Chapter 9

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"If two points are destined to touch, the universe will always find a way to make the connection - even when all hope seems to be lost. Certain ties can not be broken. They define who we are and who we can become. Across space, across time, among paths we can not predict - nature always finds a way."



Fuck! she shocks me to my core. I'm stunned into stillness for several seconds before I return the passionate kiss she's giving me. Groaning, I deepen it, taking control, giving her everything she needs, whatever she demands. I'm so turned on I think I may bust the fly of my jeans. Her soft moans and innocent noises make me mindless and greedy for her. I want to take my time, but my need for her is ravenous. I'm fighting to control my instinct to dominate the situation. To own her body, but that may stop this uncharacteristic shift. Instead, I reward her bravery, letting her explore my body and her newly acquired desire. It's the first for me. To give up control in anything is to give up power. For her, I do.

Her small hands grip my shoulders before gliding over my biceps. She settles them on my pecs. Gooseflesh spreads across my skin from the delicate touch. My breath catches as she gets braver, smoothing her hands down my torso. She's twisted at an awkward angle to reach me with her ankles fastened to the bed. Her torso is turned to the side as I kneel behind her.

I break the kiss to lay her down; it puts her at eye level to the obvious proof of my arousal. The position is intimate. Her cheeks pinken from the suggestive location. Turning around, I straddle her, pinning her arms above her head. When she's still, I take her in. Avery's so damn beautiful. The kind of beauty that doesn't fade with age.

I tease her with my lips first, then my tongue. Panting, she asks for more. I start for the buttons on her shirt, meeting her eyes for approval. Licking my way down to her navel, not missing an inch on my way. She still tastes like strawberries. When I start on her breasts, she arches. Her response has me starving for more. Releasing her hands, I grasp her jeans and panties.

"Wait, I'm a v-... I never had... intercourse."

"How is that possible?" I snap pulling back in a hurry. Shit! It's not her fault. She pulls her shirt together, crossing her arms. Of course, I've embarrassed her.

"Sorry, I just. Ah fuck!" its to late now to watch my words. I might as well ask, "Why?"

Avery looks down, biting her lip.

"It just never felt right. I guess."

I realize she may give me many firsts. With her, things are different. She's touched places in me that have been dark for a really long time.

"Does it feel right now?" I ask schooling my features in preparation for her answer whatever it may be. Avery nods, and it's all the encouragement I need. I'll be her first, last and every fucking thing in-between.

Leaning back, I pull the knife out of my pocket and cut the ropes. I grab her, pulling her into me. I'm just about to feast on her delectable chest when the unthinkable happens. I hear my front door rattle. Quickly, I place my finger over her lips in a demand for silence. She's confused but thankfully quick to heed. Killing the lights, I grasp my gun under the nightstand and tell Avery to stay put and away from the windows.

No one knows I'm here. No one should know this cabin exists. It's deep in the woods, beyond secluded.

I hit the flood lights and peak out. There are three men suited up and heavily equipped. Everyone of them would be Sitting ducks if I didn't have Avery. It's a touch more complex now but still doable. This has to be Weston. Hes got the only connections that rival mine.

I slip out the trapdoor and take the two biggest out before they even know what happened. Got to love those silencers. I sneak up on The one closest to the house. When the bodies drop, he turns to check it out. I'm behind him, my knife to his throat. When he drops the weapon I knock him out with the butt of my gun.

I make quick work of tying him to one of the remaining three chairs. Avery comes out as I'm preparing to question him. Her eyes go wide at the sight.

"Did I tell you to come out!" My voice comes out harsh and cutting. I've offended her again. So fucking sensitive. I'll learn. She apologizes looking down, then kicks her head back up, eyebrows crooked in anger.

"No, I'm not sorry, who is that and what are you going to do to him!"

Despite the situation, I laugh a full on roar.

"As much as your demand has turned me on and even though I want more of it. I need you to listen. Go back in the room and don't come out, in fact put those headphones on and Listen to something."

She doesn't move, just stares stubbornly and god help me, it makes me stiff. I want to spank her ass into submission, naughty girl.

"I think this is one of Weston's men, sent to kill me. I need time to persuade the truth out of him. You have been through enough I don't want you to see this."

She nods, satisfied, ducking back in only to pop out again.

"Your not going to kill him, are you?"

Fuck, how to word this?

"This man has been paid a sizeable sum to finish a job. If he returns with it incomplete, he's as good as dead. It's either him or me, Avery, which would you prefer?" She looks saddened by this revelation, but thankfully she submits, returning to the room quietly.

It doesn't take much to learn what I need to. The man is experienced and not afraid of his death. He knows the outcome of the position he's in.

I make quick work of the body's. Another reason I love this location. Just a short drive and there's a marsh just full of hungry alligators. I may not stay at this cabin often, but the marsh is a familiar territory.

On my drive back, I realize I need to tell Avery the truth. I need to tell her, her flesh and blood father didn't just hire someone to kill me. Those men were hired to kill us both. She needs to make a decision that will destroy her. She needs to come to terms with her father's death.

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