Chapter 8

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"Some of the greatest battles will be fought within the silent chambers of your own soul."

Ezra Taft Benson


I sit on the furry white rug in front of the fire while Luke cooks dinner. He has asked me to call him by his first name. He finally believes me, but I feel no closer to going home. I tried to breach the subject, and he grew so cold and quiet, I gave up instantly. At this rate, I'm going to have to come up with a back-up plan.

We eat in silence, he's actually a fantastic cook. He's made chicken parmesan. The breading is crisp (mine is usually soggy) and his sauce is fresh with chunks of tomatoes. I study him from under my lashes. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he looks guilty. Oh my god, did he poison my food? I pause, no that wouldn't make sense. Why not just shoot me? Ugh! I can't stand this. I drop my fork.

"When can I go home?"

He finishes chewing, sets his fork down and dabs the corner of his lips with a napkin. Taking his plate to the kitchen, he doesn't look up once. Leaning over the sink, he lays both hands to rest on the edge on the edge of the counter. His back muscles flare, stretching the simple white shirt.

"I can't let you go."

He says it so softly, I just make out the words. Panic rises from deep inside my belly.


He punches the counter. I flinch and gasp all at once, holding my breath. After what feels like forever He finally looks at me.

"Because I'm using you to get back at your father. I've sent him pictures of you tied up and unconscious. I told him of all the vile nasty things I'm going to do to you."

"What! why? I told you it was me... What are you going to do to me? That's just a ply right?" My voice comes out fast and my words mesh fighting for my plea to be heard. I have to many thoughts firing in my head at once. He stalks over to me looking angry and short of breath.

"Do you really want to know the truth? How well do you think you know your father?" He pauses a long moment his breath fans across my nose and cheeks manipulating my hair with its quickened staccato. Luke's lashes lower to glance at my lips before looking back up. "He set you up. And me. That's why I asked you if he knew you would be at the pier, Avery. Weston sent me there too. I didn't just show up! Your father tried to get me affiliated with a sex trafficking ring, just so he could get a piece... he knew you would be there, he knew what you would see and he knew you would go to him before the cops. He paid someone to shoot that man and for me to take the wrap. He was being blackmailed about his relationship with me." I shake my head in disbelief dropping my head below his gaze to hide the tears pooling in my widened eyes. Luke places a finger beneath my chin gently lifting me to meet his gaze. It's a delicate touch that confuses me. I know without a doubt its completely against his character. Im speechless as his golden gaze finds mine. "You think you know him? Well, now you do. He's the type of swine that would see you killed before he'd smear his reputation."
I flinch as if hit. I can't hear anymore. My heart is pounding and breaking all at ounce. I angrily swipe at my tears.

"No! I don't believe you! He wouldn't!" I plead backing away.

"Ha! how the tables have turned,"
He spits the words at me as if I've disappointed him. Tears freely flow from my eyes. It would make sense, but I don't want to believe it. I don't want to think the only person I have in the world, the one who is supposed to love me unconditionally, would throw me to the wolves. I knew our relationship was strained, but to toss me aside for money? Or power?

Luke is in front of me, he squats down and wipes away my tears with his thumb. He genuinely looks like he cares, and it angers me even more. This stranger who kidnaps me as payback has shown me more care than my own father. The only thing dad has ever done for me, is get me out of trouble and the only reason he did, was to save his reputation. He made it no secret I was a liability. Had always worried I would tarnish the family name.

Luke gets up and tells me he's sorry. Something inside me snaps and my anger implodes.

"Leave me the fuck alone! I don't need your sympathy!"

I run away, crying loud and ugly, but I don't care. Slamming the door to the bedroom, I now feel is mine. I throw myself on the bed. Minutes later the realization hits me. That's the first time I've ever swore. The revelation enhances the magnitude of my devastation.

I stay here for days feeling sorry for myself. Luke comes in three times the a day to give me food. Two more than that today. He also sent Oliver to purchase clothing for me and brought chocolate. ha, chocolate! The old me would divulge no matter what mood, but I can't bring myself to care. I pick at the food he brings. I know I'm only eating enough to survive. I sleep far more than I need but it seems to be the only thing I can do.
The door slams open, interrupting my thoughts.
"Ok, that's it. Either you get out of that bed right now! Or I'm striping down and getting in there with you!"

I can't even acknowledge him. I'm not finished with my pity party. Luke stands in front of me, his feet are bare and his jeans hang low. My eyes travel up his dark, dusty treasure trail to his impressively chiseled pecs. What the freck! he's holding rope?

That gets my attention. I jump up eyeing him suspiciously. As hard as I try I don't fear him anymore. But looking at him now, maybe I should.

"What are you doing?" I ask, my voice breaks from the lack of use.Luke smirks,

"Me and you are going to play a little game. Do you trust me?"

I scoff it comes out as a choking gasp. I think I'm going crazy cause, ya. I kind of do trust him. Just a tiny, very little bit. Still, I lie.

"No! Why would I?"

He smiles, leaning toward me. Then Luke puts a hand on the bed, going for my ankle. I push back, nearly falling off as I right my balance. He uses the distraction to grab hold of me. I feel the rope wrap around my ankle and my heart beats erratically, in what should be fear but is excitement.

"W-what are you doing?"

"Constricting your range of motion. You want me to tell you what I'm going to do to you, but I'd rather show you."

Holly Hannah, he looks determined and turned on? By me? Wait! why am I not panicking? Fighting? Am I that damaged from the information he's relayed to me? No, I realize I want this. I want whatever dark seductive promise his eyes relay. I'm tired of living my life in a safe box, distanced from everyone around me. These last couple of weeks I've never felt so alive, cared for, or cared about. Freck am I twisted!

Once my ankles are secured he stops to look at me. His expression is bewildered.

"Why aren't you fighting me?"

I think for a long moment and be bold.

"Maybe I don't want to. Maybe my curiosity outweighs my apprehension." Holly shit Avery! Where did that come from. I've never heard myself sound so seductive.
Luke freezes, staring at me in what I can only describe as awe. The feeling it gives me is intoxicating, addicting. No man has ever looked at me like that. I find it empowers me, making me bolder.

I'm standing on a precipice. I can either back away cautiously, like I've always done before. Or I can dive over head first, changing who I am. Rewriting the definition of everything that is me, Avery Conway.

That's what these last couple of days have been, I realize. A battle inside me, raging war of who I am and who I want to become. Do I stay a safe, timid mouse? Always trying to fix everyone else's life. Or, do I want what I want without apology or worry of judgment, and take it. Is today the day I start living for me?

I jump off my eternal cliff and press my lips to Luke's in a punishing kiss. Pouring everything I feel into it.

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