replied, terrified, she won't make it out alive.

"You let the powesphera of Entropy lie to their hands again?! What was the point of this mission then?!" Another person yelled, from behind Maskmana, Admiral Tarung.

"Your not leaving that planet till your mission is complete! You know the deal!" Tarung added, as the intercoms disconnected. Star wasn't even sure if her backup was still going to arrive. She scanned the area around her, as she made a run for it. She ran straight towards a huge cavern not too far from the catastrophe she was in—

As she hid, she waited by the entrance of the cavern for 4 hours straight, and  still; no sign for backup. She's on her own.

She was severely wounded, bleeding, limp on her right arm, she was scared.

Star impulsively made a run for her space ship, entering and immediately flying off, mission incomplete. Instead of going back to TAPOPS; she flew away, far. She returned to the family casino somewhere in space, to visit her parents and tell her of what happened.

"Mother, father, it's been awhile." Star smiled, hugging her parents as the 2 married couple hugged their daughter too,

"This is a surprising visit yes? How is work at TAPOPS?" Father asked, as Star started to sweat, after a few moments of silence, she opened hee mouth to explain.

The eyes of the parents expanded in shock,

"Oh Felix hunny, did you hear what our daughter just said?! Why in the name of the galaxy would they do that to her?!" Mother yelled out, as 'Felix' sighed,

"I'll definitely be talking to them about this, calm down Asterin." Felix comforted his wife, a stern look spreading across his face.

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"So Kaizo! How's Star?" The young curious Y/n asked, as the captain sighed in disdain.

"She hasn't returned from her current mission." He replied, as Gold heard the conversation from the kitchen.

"My younger sister's gonna be okay though, right?" Gold suddenly blurted out, walking over to Y/n, appearing on the screen of the transceiver.

".. I am not so sure, Gold." Kaizo slowly answered, as Gold groaned, going upstairs muttering to himself.

"I hope she's okay.." Y/n blurted out,

"Me and you the same, Y/n. Anyhow, my breaks about to be over. Talk to you later." Kaizo replied, ending the call. Coincidentally, the doorbell rang, as Y/n stood up from the couch and walked over to the door.

"Hey Y/n! Wanna head to the.. hey, you good?" BoBoiBoy greeted, before immediately noticing the aura of Y/n being less happy then usual.

"I'm fine, head where?" Y/n shook her head,

"Kokotiam! Where's Fang though?" BoBoiBoy asked, since he's usually with her.

"That abandoned mansion in that one alleyway again." Y/n sighed, annoyed her bestfriend is once again there.

"Anyhow, Kokotiam time!" She suddenly cheered. Sooner or later, the 2 arrived, as Y/n sat beside Ying, and BoBoiBoy in the center of Gopal, and Yaya.

"Oh! BoBoiBoy! You're finally back with Y/n!" Yaya waved at the 2, tossing each of them a coco drink.

"Lah! I told you I should've been the one to pick her up! I'm faster anyways!" Ying huffed, as Gopal sighed.

"Who cares, at least she's here now!" Gopal defended his bestfriend with a smirk.

"Anyways, we plan to have a camping trip soon! You in Y/n?" Yaya asked.

"I'll ask Gold, but I'm down! I'm going to drag Fang with me if I'm allowed." Y/n responded, as the whole group nodded.

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As the busting casino was filled with more gamblers from across the borders of the galaxy, the purple haired captain walked the halls, he opened the back door, as his eyes layed upon Star, tucking away her armor she wore whenever out on missions, on her one knee.

"Star?" He called out, making her look him.

"Captain Kaizo?" Star blinked, standing up, brushing dust off her pants.

"Why in the galaxy did you make me so worried?!" Kaizo scolded, sighing.

"Well I'm sorry, I can't really go back to TAPOPS right now." She sighed, as Captain Kaizo's eyebrows raised.

"Tell me, everything."

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