Another one (*desk ) bites the dust

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Dazai and I had returned to the ADA head quarters about an hour ago and for the last thirty minutes I had been writing a report on my computer. Apparently the cops had found the guy, I didn't read into what his story was because no, but he was locked away in prison. 

"Kunikidaaaaaa my hands are tired from typinggggg. When is this report due again?" I heard Dazai complain. He was spread out across the couch holding his laptop. "Dazai if you don't do your work i am going to lock you in this office until the sunrise get it done!" Kunidia shouted from his desk.

"Jesus. You guys sure do love yelling..." I mutter. I look down at my hands, I still didn't have my gloves. Since the building exploded I don't think I'm ever getting that pair back. I haven't had time to go into town and buy a new pair so I've just been using 4 out of the 5 fingers per hand.

I groan and crack my back, I had been sitting in this chair way to damn long. As I stretch i closed my eyes but when I opened them Dazai was standing right infront of me scaring the living shit out of me. "JESUS CHRIST." I slam my hands down on the table accidentally fully touching it. 

It began to crumble, it completely turned into dust making everything fall. I managed to grab my laptop and cup of coffee before it met its fate. "Shit." I say setting my things down and grab the other things out of the brown dust.

Just then Kunikida walked into the room.  "What the hell happened here!?" He shouted. (I can't really describe what he looked like sooo here: )

 (I can't really describe what he looked like sooo here: )

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"I am so sorry. I got jump scared and slammed my hands on the table and it disintegrated..." I muttered fidgeting with my thumb. He sighed, "Your fine. Didnt you have gloves?" He asked. "See I did but when Dazai and I got taken hostage the bastard took my gloves for some reason." I explain.

He nods, "Okay, hang on." He pulled out his notebook and started writing things down. "Are you seriously Journaling right now?" Dazai asks from behind me. "Here." He handed me a pair of new gloves. "How did you-" I ask taking them from him and slipping them onto my hands, they fit perfectly.

"My ability." I nod, "Ah, i see. Thanks, also really sorry for the table." I apologize again. "Your fine don't worry about it." I nod. "How come your so nice to them!?" Dazai shouts. "Your so mean to me." He crosses his arms and pouts. 

"Because he's not a jack ass like you are!" Kunikida yelled at him. "This is bullying." Dazai complained. "So how much was that table?" I ask, "28000 yen." Kunikida muttered. My eyes widened, ".... s-shit." I mutter. 

"Your going to have to pay for it." Dazai whispered. "No shit." I whisper back. "Yeah I'll order a new one..." I mutter. Kunikida nods, "Y/n are you done with your report yet?" Kunikida asked.

"Almost." I say picking up my laptop off of the chair. "All right, good get that done." "Yes sir." I walk over to a corner where I sit down criss cross apple sauce and go back to working. 

---- time skip because I don't want to describe what was in the report because I'm lazy------

I sighed and closed my laptop. "Done." I whisper and stand up. By back hurt from sitting on the floor and against the wall but who gives a damn. "Kunikida I finished the report." I walked up to his desk, "Very well." I nod. "What can I do now?" I ask 

"Well, you can go to the furniture store and pick out a new desk." Kunikida dead pans. "R-right." I said remembering the property damage i caused. "Can I go with them? To make sure they don't accidentally disintegrate anything?"

Dazai asked sliding into the conversation, clearly wanting to find an excuse not to do work. "I'm sure Y/n is fine to do it by themselves." Kunikida told him with an annoyed tone. Dazai turned to me, "Come onnnnn please Y/n?" He begged.

Damn this guy is weird. "I- sure I don't care. Is that fine Kunikida?" I ask, he sighs then nods. "Look for a desk that is about a meter in with and one a half meters in length." He told me, I mentally noted that in the back of my brain.

"Got it." 

"So why do you hate writing reports so much?" I asked Dazai as we walked down the street. "Better question, how do you NOT hate writing reports so much?" He asked pulling an uno reverse. "I enjoy writing?" I respond. He nods, "Fair enough." 

"Oh, I've got a question." I tell him, he looks slightly down so he can look at me. "When you were introducing yourself, you were saying something but Kunikida stopped you before you could finish, what were you trying to say?" I ask.

He thinks about it for a second, then his eyes light up. "Oh right! I was trying to ask you if you would be willing to commit a double suicide with me that's all." I stop in my tracks. Was this guy for real??? "I'm sorry, WHAT?" I slightly shout.

"Hm? Oh I just really like suicide, I find it so interesting." He smiles. See I understood wanting to die because life low key sucks but going that far is crazy.

(A/N  : not my stupid ass who would happily commit a double suicide writing this rn-)

"I guess thats fair." I admit, he nods. "See my goal is to find a beutiful person to commit a double suicide with." He smiles. I nod then have a realization. My face turns red as shit. "Wait a fucking minute-" "Oh look! Were here." He cut me off by pointing out the fact that we were at the subway.

"oh, we are, look at that... wait stop trying to change the subject!" I yell, he just shrugged. "If your not willing to die with me that's fine. Just is a shame, your (pretty/handsom/hot/beutiful whatever u prefer)." My face turned bright red. "I- thank you?" I was flabbergasted.

I realized I had been in my thoughts for about two minutes when I heard Dazai shout from about 20 feet away, "Y/nnnnnn come on! He have a train to catch!" He was waving his arms in the air for me to be able to find him. "Shit." I run to him, he was standing in a line to get tickets. 

"You should really pay attention." He dead pans. "I- wa!? Its not my fault You pulled that shit!!" I yell. He chuckled putting his hand up to his mouth. I glared daggers at him until he stopped laughing. "God your weird." I say crossing my arms.

He nods, "True." 


The train ride was quiet, so was the walk to the furniture store, but once we entered it went back to normal. Well as normal as it can be when your with someone like Dazai. 

"Thats a really strong looking beam..." he pointed at a peice of wood that was about 9 feet off the ground and was attached by the walls. "Yeah I guess." I reply, not knowing what he was talking about. "Wait a fucking minute. Don't you try ANYTHING while we're here. I'm not in the mood to drag your lanky ass back to the agency and explain what happened!" I yell.

"Okay, okay fine!" He put his hands up surrendering.

Love found in death-Dazai x MALE readerWhere stories live. Discover now