Regular break ins

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At this point sleepovers with Dazai had become normal. I had now been working at the ADA for the last three months. Some nights i would come home from work, Dazai would be on the couch watching TV, the first few times he still scared the shit out me because i wasn't expecting him to be here. But other nights he would walk or take the train home with me, help me with dinner, we would watch TV then sleep, did we cuddle? Yes,  but you know what they say, regular cuddles with your friends is healthy. No homo, right?


Tonight was one of the nights where he was already here when I got home. "Y/n!!! You're finally home! You took forever, why are you home like an hour later than usual?" He asked hopping over the back side of the couch and skipping over to me. 

"I had to get groceries." I held up my arms which had a shit ton of bags on them. He nodded, "Ah, let me help with those." He went to my side grabbing four out of the six bags. "Thank you." He nodded, i set them on the kitchen table, he did the same. We began to unload/pack the things to where they belonged. It was funny, because at this point Dazai knew where everything went, he practically lived with me at this point.

"So, you went on a mission with Kunikida today, how did that go?" I asked putting some rice in the cupboard. "Good, some guy put several bombs in the market square threatening to blow everyone up, one bomb did go off, three died, truly a shame I wasent one of those three✨" he said dramatically putting the back of his hand on his and acting as if he were a damsel about to faint.

"Well I'm glad you went." I responded putting the last of the groceries away, he shrugged. "I guess if i WERE dead I wouldn't be able to eat the yummy food you make, you're really good at it." I smiled, blushing at the compliment. "Thanks, I'm glad you like it." He nodded, "Speaking of which, what's dinner tonight?" He asked.

"Probably rice with Mackeral." He gasped, "But Y/n I'm not a cannibal!" He shouted. What the fuck... "what? Nevermind, I'll make something else then..." he nodded, "Chicken and rice then?" I offered he nodded. "I have some left over rice in the fridge from yesterday can you grab it?" I asked, he nodded and retrieved it for me. "Thank you." 


We sat on the couch with our bowls and chop sticks, "So what's the show tonight?" I asked, "I was thinking Sasuki and Miyano, it's supposed to be a cute romance anime. "Ooo nice." I replied, he nodded. "I have a new position idea." I said taking a bite of my chicken. "That's what she said." "I'm going to kill you." I smacked him in the back of the head. "I'm talking about sleeping position." I explained still glaring at him.

"Anyways..." he nodded, "Similar to how when you first started staying over, the first night but I'm on you instead." I explained, he nodded. "Sounds good, now shush we're watching the show." He put his finger to my lips. My demons or some shit got to me and I wasent thinking. So I bit his finger. Not hard but enough to leave a mark. "Ow! Y/n what the fuck!?" He yelped pulling his hand away from me. "Don't Shush me bitch." I said not feeling sorry. 

"You're like a cat, so sweet but bites you for no reason." He whined rubbing his finger. I shrugged, "You got in my personal bubble." I stated. He sighed, "Your so mean Y/n." I nodded, "I know." 

"I swear Dazai you've been at my house every night for the last what two months? You might as well move in." I laughed, half joking. "Allright bet." My head turned to him, "Wait seriously? I was mainly kidding." I said with a nervous laugh. "Oh, I was being serious." He explained. I nodded, "I mean you can if you want- you do practically live here."  I said. 

He nodded, "Let's do it then! I'll help pay rent so it'll be cheaper on both of us, AND I can have good meals every night hehe." I nodded. "Let's do that tomorrow, I'm too tired to sign paper and shit rn." I said finishing my chicken and rice setting it on the coffee table. "You. Come here." I said, when in reality I was scooting over to him. "Hm?" He was sitting in a way that his legs were on the couch but twisted in a way that his back was still against the cushions. 

Love found in death-Dazai x MALE readerWhere stories live. Discover now