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Hello everyone, I am back with new and fresh vegaspete story 😊☺ I have deleted the previous chapters, I was not satisfied with those chapters so I have rewritten new chapters with new story. I hope you all like this story😊😊 Okay I'll stop here, enjoy the first chapter ✨❣️

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"Venice Don't run you will fall" Macau said while trying to catch his little mischievous nephew

"lung cau.... Cach me" Little Venice yelled while running around the hall and all the bodyguards and macau were trying to catch him

(Lung macau catch me)
'Venice is 4 year old so speaking baby language'

{Lung means uncle in thailand}

"Lang yual geting ol hehe" said Lil Venice
(Lung you're getting old hehe)

"Ashh...this little lion never listens to me, he always keeps running here and there. You just wait little naughty lion until your papa comes back." Macau said pouting and sat down on the sofa. Little Venice stops running after hearing his papa's name and runs towards Macau and climbs into Macau's lap

"Papa....Papa....Papa....Papapapa..." Lil Venice said while hugging his uncle

"Now you have remembered your father! You are a naughty lion" said Macau and picked him up and carried him to the dining area.

"Let's have breakfast first. Okay, you naughty kid, you never listen to me. If your father finds out that you haven't had breakfast yet, he will kill all of us today. " Macau said and made little Venice sit on his little chair

"Papa...Papa...Papa...,lung , venven misch Papa... Wen vil venven's Papa come...'' Lil Venice said, all the bodyguard maids/servants and Macau melted seeing this That baby venven patted so sweetly

(papa...papa...papa...,lung,venven miss papa...when will venven's papa come)

"Owu Lil venven is missing his papa, he will come soon, now let's finish our breakfast, okay. Mmm after breakfast we will call papa, ok now stop making faces and eat...now open your mouth Aaaaa" Macau said in baby voice and Waven Baby listened to him like a good boy and opened his mouth Opened it and ate its veggies
"So venven finished his entire breakfast without anyone's help, oh my baby is all grown up, he finished his entire breakfast alone, good boy" Pete praised his little boy

"Papa... Wen you vil come bak venven misching you choooooo moch... " lil Venice said

(Papa... When you will come back venven missing you soooooooo much)

"Papa will come soon, okay. I also miss you Buba, just wait for a while, okay. and don't trouble uncle and bodyguards uncle too much okay."pete said.

" Papa..., I Dont boter anyon, I am loyeyi cail, just yayik n agey"Venice said cutely
(Papa, I don't bother anyone, I am a lovely child, just like an angel)

"Oohoho look at this naughty lovely lion " Macau snatched phone from lil Venice and poor lil venven pouted and trying to snatch phone back from his lung

"Ppete don't worry about your buba,we are having fun here you just concentrate on your work and come back soon ok. We all miss you and specially this naughty lil lion so come fast" Macau said smelling

Thank you Mac for taking care of Venice. I'm coming in two days, almost all my work here is finished, so I'm coming back. And Macau... everything you did for us, for my baby. Thank you very much for that. How can I... - Macau interrupted him.

"P...this is the last time im hearing this words from your mouth. I don't want to hear these words from your mouth... You are my 'P', you are older and older's don't say thank you to younger's, okay" Macau said smilling.

"And come back soon we all mission you sooooo much right venven" Macau said seeing Venice who still trying to snatch phone

"Yes yes yeassssss... " Hearing what his lung said he start jumping

"Ok now I'm going ok buba don't trouble lung ok I'm hanging up now take care you both ok love you... " Pete said wisping his tears

"Lovuu you papa" Venven said
(Love you papa)

"Love you Ppete " Mac said and hang up call

"Soo lil lion what you want to play now " Macau put phone aside and asked lil venven

"I wat payyy tis " He said and start running around
(I want to play this)

"You... VENICE don't run you will fall... Argghh this naughty lil lion" Macau said and start running behind Venice


*** So how did you like the new chapter? Please let me know in the comments.❣️❣️

*** if you want to know what will happen next in the story and why Pete was saying thanks to Macau then stay with me to know all this😗

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