9: Leaving

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"Today is the day! We go camping!" Ying bounces around everywhere, filled with glee. The entire Kokotiam gang, and surprisingly even BoBoiBoy was waiting at the bus stop.

"Where's Y/n, and Fang though?" Gopal asked, crossing his arms. Suddenly, a blue portal, lights up out of nowhere, and Y/n enters it.

"Hey!" She waved, but didn't dress like she was camping at all. She looked like she was about to go to a laser tag game.

"Oh! Speaking of Y/n hi! Why are you dressed like that? We're just camping?" Ying asked, looking Y/n up and down.

"About that.. uhm, I'm leaving..?" She slowly replied, a frown appearing on her face.

"B-but we were looking forward to camping with you, and BoBoiBoy!" Yaya exclaimed, as everyone's mood was downgraded.

"Two newcomers of Paulu Rintis, camping with us! And then.. you're leaving?! When will you be back?" Gopal asked.


"I don't know." Y/n answered sharply. She knew she had to leave soon, she anticipated it.

"Goodbye." Y/n flatly announced, walking back in the portal. BoBoiBoy, and Ying tried to follow through, but.. the portal disappeared. They were shocked. But they had to go on their camping trip, right?

Y/N POV ;;

"So, that's it huh?" I asked with a scoff, looking at Fang, and Gold; who were on a space ship of some sort.

"It's important." Gold scowled, pressing random buttons in the control room, trying to pilot the ship.

"Then explain!" I groaned, I wanted to be a kid running the streets with friends, not expedition the galaxy saving it.

"Star has been exiled from TAPOPS for failing an extremely serious mission, we have to finish up for her." Gold roughly replied, before the Ship started to fly, as Fang just sat on one of the chairs. Extremely.. tired. Bro looked forced to wake up early and doesn't wanna leave the chair for how exhausted he is.

"So we're cleaning up her work? Seriously? You couldn't have done it yourself?!" I sighed,

"Two extremely important powespheras at are at risk here!" Gold defended, piloting the ship as Fang's snores filled the space ship's ambience, along with the bickering of the two siblings.

"And may I be reminded of whatq powespheras?! We're going on this mission blind eyed yknow!" I huffed, before smacking Fang awake, who groaned annoyed.

"How am I related to you.. it's Klamkabot, and Entrobot. There!" Gold answered,

"Who, and where are we-" Fang tried to ask.

"Shut up Fang!" We both yelled, annoyed how he didn't know what was happening.

"All we know is that Star's basically fired, two powespheras are at risk and we have to clean up like janitors." Gold announced, before parking the Spaceship onto a random planet, filled with chaos. Flames were everywhere, but deserted. Were they too late?

The three went down the space ship to explore the Barren planet, the only sound emitting are the cackles of the flames that haven't died out, and their footsteps, until suddenly—

"Gold! Fang! C/n! Do you hear me?" Commander Koko Ci asked, intercoms suddenly brightening up revealing a hologram of him.

"Yes commander!" We saluted, looking at the said hollogram with anticipation, or any hint that could help us.

"Go back to earth, the powespheras have teleported there!" He whisper yelled, before a red alien entered the frame, yelling to hurry up with 'cleaning' or whatnot, before the call disconnected.


‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵

Omg no way movie one plot!! So awesome anyways hi

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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