2: In-a video game ?!

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Y/n descended down the stairs, scratching her eyes, bracing herself for another day of training. As she makes it downstairs, she realizes that her older brother isn't there to pester her on eating or that stuff, instead— she sees Gold preparing to leave for somewhere. Confused, she tilts her head.

"Where are you going?" She manages to say, as the older brother turned his head around to reply.

"Well, I don't have a job and I heard that the school you're going too is low on teachers, so.." Gold trailed off.

"You're going to apply for the job?!" Y/n exclaimed, brain slowly waking up.

"Yeah! I'll be applying as a science teacher. Well, I already applied yesterday, but the interview is today so~" He chuckled.

"No training?" Y/n asked, desperate.

"Yep!" He replied, before opening the door.

"I'll be back by 7. Stay safe!" Gold waves off before walking outside and closing the door behind him, resulting in Y/n to sigh: relieved she didn't have to go through her card-training again. She goes upstairs to change into her usual clothing, before descending downstairs: Her eyes scanned the empty household, as she bolted straight for the cabinets to get some pop tarts, as she withdrew them from the cabinet she plopped them into the microwave and took it out after a few seconds passed. She then proceeded to walk to the living room, grabbing the remote control to turn the Television on and sitting down.

"Now this is what I like to do!" She grinned, before switching the channel to some random Television show. As time went on, at least 5 hours passed. Y/n has stopped watching the TV, and was just busy reading some random books she found on a shelf, before suddenly, her doorbell rang.

"Y/n! Y/n!" Ochobot frantically called out from outside, confused: Y/n looked at the door, confused before walking towards and opening it.

"Gopal and BoBoiBoy are trapped in a video game and the only way to free them is to beat the game and Tok Aba called quits, so can you maybe.. Substitute for him??" Ochobot said

"That's.. wow." Y/n managed to say, before shaking her head— bewildered.

"I mean, sure why not. I have nothing better to do" She smiles, closing the door behind her before the powersphera leads her to BoBoiBoy's home. It was a quick run, due to the fact they were in such a state that they could be stuck in a virtual game forever. As they reached the house, the robot's hand quickly twisted the door knob of the household of Tok Aba.

"Here Y/n.. take this and control Gopal, I can't do this." Tok Aba sighed, relieved before Y/n took the controller, and made herself comfortable on the sofa— as Ochobot unpaused the game. After a few minutes of playing, Y/n has grown pissed, since Gopal kept complaining about 'you should've done this!! No this!!' and all that type of anger.

"Gopal, you're lucky I'm even playing for you so you can get outa this thing!" You scolded, scoffing as he grew silent: earning the elemental hero a laugh.

"She's right Gopal, they are our only hope of escaping this TV!" He backs up, as suddenly, Super Duper Probe appears.

"You're gonna lose this time! Prepare!" A pixel of him fades in, laughing: as Y/n just stood blankly, uninterested.

"You're the one who's gonna lose!" Gopal cheered, as Y/n paused the game.

"Why did you pause the game?" Ochobot asked, as Y/n sighed.

"I haven't played this level before. Call in Ying, maybe she can do this." She sheepishly scratched her head, as Tok Aba nodded and walked up to the telephone, dialing her.

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