Ranpo knows every fucking thing

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"Y/n your smiling more than usual you look deranged are you okay?" Yosano asked, "Yeah I'm fine." I said with a giddy smile. It was weird that I was acting like this, I wasn't all giddy last night, why now? Who knows gay shit I guess. "Like- Y/n I love you but you're acting weird." She said. "I haven't got the brightest idea what you're talking about." I said, gaslighting her. Gaslight gatekeep girl boss. (Alr I'll stop)


It had been about an hour, I had finished filing a report and Yosano had been trying to crack me open like an egg. "Seriously what's up? Did you win the lottery? Did some shitty family member finally die?" She asked. "YOSANO! Nothing is up!" I lied, she sighed. "You suckkkkkkkkkk." She whined. 

"Sooooo what are you guys doing?" I heard Dazai say, he walked up from behind me leaning on the back of my chair. "Y/n is being weird and I'm trying to figure out why." Yosano explained. "Ah." He nodded. "So Y/n why are you being weird?" Dazai asked with a smirk. Damn that bastard. "I'm not being weird." I argued.

"He keeps smiling." Yosano explained. "Am I not allowed to smile?" I asked, "This much? For you? No." I laughed, "Yeah yeah whatever." I said cracking my wrists as a result of typing for too long. (Me fr rn) "Hm, well in that case I know why you're being weird." He stood up straight and signed, "I'll be off then."Dazai said, "Where sre you going?" I asked  "Gonna get some food from the cafe downstairs." He explained, I nodded "Do me a favor and don't hit on the waitress that poor girl." Yosano told him, Dazai smirked. "Don't worry, I no longer am going after her, I have a new person im trying to convince to commit a double suicide with." He then walked out of the room leaving me with the thought knowing that he was talking about me

 Yosano stared at me. "So he can know but I can't?" She put her hands on her hips.i ignored her."I think I know what's up." Ranpo butted into the conversation holding a bag of marshmallows that I'm assuming his boyfriend known as 'Poe' bought for him.

I shot him a look that meant, 'Don't you dare' he shot me back a look at either said 'chill I won't' Or didn't get my look, he was hard to tell with his eyes always closed. "Spill." Yosano demanded. "Nah, that's Y/n's thing to tell." He said unbothered. I mouthed out 'thank you' he nodded. "So everyone knows but me?" She asked. "No, only Dazai and I'm assuming Ranpo. Kenji, the tazinaki siblings, Kunikida, and the president don't know either." I said. 

"So why can't you tell me? Come onnnnnn I'm your friend and co worker." She begged. "At some point, I'm getting use to it myself." She sighed then nodded. "Fine fine fine, I'm gonna go work, I'll crack you later." She said then walked away. "So then, congratulations on that." Ranpo said still snacking. 

"Thanks." I smiled, "So, how did it go? What happened?" He asked, "I was an idiot and kissed him out of the blue then we worked things out." I smiled, he nodded. "Wait WHAT!?" Yosano screeched from the other side of the room, running over to us. "You kissed someone? I knew something was up!" She said leaning on the table. 

"Haha you heard that..." I muttered "Well now you have to tell me, well you don't HAVE to but I highly recommend that you do."  "Nope." She groaned "Oh my god you're the WORST!" She complained, "Fine don't tell me too but like give me the deets on the other stuff." She insisted, "Okay okay fine." She grinned "Yay! Tell me everything." 

"So basically he was at my dorm we were hanging out, watching TV hanging out as usual but then the voices got to me and I kind of kissed him, I hid in the bathroom for a while then he confronted me, we talked things through and now we're together." I admitted. "Oh my goodness gracious! You've got a boyfriend!" She said smacking my arm. "I knew my gaydar was going off when I met you." I laughed.

"So did he stay the night or what?" She asked. "Yeah, we didn't do anything though, we just cuddled." She grinned "Aw that's cute." I nodded, "Now, when are you going to tell me who this mystery man is?" She asked."Not sure." I said, "K, cool cool. So what's he like?" I laughed, "He's..." probably in a river somewhere "Something... to say the least." I chuckled. 

She nodded, "Wait so do Ranpo and Dazai know who it is?" Yosano asked, I made eye contact with him, "I know Dazai does, I'm pretty damn sure that Ranpo does but that's because he figured it out with his ultra deduction." I explained, she nodded. "Still don't know why you can't tell me." She sighed. 

"You'll find out soon enough, he's a very...open person." She nodded, "Wait so do I know him then?" She asked, "Maybe." I responded with a poker face. "Knew it." I sighed, "Anyways I'm tired, I'm done with my work I might get some sleep." I said closing my laptop. "Kay... I'm gonna find out who it is." Yosano reminded me. I nodded "I know." I put my head in my arms and soon the  drifted off to sleep.


My sleep was rudely interrupted by someone poking me in the face, I kept my eyes closed and swatted the hand away. "Kenji, dude go home idc if it's seven again." I muttered. "Since when am I a blond fourteen year old boy?" I heard Dazai ask. That got me to sit up. "Oh, hi." I said with a sleepy smile, I looked outside the window, it was still light out. "What time is it?" I rubbed my eyes. 

"Just past three, meaning we can go home. Everyone is packing up." He explained, I nodded still waking up and Jesus Christ the lights were bright all of a sudden. I blinked a few times adjusting to it. I stretched with a yawn, Dazai chuckled at this. Dazai then walked over to Yosano, I couldn't help but overhear what they were saying.

"Sooooo did you find out who his boyfriend is?" Dazai asked, putting his hands in his pockets. "Ugh no I didn't, you should totally tell me." She said, he laughed. "Nah." She pouted. "This is bull shit." She muttered, I couldn't help but laugh. Dazai walked back over to where I was, "Hey I wanna grab a soda from the cafe downstairs, do me a favor and go back to my place and get started on some kind of food." I told him.

He nodded, "Will do." I smiled, "Thanks, you lovely idiot." "You sound like Chuuya." "Who?" "Never mind." 

He grinned, "Well I'll be off, see you soon?" He asked, I nodded "Yep." He nodded, "Allright, bye!" He bent over giving me a quick peck on the lips before he quite literally RAN out. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?" Yosano yelled. "How could I be so blind? Of course it makes sense now." she pinchrd the bridge of her nose.

"Uhhhh surprise... I guess?" I shrugged, "Huh good for you Y/n, you won the suicidal maniac's heart." Kunikida said. "Haha yeah..." I muttered being overwhelmed with all the attention being on me. "AHEM anyways I should get going, I want to get my soda before the cafe closes-" "wait so do you two live together? Is that why he's not at his dorm 90% of the time?" Atsushi asked. "Well- not exactly but kind of?" I said, "So what you're saying, is that originally you guys were roommates but now your ROOMATES." My cheeks burned pink. "Nope goodbye!" I yelled walking out, Yosano's cackles could be heard throughout the halls.


Hey y'all sorry this was short hope you liked it!

Love found in death-Dazai x MALE readerWhere stories live. Discover now