Ultra deduction

360 17 14

(Help my mom is listening to an audio book on sourdough)

Hey y'all this is basically Ranpo calling you out ur welcome ✨


-later that day-

"Y/n, I need your help, desperately!" Ranpo whined as he walked up to me, "Hm? What's up? Did you run out of snacks?" I asked trying to figure out what the problem was. "Huh? No it's not that, but I can always use more... I'll ask Poe to buy me more later." I just nodded not having any idea who Poe was. 

"No, I need you to help me take the train. I have a case that's across the city and I don't know how to take the train." He explained putting his hands behind his head. "You still don't know how to take the train..?" Atsushi asked, 

"Nope!" "But I taught you..." I stared at them a blank expression on my face. 'For the greatest detective he sure has some strange weaknesses.' I said in my head. "That's fine, let's get going, should I bring my stuff?" I asked. He shook his head no, "Not necessary but you can if you want."


"Wait so why am I here again?" Ranpo asked the cop, "A body was found about a week ago, in the-" "The city hall's water tower yes I'm aware." Ranpo cut him off. "That's not what I meant, what's the case? So, a girl was found in a water tower, what's the deal with that?" He asked. "That's the thing, we don't know. The only thing we could trace of is that her cause of death was-" "Her drowning." Ranpo cut him off again.

"You know what, nevermind your useless, let me look at this." He said snatching a file out of one of the other officers hands. He ran over it then pulled his glasses out of his pocket, "Super deduction." He said with a cocky grin, a gust of wind came out of no where causing his hair to look all cool and flowy like from an anime. Coincidences are funny.

"It's simple." Ranpo muttered. "She was an ability user, she could teleport. She was trying it out and she ended up in the wrong place, and ended up drowning." He put his glasses back in his pocket. A face of confusion hit me, "What the hell-" I muttered. 

"Okay now that, that waste of time is over, Y/n let's head back to the agency." He said as he began to walk away. "I-okay." I followed after him. "So... Ranpo." I tried to make conversation but I was failing miserably. "Uh, do you like books?" I asked. "Depends." I nodded. "I like mystery novels, I always try to solve them before the characters can." I admit. 

He nodded, "You sound like my boyfriend." He sighed. I nodded, "Oh? Is that  good thing?" I asked trying to keep up with him, he was fast. He shrugged, "He writes these novels that he traps people in until they can solve it, he's always trying to write one that I won't be able to solve." He said with a little side grin. "But that's never going to happen because of my ultra deduction!" He said now grinning his eyes closed tightly.

I nod, "Ah I see, he sounds like an interesting character." He nodded, "He also always buys me sweets." I nod again. "So what about you?" He asked. "Huh?" "Your relationships, love life, whatever you want to call it." He explained. "Oh." "I'm single." I chuckled holding the back of my neck. He nodded, "Hm, thought so." 

"HEY WHATS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!?" I yelled, "Hm? Nothing against you, just your characteristics. If you were dating someone you would have most likely commented or made a connection to your partner when speaking of mine." I nodded, a wee bit flabbergasted but oh well. "Well you've got me figured out." I said with an exasperated sigh. He nodded, "I know." 

"Cocky much." I muttered under my breath. "So you're interested in someone then?" He asked, "What- where the hell did you get THAT from!?" I asked confused. He shrugged, "Just had a feeling." I nodded, not really sure what to say. "You didn't answer my question." "Right sorry."

"Uh, no not really, like I guess there's this ONE person I find kind of attractive, but nothing big." I admitted. He nodded, "Someone in the agency?" He asked. "God having a conversation with you is like playing Akinator." "What?" "Nevermind."

"But yeah, I guess. But like I said it's nothing big, I just think he's kind of pretty, kind of an idiot but pretty." He nodded. "So it's a guy then, hm that narrows down the options." I sighed. "You know what nevermind." I replied rubbing my face.

"It can't be Kenji or the ginger (I can't remember his name 😭) , they both are to young, so it's either me, Kunikida or Dazai, but it being me is unlikely, so it's either Dazai or Kunikida." He finished. "How the actual fuck-"

"I'm just smart." I nodded, "Yeah I figured that out." I muttered. He nodded, "I'm guessing it's Dazai, you seem the closest to him." "Nuh uh." I crossed my arms."And that reaction there gave it away." I was about to argue but there was little to nothing I could hide from him. "Why do you have to call me out?" I whine. "Pure entertainment." I nodded, my face slightly red. 

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone." I nodded with a sigh, "Thanks." He nodded as well. "Hey Y/n, quick question, where are we?"

"I thought you knew the way back"

"Uh no, you took me here, this is your responsibility."

"How is this my fault?" 

"Because I said so."

"I guess we only have one option left." "Whats that?" He asked, "we gotta call kunikida to come find us" 


Heyyy sorry this is kinda short i just low key wanna get back to dazai and y/n stuff. ITS COMIN SOON I PROMISE! (I'm talking about the next chapter and confessions.)

Hope y'all liked it!!!!

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