7: And I know they know!

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"Wait, didn't I tell you to run? How did you even manage to carry me back?!" BoBoiBoy exclaimed, sitting up as Gold crossed his arms, looking out the window, before looking back at BoBoiBoy right in the eye. As eye contact was initiated— something clicked inside BoBoiBoy's mind.

"You keep your mouth shut, for the sake of your life."

"Say hi to the stars for me!"

He remembered how now. Y/n helped him, but how? The gears in his mind started to rust as it ran, confused. She was powerless, right? He was confused.

"I'm sorry for hiding the truth BoBoiBoy." You awkwardly mumbled, as his eyebrows raised.

"You.. you have powers?!" He gasped; as Gold sighed at the sudden reveal. He did not like it at all. What's next? It's going to be revealed they work for a secret organization in space? Surely not.

"Yeah, I can infuse magic into this special card." You replied, as she lifted her palm up, suddenly— a card appeared in front of BoBoiBoy's eyes to see. Waiting for some judgement on hiding the powers, she got something totally different.

"Wow! That's so awesome Y/n!" BoBoiBoy's eyes glittered as he held his 2 hands together in awe. Now that was something she did not expect, at all.

"Thank you!" You chuckled nervously, before closing your palm as the care disappeared, looking at BoBoiBoy.

"Okay, now that's over with. Promise you won't tell anyone." Fang warned, raising his glasses as BoBoiBoy gulped. He had powers yes, but that aura Fang shook off was.. something.

"Yes! I won't tell anyone! Not even Gopal!" BoBoiBoy swore, as he raised his pinky finger. Fang, obviously, did the same as You chuckled.

‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵

"Hey Ying! Have you heard of that rumour?" Amy approached with much curiosity, as I looked at the girl with confusion.

"Huh? What rumour?" I asked, scratching my head.

"It's not really a rumour, but there's these 2 TV news casters who followed the unknown hero back to their home after an attack from Adu Du in the Kokotiam, and the saviour was Y/n!" Amy exclaimed, as my eyes widened. I don't understand why she wouldn't tell me, so it was definitely odd. Was I not trustworthy enough? I stayed too silent before my lips parted to reply.

"Really..? That's actually shocking!" I replied with a quick nod. It definitely was exciting, and shocking to learn my best friend has powers too. So, no complains, just confusion.

"I-I'm gonna go find her, bye Amy!" I waved before rushing out of the room, not even waiting for a reply before I sprinted out the room, finding her. After running around in super speed around the campus, I finally found her conversing with BoBoiBoy in the cafeteria, immediately I ran up to them.

"Y/n! Did you hear about the news?!" I exclaimed, as she looked at me confused.

"No? About what?" She asked every so—innocently, as BoBoiBoy looked confused too.

"You have powers!" I said, as Y/n stiffened, meaning she definitely did not anyone knowing, but the news spread like wildfire already, so there's no stopping it.

"How..?" Y/n slowly said, regaining composure.

"News reporters followed you according to Amy." I responded, as her face paled. I mean, it made sense, that was considered stalking, and is a punishable offense by the government, so..

"I see." She then blurted out, standing up.

"I have to go tell my brother, see you both." Y/n waved, drained of energy as she made her way to the teacher faculty.

‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵

As she was walking past to make it there with minimal conversations, she ignored Fang, Yaya, and Gopal in the process, when they met ways at the hallway. Fang, being.. Fang, told Gopal, and Yaya to head on over to the canteen as he left to follow her.

"Y/n, what happened?" He asked, showing he was concerned about why you were silent.

"The school found out." Was all you could say, keeping the pace up as they started nearing the teachers office. As you did, you basically explained what Ying has told you about someone "stalking" you after the fight yesterday subsided.

"They.. what?!" Fang yelled out, before getting  ahead of you as he grabbed your arm and bolted for the door to the teachers office, heading to Gold's cubicle.

"Y/n, and.. Fang! Just the kids I was going to call, I heard the news already. I've reported the activity to the local police." Gold assured before they could even talk, as the duo sighed in relief. It definitely wasn't the prettiest of situations they could be in.

"Thank you, brother." Y/n sheepishly thanked as Fang and you walked out,

"That was calmer than I expected." Fang commented, walking to the cafeteria.

"True!" Y/n chuckled, gaining life once again.

"So.. since your powers are revealed, can you just teleport us to the cafeteria?" Fang asked, as the bell suddenly rang. Coincidentally, they were right beside their classroom already, so they exchanged looks and just entered casually. The rest of the students arrived, and so did Gold.

"Good morning students!" He greeted, placing down books onto the teachers desk in the classroom.

"Good morning, Sir Gold!" Everyone said in unison, as the lesson started.

Gold teaching was quite fun to listen to, according to the other students. Obviously Fang, and Y/n got sleepy since slandering him was their hobby. Y/n obviously still wanted to listen, but Fang?




"So, you use an em dash when- FANG." Gold exclaimed at the end, waking him up, as the other students turned their heads to stare at him.

"Woops." Fang muttered, as Y/n desperately tried to hold in her laugh.

"Y/n don't you dare laugh." Gold scolded, knowing his younger sibling tried to laugh, which caused Fang to snicker."


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