I'm not as think as you drunk I am*continues to fall down the stairs*

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 TW: usage of alcohol and people getting drunk weeeeeee tinnny bit of angst but not a lot since I hate writing that shit

*present time*

"I wasent THAT drunk." I argued, "You were flirting with Dazai..." Kunikida told me, "Yeah so what? He's my boyfriend am I not allowed to do that?" I asked sassily. "You cried when you asked if he was single and he said no." I stayed quiet for a minute. "Listen man-"


"It's the ADA's thirteenth anniversary tomorrow you know." I nodded, "Yeah, I know Kunikida won't shut up about it." I responded Dazai nodded. "Anywhoooo we're having a party celebrating it today. Are you going?" He asked, I shrugged. "Depends on how I'm feeling, what kind of party and where?" I asked, "At a club, but we have it reserved just for our agency, well Ranpo's partner is going to be there, he's the reason we're having it there. He's paying."

I nodded, "So there's gonna be alcohol?" I asked, he nodded. "Well I'm in then." He laughed, "That was fast." "Listen man." Dazai laughed, "Don't get wasted, I don't want to have to drag your drunk ass back here"


"Hey I'll have another shot of vodka, thanks." I said to the bartender.  He nodded then got my order, I felt a familiar hand wrap around my waist. "Hi Dazai." I smirked, "Hello~" he said in a sing song voice. "How many drinks have you had?" I asked, "None." He smiled. "I'm the one staying sober, since we live together I  feel like it's a good idea to have one of us be sober." I nodded, then I patted his cheek. 

"You can have fun next time." I grinned he nodded, "Now how many drinks have *you* had?" He asked pulling an uno reverse. "Only five shots so far, this'll be my sixthhhh." He nodded, "Don't get too wasted okay?" He put his chin on the top of my head. "Yeah yeah I won't, ima responsible adult." I said with a grin. 

I patted his arm signaling for him to let go then I stood up. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom, brb." "Can you watch my drink?" I asked, "Yeah sure." He held it carefully with both hands, "Thanks your the best." I kissed him real quick then ran off. 

—-Dazai POV  (not his pov but focusing on him)—-

"EW GAY PEOPLE!" Yosano yelled from across the room laughing, "Oh shush you hypocrite." She laughed chaotically making her way over to where he was. "So you got the Shigaraki 2.0 to fall for ya huh?" "Yeah I guess I did." He smiled, "Does he know about your past? With a port mafia and everything." She asked him

He stayed silent for a bit. Then spoke up, "No, I haven't told them." He replied dryly. She nodded, "Do you plan on telling him?" She asked, he shook his head. "He's stressed enough with life, he doesent need that on his plate, everyone I tell about my past gets all pitiful and sad and pathetic towards me, I don't want them to do that." 

She nodded, "That's fair, but don't you think it's important to be honest with him?" She offered. He sighed, "I feel like there's more to the story..." Yosano muttered taking a sip of her drink. "I'm also worried it might affect our relationship." She nodded, "Why because you've brutally and ruthlessly killed hundreds?" She asked. 

"Yeah more less." He told her. "Hmmmm but hadn't he killed a few?" She asked, his eyes opened a bit more. "Oh so he told you about that too huh?" He asked, "Yeah some kids at his old school a baby sitter and his brother." He said taking a sip of Y/n's drink knowing they wouldn't care. "So then why would they be freaked out by it then?"

"I don't know, what if he looks at me differently?" She shrugged "I don't think he will." Dazai nodded, "It's just, I'm the only person he's had read physical contact with in the last seven years, and I know that means a lot to him so I don't want him to lose that." She nodded once more, "it makes me feel good too, useful you know?" She gave him a sad look. "I actually think I might love-" "Hey yallllllll guess who's back!"

——Back to Y/n/you——

"Hey yalllll guess who's back!" I yelled, "What are you guys talking about?" I asked sitting next to Yosano. "Life." Dazai replied, "fair enough." The two nodded, "So then, wanna get wasted until the sun comes up?" I asked, "meh a bit." Yosano replied, "I'm taking you back home so I can't." Dazai said, "Look at you being responsible!"

Dazai laughed, I cupped his cheeks and made his head turn to Yosano, "Look at my boyfriend being all responsible." I grinned. She snickered at my current state. "Hmmm boyfriend, that's what you are to me, a fun word it is." I smiled, "I get to call you that and no one else can!" I said spinning around grinning like an idiot. 

"Boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend!" I yelled louder, I then cackled like a deformed drunk witch. "How much did you have again?" Dazai asked me, "Uhm... four... three and a half." I answered trying to think. He nodded, "Anygays, just puttin it out there, but you and me should totally get marrieddddddddd." I brushed my pointer finger against his soft lips while I slurred my words.

"Maybe." He responded with a chuckle, "I'm serious, I actually think I love you, I looooooooooooooooooove you." I grinned then leaned on his shoulder. Dazai blushed slightly, his upper cheeks turing slightly red. "Why are you blushing so muchhhh?" I asked, "You just said- you said you loved me." He said with a semi-shocked expression.

"Well duhhhh, your like my favorite person of all time." I caressed his cheek with my finger, he smiled. "Do you love me back?" I asked blinking a few times not fast but slowly, trying to adjust because lighting got weird. "I- yeah, I do in fact." He said with a smile, "Are you even going to remember us saying this?" He asked me, "Who fuckin knows." I laughed.

He nodded, "We should go dance." I said sitting up straight, "Oh? Where did this come from?" He asked, "There's music playing in the air, we should dance to it." I explained my logic, he nodded "Ah I see, let's do that then," he smiled and stood up, when I stood up my legs failed me and I not really collapsed but fell, but luckily my knight in bandages came to my rescue.

He had grabbed me by my waist, preventing me from hitting the floor. "that's kinda gay Osamu." I teased, "Shush." He said, helping me up. "Are you okay? Should we head back?" He asked laughing at me as i stumbled, "This is bullying, Yosanoooooo do you see this? He's so mean!" I complained.

She just laughed as well "Y'all are so rude." I stuck my nose in the air, "Okay, yeah let's go back shall we?" He offered, "But dancingggggg-"  I whined "We can dance another time, I don't need you dying, by tripping over air." He said, I frowned "Fineeeeeeeeeeeee!" I said dramatically, "Just saying you should  carry me~" I winked, "hello who is this strange flirty wasted Y/n?" He asked, I shrugged "Don't know what you mean, im acting normal as always."  "Uh huh I'm sure." I rolled my eyes, "Yeah well... well... uh... fuck." My vision began to blur and I fell asleep in his arms.

Eventually I woke up, barely but it was enough for me to realize I was back at my place, with Dazai sleeping peacefully beside me. I smiled, kissed his forehead then flopped down back into my pillow and fell into a deep slumber.

Love found in death-Dazai x MALE readerWhere stories live. Discover now