5: The return!

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As the school year quickly ended, the next thing Y/n knew she was in 5th grade now– and finally, after such a long wait, Gold was able to enroll Fang, so it was pretty nice. Y/n and Fang woke up extra early for his first day to attend a school on earth.

"Oi Fang! Hurry up!" Y/n called out, her uniform blowing against the wind as she ran towards the Paulu Rintis school, she was so incredibly fast due to how much training she's done with Gold last year. A little bit too fast for Fang's comfort.

"Alright! Calm down!" He yelled out, footsteps nearing Y/n's hearing, bolting towards the school gates, as if they were in a race. Well, if they were– Y/n would've won, as they sprinted through the school halls, they finally made it to the classroom, tipping over a bit, causing Fang to chuckle.

"Yo," Y/n panted, crouching down slightly as she held her knees in exhaustion, Fang leaning into the doorframe to regain energy.

"Y/n! You're here! And, who's that?" Ying pointed, walking over to the 2 peculiar friends, her eyes observing him. "That's Fang, childhood friend of mine." Y/n replied, finally standing up straight as Fang scoffed.

"Hey," He coldly greeted, as Y/n sighed, watching Fang as he walked to the corner of the class, sitting on an unoccupied chair, looking out the window like the edgy cool purple porcupine he is.

"Sorry about him, he can be quite annoying," Y/n apologized, pointing at him in the far corner– smiling back at her sheepishly. "Why are you apologizing for his actions lah?! It's his fault he's like that!" Ying scoffed, crossing her arms and turning away. The time went by quickly as the entire class finally arrived, all ended up sitting on their chairs, waiting for their teacher. Weirdly enough, there was one vacant chair. Weird. Out of nowhere footsteps gradually increased and a big figure entered the classroom. To Fang's surprise, it was.. Gold? GOLD?? SOMEONE WHO CAN'T COOK FOOD FOR THE LIFE OF HIM?? Fang could NOT believe he was a certified teacher.

"Hello students, unfortunately, Papa Zola couldn't make it today: so I'll be the substitute for today," He said solemnly, as Fang's eyes widened. He had no idea that Gold was a teacher, nor had the capabilities to do so. He definitely had to tell his brother about this.

"Now, I'm going to assume you've all seen or rather met Fang. But other than him we have another new student!" Gold exclaimed, looking over at the door. "Now, let's all greet him a hello!" He beamed out, before suddenly– a familiar face sheepishly walked through the door.

"BOBOIBOY!?" They all yelled out, snapping Fang out of his trance to glance at the dino capped boy. "I need some context," Fang whispered to Y/n. who was across him diagonally to the right, as she chuckled.

"Elemental hero! Savior to all here on this island." Y/n explained briefly, slightly upset she couldn't be with him when fighting evil. It must've been a thrill to do so. Fang felt a pang of jealousy. I mean, they both did since they were envious of things he had. Y/n being the excitement and confidence, and Fang with the attention he's getting, impulsively, the Kokotiam gang as well as Y/n rushed over to him and give a nice hug, Fang obviously left out to see his bestfriend run along to someone else didn't sit right with him, though– he shrugged it off.

"It's so nice to see you again!" Yaya smiled as Gopal got emotional, a little bit too emotional for a normal reaction– as he sobbed around the place. Ying and Y/n, basically being the moms of the group, sighed and scolded him for acting so immature.

"Gopal, stand up, that's embarrassing!" Ying scolded annoyed, conscious about the stares of the other classmates, as well as Y/n's brother. "Yeah Gopal! Wake up! We get that you miss your best friend but don't make a fool of yourself!" Y/n backed up, standing beside Ying.

"Alright, alright!" Gopal whined before standing up beside Yaya. "I see you 2 are keeping the group in shape!" BoBoiBoy giggled, looking at the 2 very close friends, "Sometimes, this girl needs supervision!" Ying teased, as Gold clapped his hands together signalling them to quiet down.

"Alright! Now go back to your seats! BoBoiBoy, sit in front of Pa- I mean, Fang– Dismissal time is when you can all have your sweet reunion." Gold laughed out, before facing the blackboard to probably start the introduction of the new lesson, which was math: unfortunately. The lesson was quite boring, since Y/n's already known about this. Time skip till the end of the day because I'm literally the laziest writer that stepped on this planet. The gangs' by the Kokotiam, enjoying their time. Sadly– Fang wasn't there since he was an anti-social who would probably start fights so yea it was good for Gold to pull him back to the house.

"So, are you gonna stay with us.. Forever?" Y/n's curiosity peaked before BoBoiBoy nodded. "Yeah! Isn't it awesome?!" He replied with a smile as Yaya chuckled. "This calls for my special cookies, don't you think!?" Yaya grinned, as Ying just grabbed Y/n's hand, activated her powers and fled from the scene, leaving the 2 boy best friends alone.


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