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So here longest chapter
Enjoy 🤗cuties 😚😚


A little bit more..., then there will be no pain…" Pete said while lifting the patient's leg…. He is currently examining his patient in his cabin in the hospital. Pete Is a physiotherapist.

he was busy examining the patient's leg, suddenly his phone rang.

"Come again next week for your final checkup," said Pete. He finished his checkup and came back to his chair and cheak his phone... a big smile come on his face when he saw the Macau Insta story

 a big smile come on his face when he saw the Macau Insta story

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"They again went out without me" He pouted and called macau. He received Pete's call in two rings.....

"Hello phi... " Mac said in other line

"Hey bro you again went out with my baby without me how dare you. " Pete said with fake angry voice....

"Oh ho ho.... So now you are angry... No no your jealous that I'm on date with my lil lion and you are not" Macau laughed....

"HaHaHa very funny...Today there are so many patients in the hospital and you are roaming outside. what kind of doctor are you" He asked him

There was no surgery today, and I don't have any schedule I was free so I thought why not go on a date with the little lion .so I went home but when I reached home lil lion was throwing tantrums at bodygards because he was bored so we went to mall..... Now we are on way home." Macau explains everything and Pete sing hearings his baby throwing tantrums again

"Mac how many time I said that dont spoil him... Bcs of you he don't listen to anyone... You spoiled him so much why don't you-" Pete was cutted in middle when he hear his baby voice

"Papa don scol lung cau... " Venven said
(Papa don't scold lung cau)
On other line. Pete just rolled his eyes listening his son.

"You lil naughty kid you just wait till I come home then I will deal with you...." Pete said smiling imagine how his baby would be pouting now. Theirs call session interrupted by the nurse so Pete cut the call and went again doing his work


At home

"Lil Wayne now tell me what color is this...?" Macau said, showing the coloring book to Venice. They currently sitting in the living room. Macau is teaching Venice colors

"Led... Led led " Venice answer jumping on sofa as he give correct answer

(Red... Red red)

"Yaah that's right... Oow my lil lion is very intelligent... " Macau said as he Smooched venven cheeks and Venice giggled. As they both busy with their smooching...Pete entered in room. Venice noticed and Pete entering in house he run to Pete, and Pete carry his baby and hugged him and kissed his both cheeks....

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