Bonus Avery's pov

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"When the other shoe drops and there is no floor,"


This dream is so bad it's good. Have you ever been dreaming and you know it's a dream? Like you are watching yourself watch the dream? That's me, now.

My nightmare started the same way. Except this time when Mr. Trien sees me, he reaches me, caressing my face. His hands skate my breasts, and then I'm viciously ripped away by a massive pterodactyl, wait that's not right.

I'm awake in a rush, and something is definitely wrong. My stomach drops. The feeling is breathtaking and not in a good way. Imagine a rollercoaster at the ultimate height, then just drop. Like straight down. It's that feeling, but the difference here is that I don't laugh it off. My body goes hot and cold all at once. Fear pricks my skin like a thousand fine needles. I open my mouth to scream, but no sound comes out. I'm paralyzed by fear.

A big hand clasps over my mouth as I'm effortlessly ripped from my bed and pressed against a hot rocky wall. Nope, oh my God, it's a body. A male body, and he's erect. I think I'm going to be sick. I wish I had lost my virginity to any one of those boys at this moment. Anything is better than this. I feel faint. I'm having a full-blown panic attack.


It's not a quip. It's a command just off a growl, but it works nonetheless. I inhale sharply, seeing stars. He gives me Slack to get away, and I take it using him as a jumping board.I stand there focusing on remembering how to breathe. Then he does the unthinkable. He uses my name. He threatens me not once but twice, and I agree to his commands, just to keep him calm. Recoiling, I fear the worst. It couldn't be. Life isn't that cruel. A breeze skitters along my skin. Looking down, I realize I'm naked and make awkward attempts to cover myself.

I'm angry when I demand to know what he wants from me, and he says,


I swear he could not have said anything worse. The single word and how he says it installs more fear in me than his earlier gun threat. Gulping air, I scan the darkness, trying to see if I can find any weapons because I don't dare move. My worst fear is that I'll recognize him. So I just ask,

"Who are you?"

He steps into the light that gleams from the hallway. Fear takes hold of me like never before. Even with the sunglasses and twisting scar. I recognize that face, those lips. They're making a similar expression akin to the first time I saw him. Trein doesn't get his entire name out before the room goes black, and I lose consciousness.

I wake and stare down at myself in the flickering city limit lights. I'm confused until my situation comes crashing back to me. Oh, so that's why I can't move. I'm tied... and he dressed me? In a P.J. shirt, no bra, and jeans. Although it's got to be the worst combination, it's the least of my worries. I have no ideas, no way out of this. Even if I tried to reason with him, what would I say?
He parks the car, and I pretend I'm still unconscious, giving myself as much time as I can to think of a solution. He drops me in a chair, and I go as lax as my body will allow.

"Very convincing Avery, but stalling will just make it harder on you."

That pisses me off. If he knew I was awake and still calm, why not un-tie me? And make what harder? I shoot daggers at him with my eyes. I made a mistake, but I spent the last three years fixing it. Not to mention all the suffering along the way. Throw me a freaking bone.

He makes a sound that's half amazed, laughs, and half seductive growl. It's as scary as it is exciting. I gulp, averting my gaze. What is wrong with him? What's wrong with me? My God, am I getting Stockholm syndrome? Wait, what is that again?

He places a chair in front of me and just sits there staring. It makes me so uncomfortable; I feel like snapping. So I do, in a way. I babble trying to explain things from my point of view, but to him, all he sees is me justifying my actions. It's pointless. I finally ask him what I'd been wondering since my apartment.

"Are you going to kill me?"

He doesn't answer, so I try pleading. I ask if getting him out counts for anything. That's the straw that breaks the camel's back.

He grabs my chin, forcing me to look at him. I try to pull away, and his grip tightens painfully, so I stop fighting. Trien's scar is more visible this close, puckered, and red. He takes his glasses off, and I gasp. His eyes glow. It's completely Erie, inhuman. The realization hits me like a punch. There are damages done to this man that I can't even comprehend. I remember what I thought was a myth. It was told to me in passing when I started this whole dig for the truth. Eventually, the eyes adjust.

"When a man spends that long in Mortalcine, his body and mind adapt in unimaginable ways."

Like the glowing eyes to see in the dark. I was pretty wasted that night. To get information, I had to sit down and drink with them, but I remember. I also remember being told a person's humanity is lost by then. I try to explain again, but he draws his own conclusions. He paints me as this lying monster with a diabolical plan to ruin his life. Oh, ya, and here's the best part. While drawing these conclusions about me, he can't find a motive. Wow! Just wow! Make sense much?
I try one more time to explain, and I acted alone. My dad had nothing to do with it. That my actions were innocent. Yes, I drew conclusions, but I didn't lie, not once, and if my dad knew I got him out, I'd be put away. It's all in vain. He flips his lid, and I'm shocked into silence.
Trien picks me up, and fear makes me crazed. I begin fighting for my life. This entails my flopping my weight around like a fish. It's the best I can do, tied as restricted as I am. He drops me on a bed, tying me to it and walks away slamming the door. Oh, how dare he tie me and leave me like an animal? My fear is eaten up by anger. I put my foot in my mouth and say the worst thing imaginable.

"Do you know who my father is?"

The reply I get leaves me defeated and terrified.

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