Sleepover part 2

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I realized something, there are like no dazai x male readers that have aggressive readers, which in my opinion doesn't make much sense because the people that dazai is most commonly shipped with are SUPER aggressive (for example chuuya or kunikida both commonly shipped with him but super aggressive,) so that's why I'm making the y/n like this ✨


We had officially binge watched the entire first half of season one of aot, it was about two thirty in the morning, Dazai was asleep in my lap curled up with his arms wrapped around my waist. His face was nuzzled into my stomach/ thigh idk hip? Doesent matter moving on.

I gazed out the window, you could see cars passing outside. I debated on waking him up and telling him to go back to his apartment since we all live in the same complex. But I decided to be nice for once. My hand went down to his head, I caressed his hair lightly, it was oddly soft. I continued to do this until he grumbled, stirred a bit then opened his eyes and looked up at me. 

"Hm? Oh hello," he said sleepily, "Morning sleepyhead." I say, he nodded, "What time is it?" He asked still not changing his position. "Around two thirty." He nodded once more, "You gonna go back to yours or stay here? I don't mind." He yawned and lowered his head, "I'm staying." I nod, "Well since your staying can we go to the bedroom? My bed is more comfortable than the couch." I say, a smirk appeared on Dazai's face.

"Jeez Y/n take me to dinner first~" "Nope." I pushed him off of me and onto the floor he made a thud noise. "You can leave now." I say with a slight smile, "No wait I'm sorry!" He apologized rubbing his back from falling. I laugh, "I'm kidding your fine." I say standing up; cracking my back.

I helped Dazai up, he brushed off his coat, "You can take that off if you want, that can't be comfortable to sleep in." I say, he nodded and threw it on the couch. "Okay I'm gonna go brush my teeth and get into shorts and a t-shirt. Just... don't burn the place down." I say then walking into my bedroom disappearing from sight

———-(yo so Ik that in Japan they have those little floor mattress things  but just pretend it's a generic bed)

I sat up in my bed my legs under the covers, Dazai was next to me doing the same, "Are you tired?" Dazai asked scooting closer to me, "Meh." I respond, he nods. "Soooo can we cuddle then?" He asked, "What are you touch starved or something?" I asked, he shrugged, "Allright." I say putting my phone on my bed stand, "Do you seriously sleep with your gloves on?" He asked, "Do you want to be disintegrated?" I ask, "I can touch you, remember?" 

I mentally slapped myself in the face, "Right. Forgot about that. Oh fair warning don't be shocked if the bed disintegrates. It only happened once I swear." I said, he laughed. "Alright? What if I just hold your hand so you won't do that?" He suggested, "Yeah good luck with keeping that position for a night." I laughed, he rolled his eyes with a cheeky grin. 

"So how are we doing this then?" I asked, "If you insist on holding my hand." I said with a cocky grin, he shrugged. "Just lay down and I'll hold your hand." He said with a smile. I nodded and laid down next to him he did the same as me, he held out his hand and I took it. It was still strange that he wasn't disintegrating, I knew his ability prevented it but still. 

I hadn't realized how long I was staring until he pointed it out, "Are my hands really that fascinating?" He asked with a cheeky smile. I was pulled out of my daze, "Huh? Oh no just thinking." He nodded. "I'm tired so I'm going to sleep." I said finally closing my eyes. He nodded, "Allright, see you in the morning Y/nnnnnnn."


Morning came FAST, why? Probably because I was up til probably three am. And I have to get up at six. I turned my phone alarm off, and sat up. Magically Dazai somehow had ent let go of my hand once. It was truly a miracle. I slipped my hand out of his and put my gloves on adjusting the fabric so it fit around my hands nicely. 

Somehow the alarm hadn't woken him up but the absence of my hand in his had. He stirred a bit , he opened his eyes and sat straight up (what he did when we first see him in the series) "Well you wake up like a psychopath." I muttered. He squinted looking around a bit, "Where- right." He said remembering where he was.

"How'd you sleep?" I asked standing up and stretching. "Pretty good, your bed is comfortable." I nodded, "Well get your ass up. Work starts at seven and it's six right now." I said walking over to my dresser getting my clothes. "But the bed is comfyyyyyy." He complained, "sometimes I wonder how you still have a job-"

He shrugged. "I wonder that too sometimes." He admitted, I nodded. "So Y/n, crazy idea... what if we, skipped today?" He offered. "Absolutely not." I shot him down, "I just got this job." I walked  into the bathroom. "Come onnnnnn live a little!"he whined, "No."

I walked out of the bathroom adjusting my tie, making sure it was in the middle. "Is the tie in the middle? I can't tell." I questioned. He walked over to me, putting his hand on his chin. "Just move it over slightly, may I?" His hand hovering over my chest. "Sure." His finger slipped under the fabric of the tie, moving it over slightly, back and forth being indecisive.

I watched him as he did so, I was taking in all the little details I hadn't before. His hazel orbs. (IM KIDDING DONT COME AFTER ME!!!!) His hazel eyes, the one hair that didn't line up with his sharp eyebrows, a tiny mole on his upper ear, that was most of the time covered by his hair. Speaking of his hair, it was a mess. It was up in every direction, "Do you want to borrow my hair brush?" I offered as he stepped away finally perfecting the position of the tie.

"Hm?" He asked, clearly not have been paying attention. "Do you want to borrow my brush? Your hair is a mess." I repeated. "Oh, yes that would be nice, you seem good, I trust you don't have lice like a Russian rat i know." I raised an eye brow, "What?" I asked, he shrugged and grinned. "Nothing never-mind!" I nodded slowly still confused but I decided not to question it. "Okay, weirdo." "I'm gonna go make some breakfast, get... gathered." 


We walked into the building, eyes were on us. "I think this is the first time I've ever seen Dazai-San on time for work." Atsushi commented from his desk. I nodded, "That's because he had me to drag his happy ass out of bed." I explained, Atsushi nodded. "Yes, turnes out that Y/n here is quite good at making [pancakes/waffles] (whichever you prefer I'm not dealing with this)

"Wait how did you get pancakes?" Ranpo asked, of course now he was interested in the conversation at the mention of snacks or sweet foods. "I stayed the night at Y/n's and he made me [pancakes/waffles]!" Dazai responded with a smile.

"Uhm, correction, you BROKE into my apartment then some how convinced me to let you stay over." I responded, kicking him in the shin. "You're so abusive!" He whined. I just rolled my eyes with a smirk. "Wait so you stayed at his place?" Atsushi asked, "Yes?" I asked, "Did you two... because it's not that common for two adults to stay-" "NO WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING LIKE THAT!" I yelled, my face turning red from embarrassment.

"What are you guys talking about I'm confused?" Kenji asked popping into the conversation out of thin air. "Oh, just-" "No. he's to innocent we're not ruining him." Kunikida cut off Dazai. Dazai frowned, "He's fourteen I can grantee that he knows what sex is. When I was his age, I was FAR to mature, then I was basically abducted by some pedophile who stole Fyodor's pretty privilege from the manga-" We all stared at him in confusion. "girl what the fuck." I muttered.


Hey guys hope you liked the chapter, sorry it was short. Or not sorry if you like short chapters... idk doesent matter. To the people who are reading this, ily guys smmmm y'all are awesome✨ especially u Sam 😌

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