4: The real journey begins

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“He’s here, he’s here!” Y/n yelled out in excitement, plummeting herself down the staircase with much glee— a huge grin planted on her face, as Gold watches in amusement, opening the door to their household.

“Calm down Y/n, now come on! Fang should theoretically be by the train station now.” He chuckled, glancing over at the wall clock. Currently, it  was 8 pm: and the 2 siblings haven’t eaten anything as of the current, since they heard Fang was going to arrive at Paulu Rintis soon. As they walked out, Ying quickly ran up to them in a hurry.

“Hey you 2! Sorry to interrupt but are you guys willing to go to the train station with us? It’s BoBoiBoy’s last day here, and he’s about to leave..” Ying sniffled, as Y/n eyes widened: mouth agape. Y/n’s last time interacting with him was yesterday at his house, why didn’t Tok Aba say anything? Many things were going through Y/n’s mind, but nodded before Gold could even say anything.

“Yeah! Yeah! We’ll come!” Y/n blurted out, as her older brother looks down confused but didn't push for the answer. Hesitantly, he followed to where they were supposed to go either way. The 3 made their way to the train station where the Kokotiam gang, with Tok Aba is seen being emotional. Ying makes her way over, grabbing Y/n’s hand and running over to the group— as they also started saying their goodbyes.

“You were a wonderful friend, BoBoiBoy.” Y/n smiled in a bitter sweet way, reminiscing the memories they’ve made during the past weeks.

“You were great to be around too, N/n.” BoBoiBoy chuckled. Now who the hell was N/n? Cheeky little hero he was, making a nickname for the card manipulator.

“N/n? That’s new.” Y/n said, as Gopal noticed the bickering of the 2 but said nothing. Suddenly, the train suddenly ran down the tracks, stopping for a few seconds. The gang took a look at the dino capped boy for one last time, as he waved and departed, slowly walking to the train doors. But did a very cinematic thing, which was hugging  Tok Aba at the last second and rushing back out. As the train’s door’s closed, a certain figure exited the train doors. Fang, but the L/n siblings decided to wait till the Kokotiam left, before approaching him. As the said group of people left the train station, Y/n rushes up to a bear hug.

“Fangy is here!” She announced as if Gold was blind. Obviously he just deadpanned and sighed.

“Welcome, Pang- Oh I mean Fang!” Gold chuckled, looking at her sister after saying it as he sweated, in fear of Y/n pulling out the card and burning him alive right there and there while eeping up a nervous smile as big as his sister’s, which was a goofy one, but a sincere one. Something Fang never sees that much, so he felt much at home.

“Thanks for the warm welcome, now.. Can we go home? I'm so tired!” Fang whined loudly, as Y/n laughed at his action, before glancing over at her brother who was already walking away, as the 2 younger kids followed. Soon after walking what seemed like miles to the 3, they finally arrived at the household. Slowly, Gold twists the door knob open and flicks the lights on, it blinds Fang for a slight moment, tightly shutting his eyes. After a slight second, his crimson eyes flutter open to reveal a very clean hallway and glimpse of the living room.

“This place is surprisingly clean!” The purple haired kid commented, as Gold chuckled.

“Surprising huh?” He laughed, looking at Y/n— with a teasing grin.

“Are you saying it’s surprising I clean up after myself?!” Y/n yelled out, before the 2 males started laughing out at the sudden outburst of the card manipulator. Gold shook his head before sighing.

“I forgot to enroll Fang into this school year.” Gold suddenly blurted out, making Fang go pale as a mozzarella.

“You what?!” Raged Fang, as Y/n started laughing at the sudden reveal.

Now the real journey begins.


Very short chapter. I'm so sorry, my school work has just been coming in so quickly. Here's a quick update that's slightly.. less detailed? Anyways again I apologize.

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