Hangovers are cuuuuute

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TW: vomiting  (due to Hang over) and mention of poison

When I woke up my head felt as if someone had smashed the back of it in with a cast iron pan. I sat up with a groan, I blinked a few times, I could barley remember last night, I went to a club with the ADA but that's it, how much had I had to drink? Jesus.

I looked to my left, there was  a fading imprint on the bed where Dazai had been sleeping, I ran my fingers over the imprint, it was room temperature, he must have gotten up a while ago. I then noticed a cup of water and two ibuprofens next to it on a napkin. On the napkin was a little note on it that said, "Feel better" with a little heart next to it. I smiled, it was written in sharpie.

I picked up one of the pills and the cup, I threw the pill to the back of my mouth then took a swig of water and swallowed harshly. I did the same with the other one. I finished the water, wiping the clear liquid off my upper and bottom lips and sighed. I wondered how long it would take for the medicine to kick in, I also wondered where Dazai was. 

I also noticed that I wasn't in my work clothes either, instead I was in a t-shirt and shorts. I smiled again, he was really sweet. I looked around the room, my eyes settling on the alarm clock that was black but had bright red glowing numbers. The numbers read, 9:14 I nodded, not bad for a Saturday. 

I got up and out of bed, I instantly regretted that instantly, it seemed as if a shock wave of pain shot through it. It shivered, "Ugh." I made my way to the bathroom, I looked in the mirror, my hair was a mess, and my guy-liner was going in every which way and direction. "Jesus Christ." I muttered. Then it happened, I felt that God awful metallic feeling in the back of my throat. "oh God not now please-"

I bolted to the toilet and began coughing up the remains of yesterday night's events. I groaned, it hurt like hell, felt like it was tearing up my throat. I gripped the toilet bowl tightly as I stopped, I shuddered. I heard the bathroom door click open. "Well well look at the  consequences of yesterdays events." I could hear the smirk as he said that. "Shut up ass hole." I muttered, feeling that another round was coming. 

Before I leaned over the toilet I felt him lift my hair out of my face (if you have longish hair he pulled that back too) I made a mental note to thank him later but currently I was occupied. When I finally stopped I gasped then groaned. Dazai handed me a wad of toilet paper, that I wiped my mouth with. 

"Ugh, thanks for this, bleh." I threw the wad of thin paper away. He nodded, "How's your head?" He asked sitting down on the tiled floor next to me. "Better, still hurts like a son of a bitch though. Made my head better but my stomach worse." He nodded, "You want some breakfast? Food will do you good." I nodded, "Yeah, you can make whatever." "Eggs and bacon it is then." He grinned. 

"Are you good for me to leave you here?" He asked, I nodded "Yeah, I don't think I'm gonna puke anymore than I have. He nodded. I stood up wiping the dust off of the shorts. "I'm going to take a shower, I feel gross." I said looking at my current state in the mirror once more, he nodded "Mind if I join?" "Absolutely not." 

He chuckled "I figured as much, worth a try!" He then walked out, "Want me to bring you a change of clothes while you're in there?" He asked, "Yeah that would be great thanks." 

——————— after the shower because how tf do I even wright that——

I walked out of the bathroom, ruffling my hair with a towel since it was still wet. "How's my favorite wet rat?" Dazai asked, he was sitting on the couch with two plates of food on the coffee table. I chuckled while rolling my eyes, "I feel less gross." He nodded, "Good." I sat down next to him taking one of the plates. 

"There's not poison in this right?" I jokingly asked, "Of course not! If I was going to poison you I would poison us together." He grinned, "That's creepy but oddly endearing." He shrugged, I shrugged as well. "So is there poison in this? You haven't touched your food yet." I asked. "No, I actually don't plan on trying to kill you and I together today." I nodded, "All right good. I already feel like I'm dead." 

We finished our food and put it in the sink, one of us would wash them later. "So what are we going to do today?" I asked, "I think you should have a resting day." I nodded, "Fair enough," "So what is it that you want to do?" He asked, I shrugged not really knowing what to do. "You want to bully kids on adopt me?" He offered, "No we shouldn't do that." He shrugged. "Movies and cuddles then?" He suggested. I nodded "I like that idea better." "Let's do that then." He kissed me then pulled away making a 'bleh' face,  

"But first do me a favor and respectfully go brush your teeth your lips taste like puke and vodka."

"Way to ruin the mood man." 

"Go brush your damn teeth, I'll make us some tea."


Hey yall sorry this was short as shit... uh life has been hectic/hellish because literally tomorrow is opening night for my school musical and I have a bigger part than I've ever had so it's been crazy, in all honestly thank my girlfriend she's been the one pushing me to publish frequently so thank you Sam! But yea hope y'all enjoyed wish me luck for the next three days!!!! Love y'all 

Love found in death-Dazai x MALE readerWhere stories live. Discover now