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Hello Pookies 😚

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Pete pov

The feeling of love is as beautiful as it is scary. I loved someone once. That person shattered my heart, every bit of my trust, my love, my hope, my trust my everything at once.

I have never loved anyone in my life as much as I loved him. Why shouldn't I do, after all he was my first love. But I can never forget what he did and i will never forgive him for that.

I want to forget those moments I spend with him, i want to forget those dark nights I spend in that room,i want to forget every tear I shed after hearing his demonic words....but they still hunt me every night....The wounds he had left on my body were healed. But those scars...they are still on my body and in my heart.The past I want to forget and move on. But look, today my fate has brought me here back to hell.

My whole body went numb when I came out of the airprot.I promised myself that I would never come back here for the sake of my baby but look where i am right now.

But now that I am here, only one fear is hunting me. Is What if he finds out I'm here? What would happen if he found out about Venice?No no, he should not know that I am here and he should not know anything about Venice too.I didn't tell him anything about my pregnancy because i was afraid that in his quest for revenge he might harm my unborn child.

But what if he still hate me and when he comes to know that Venice is his son, he will try to harm him. no no i can't let that happen......

I don't want him to know about Venice.Oh God, please this week go by smoothly. Please God....

I was lost in my thoughts but the loud cry of Venice woke me up from my thoughts. I run downstairs from my bedroom. While wiping my tears  I don't know when they started flowing from my eyes.

"Look lil lion, I'm not going anywhere, I'm here... don't cry baby please" said Macau but Venice hugged him tightly. Pete came down and looked at them in confusion. So the thing is, after coming home from the airport, they launched together, then after sitting and talking for a while everyone decided to take rest.

And Macau also decided to go to Minor Mansion. But when Venice heard that Macau was not staying with them, she hugged Macau tightly and started crying

And Macau also decided to go minor mantion. But when Venice heard that Macau was not staying with them, he hugged Macau tightly and started crying.

Venice is more fond of Macau than anyone. He spends most of his time with Macau, sometimes he doesn't miss Pete as much as he miss Macau. Mostly he sleep with him, eat with him, play with him and went to date with his lung cau. So when he came to know that his lung cau was not going to stay with him, he did not like that thing and start throwing tantrums.

"No I want to tay wit you" Venven cried

(No I want to stay with you)

"Baby, lung is not going anywhere... Please don't cry ha" Pete try to claim him down but it's no used venice start crying more.

Baby, look other uncles here. Let's play with them, I'm here, your uncle noo noo is here hmm... don't cry na" Khun said trying to stop Venice from crying but it was no use Not done. Because he started crying more and Snuggles into macau neck.

"No... No i want my lung Cau.... " He cried

"Oky oky... I give up now don't cry I'm staying with you now stop crying lil lion. Look lung not going anywhere. " As soon as words left from macau lips big smile appear on venice face and start jumping in macau hold

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