Chapter 13

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"May you fall in love with someone, who never gets tired of saving you from your own chaos."

The Minds Journal


I wake up, and Luke's not there. I find a note next to me; it says;

Brb xx

The brief note makes me giddy. I stretch long and thoroughly. My muscles feel deliciously sore in all the right places. Glancing at the elaborate metal clock, I realize I slept the day away, and I'm suddenly famished.

I open the fridge and holly Hannah, what a health nut! I don't even know what some of the vegetables in there are. I chuckle, grabbing some cheese and a baguette from the counter. Who shops for him? The baguette is super fresh. whom ever does his shopping it was definitely purchased today.

I look around, thinking I could get used to this. His suite is like four of my apartments, maybe more. The kitchen looks like a Starbucks. There are machines that would take me day's learning how to use. Everything has a touch of him to it. Elegant and expensive in looks, but complex and solid in structure. I miss him already. I get the eerie feeling of impending doom. I hate that feeling. In the past, when I got this intuitive energy , something bad always followed. I try to shake it off and use this opportunity to snoop. At least I haven't lost my less admirable traits. His closet is super organized, everything is separated and has a place. I think Luke is definitely a bit of an O.C.D. case.

My phone rings, and I scramble towards the sound in excitement, thinking Luke. My face drops, and my heart slams against my chest.
It's my dad!

I have to read it three times. The words blur on the screen.

"I know about your new boyfriend, you little whore. Did you think I wouldn't find out you went behind my back and sprung that deviant out of Mortalcine? If you ever want to see him again, you will leave his place alone and undetected. Meet me at the warehouse. You have one hour! If you don't show, I'll blow his brains all over the floor. P.S. Consider yourself disowned."

I try not to panic and think rationally. My odds of getting out undetected are pretty slim. My imagination runs wild with the possibilities of his torture. Possibly happening this very minute.

Acting fast, I run to the closet, grabbing a hoodie and hat from Luke's collection. I slip out the door, locking it behind me, and take the stairs. I know there's a staff exit because I heard Luke assigning his staff at all the entrances. I want that one, it's only got the desk clerk blocking the exit. As if fate saw to it He leaves his desk. I open the door and peek around the corner, seizing my chance and I don't hesitate. Once im outside I flag a taxi about a half a block away from the building. While trying to catch my breath, I rattle off the address to the driver.

The warehouse is dark and quiet. My heels clicking on the cement floor echoes throughout the empty building. The lights flick on one by one. I turn in a circle, squinting at the brightness. Before I can adjust, I sense someone behind me. I don't get to turn around before something hard smacks me in the back of my head and I slip into unconsciousness.

When I wake, a sharp pain and pounding headache assaults my senses. It's not long before I realize I'm tied. Not again! I pry my eyes apart and see my father looking at me in disgust.

"Oh good, I thought I hit you too hard. Though I plan to get rid of you, your still of use to me, for now. I can't even bare the sight of you anymore, I never could. Ever since the day you killed your mother, I knew you'd be a burden. A curse on me."

I flinch at his harsh words as hot tears roll down my cheeks in fat drops.

"Your going to call your lover and tell him you have me. You will direct him here, I will kill him and you. Then live my life finally free of you and your antics. It will look like retaliation gone wrong."

My Eyebrows drop with confusion. Then I see uncle Ray on the floor three feet away on my right. He's pale and lifeless as a puddle of blood surrounds him. At least he doesn't have Luke.

Everything comes together like a bucket of cold water dumped over my head. I feel like an idiot! I waltzed right into his plan. I should have known better, took a moment to actually think. Luke's frantic voice pours out of my father's phone speaker and I shudder in fear.

"It's me,"

My dad stands over me with a gun pointed to my head. A desperate cry escapes my lips, and he caulks the gun in warning.

"I'm at my dad's warehouse, the one next to the airport. I have him, meet me here."

My dad hits end before Luke can respond. I can only hope he picks up on the oddness of it all and comes prepared.

I have a long time to sit and think. I've come to many conclusions. I make a promise to myself. If I make it out of here alive, I'm going to tell Luke I love him and I never want to be separated from him again. Whether he likes it, or not he's stuck with me.

my ffather's voice echos through the wearhouse hes on the phone making plans, laughing and acting his usual self. It makes me sick. I will never be like him. His greed and total lack of empathy are hard to stomach. He's the true villain! I should have exposed him years ago, instead I looked the other way. Maybe uncle Ray would still be alive. I don't look toward him for fear I'll chuck my baguette and cheese.

I hear a few trickles coming from the ceiling and mistake it for rain, at first. When I don't hear the steady pitter-patter id expect, I look up and see shadows. God help me, I hope it's Luke. I hear my father pause in the distance. Panic grips me. If it is Luke and my father, hears him? I think fast,

"Weston! Dad!"

He walks over with an annoyed expression. How did I not realize his feelings before? He looks at me as if I'm beneath him. A pesky fly buzzing in and out of his life.

"Your not going to get away with this! Neither of them has a reason to kill me."

He laughs, eyeing me with disdain.

"Oh, really? You don't remember sending him to Mortalcine? That would be reason enough for any man to murder someone. It's not a far stretch for someone like Mr. Trien. "

I hear it again, a scuffle. I don't want to say it, but it's all I can come up with.

"Why? Your supposed to love me. You're my father!"
His laugh is appalling. It makes me cringe.
"Your so pathetic, your mother would loath you-"

Ouch! that one hurt. His opinion means nothing to me I mentally remind myself. I'm drawing a blank as I'm recovering from the last blow when a shadow passes above us. There's a loud crash and I duck, as glass rains down from above.

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