This isn't the hello kitty store, no this is hottopic.

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"Hmmmm, you know Dazai I'm kind of hungry, I know a really good buffet in a mall." I look up at him, "Hm, food does sound good right now." he respond, then he made a devious smirk. "What's with the face?" I ask, concerned for what's going through his mind at the moment. "Your asking me out on a date Y/n?" He teases. I groan and roll my eyes. "No dumb ass. I'm hungry, and unless you want to deal with me complaining about being hungry the whole trip back, we're going to go eat." I deadpan. He puts his hands up in surrender, "All right, all right." 

--------------------- (Time skip because I'm eating a carrot and I bit my lip and it hurts 😭)-------------

"Table for two please." I say to a woman at a stand, she smiles and nods leading us to a booth. Once we sit down she sets two pairs of chop sticks IN front of us then asks us what we want to drink. "[Insert whatever drink you want], thanks." I tell her, she nods and scribbles it down on her note pad. "And you sir?" She asks Dazai, "Chrysanthemum tea with two sugar cubes, please." He says with a smile. She jots it down as well, just as she was about to walk away he grabbed her by the hand softly. She turned around confused, "You know, you really are a beautiful woman." He flirted, her cheeks turned slightly pink but her confused expression remained. 

"Would you be willing to commit a double suicide with me-" "DAZAI!" I yell, "Leave the poor girl alone." I scold him, I look to the girl, "I truley am sorry about my friend here, he's a bit... strange." I say side eyeing him. "I- it's fine." She then hurried off. I sigh and lean my back against the chair booth... thingy, idk what they're called. "Y/n, your no fun." He whines, "Listen man, no offense but I don't want to witness you flirting with literally any girl that breathes. Your 'technique' is weird." 

He scoffs and smirks, "Oh? Allright Mr. Smarty-pants. How would you ask a girl out?" He asks cockily. "I- I don't know!? Not like that! That's all I know!" I say. He raises an eyebrow, "So have you never asked out a girl, she asked you out? Or have you just never dated anyone? Hehe." He asks chuckling. I roll my eyes. "Y/nnnnnnnnnn you didn't answer your question." He says extended me pronunciation of my name. "I've never dated a girl." I finally admtit. He chuckles to himself, "Aw you've never had a lover, how innocent." I roll my eyes, "I never said I didn't date anybody." I deadpan. 

He gives me a confused look. "I'm gay, stupid." I say fidgeting with my chopstick. He nods, "Ah, that makes sense now." He says, I nod. "Can we go get food now? I'm hungryyyyyyyyyy." I complain, as I get out of my seat and go to get some food. I wondered around the place being indecisive for a while before I settled with a bowl of ramen and a few onigiris. (A/n: Idgaf if u like this food or not, this is a fanfic not irl, deal with it.)  I sat back down at our table where Dazai had already began to eat his food. "So this is a mall correct?" He asked. I nod, "We should go shopping!!!" He says with a smile. "We can look around... I guess."


"Oooooh we should go to hottopic!" Dazai says grabbing my arm and starts running, "Jesus slow down! We're going to run into something!" I yell, he listened and skidded to a stop, "oh look at that there it is." He said pointing at the store, I nod. "Let's go then!" He says walking into the store, I looked around taking in all of the store's glory. I wandered around the store, I instantly went to the sale section because I love hottopic but that shit is expensive.

I go on my tip toes looking into the box on top of the shirt rack, it seemed they just threw random shit in it. I dig around in it when I come across some leather gloves, they were missing the fingers of the pointer, middle, and thumb. And the best part was they were only five dollars! "Yes please!" I say with a grin and I grab them. I looked at the shirts, picked out a few band shirts, then went over to the accessories, I snatched a few bracelets and rings then I went to go find dazai. "Oh good I was just about to go find you." He said with a smile, I nod. "Let's check out shall we?" I ask.

We waited in line for about three minutes before it was our turn. I set my few things on the table/desk thing. I made eye contact with the guy, he had dead looking eyes, he had black hair with white tips at the bottom, and.... No eye brows??? What the fu- "Hm, wouldn't expect you to be working here." Dazai suddenly spoke to the man, he just scowled at him. He seemed... friendly. 

We got our stuff then left, "What was with him?" I ask, "He's not the most friendly person." He says, I just nod leaving it at that."hmmm what should we do now?" I ask, "I'm thirsty." He states. "We can look for a water fountain?" I suggest. "Nah those are gross, little kids spitting all over them." He says making a grossed out expression. "Fair enough." I say, "What about boba?" I ask. He nods. "That sound good." 

"I'll have green tea with tapioca pearls." Dazai says to the chashier. "I'll have milk tea and tapioca pearls." I say. He nods and goes to make it. "Milk tea huh?" He asks, "gReEn tEa huh?" I mock him, he just rolls his eyes and smirks "you know you're really short." He says out of nowhere. "No I am not! I'm [insert height]!" I yell, "Like I said, short." I roll my eyes, "Yeah well I can bust your kneecaps then!" I snap. He snorts and chuckles, "I'd like to see you try." He says cockily,

Instead of stomping his kneecaps backwards I just stomp down on his foot REALLY hard. But not hard enough to break it. "Hey! Ow ow ow ow!" He says holding his foot jumping around trying to keep his balance, "That hurt." He pouted. "Cry about it lanky ass." I say dramatically throwing my hair over my shoulder (if u have hair 💀)


We had gotten our boba and now we were just walking around the mall wondering mindlessly, "Y/nnnnnnnnnnn I'm bored!" Dazai complained, "What do you want to do?" I ask, "Let's go to a photo box thing!" "Photo box thing?" "You know, where you go in, it takes four to seven pictures and it's in a line?" He described it, talking with his hands. "Ooooh I know what you mean." I say understanding what he meant. 

We sat down side by side, an automated voice gave us instructions on how to choose what format you want your photos to be. As the count down began we did our first pose, a simple nice smile. The second one we made weird faces, Dazai stuck his tongue out and was wriggled his fingers, I crossed my eyes and made a goofy smile. For the Third picture he sprawled across me holding himself on me like he's a princess and I'm the knight. I held him up, laughing. And for the final, we stuck out our tongues and scrunched our eyes.


"See! Look how good those turned out!" Dazai said holding the strips with pictures. "Yeah, for seven dollars." I mutter annoyed at the pricing. I looked at the photos and smiled, until I noticed the first one. "Bunny ears? Seriously?" I laugh, he had given me bunny ears in the first photo. He chuckled, "I couldn't not!" He says. I punch him in the arm playfully, "Ow, assault!" He yelled in a playful manner. "First my foot now my arm" he complains. "Suffer." I smirk devilishly. 

"So, where to now shortie?" He asks. "Hey, I am not short. (Insert height) is not that short." I say crossing my arms. "Sure."he said with a smirk. "You know what?" He asks, "What?" I ask, he took a sip of his boba, not responding. He then lifted the straw out of my cup, and shot a pearl at me.

"Heyyyyy what the hell?" I ask with a smile on my face. He shrugged, "Just felt like it." He said. I nodded. "We should PROBABLY get back to the office." I say checking the time. "But it's boring there!" Dazai complained."yeah but we gotta work." I argue. "Fineeeeeeeee." He sighs dramatically. "All right let's get back."


HEY so uh sorry that this took so damn long to get out 

Love found in death-Dazai x MALE readerWhere stories live. Discover now