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Hello pookies 💞

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I was very angry at Macau. He came back after so many years and didn't even consider it necessary to inform me.

I was passing through the hall when I bumped into someone. Fuck, I was already on the verge of killing anyone who came across me but As soon as my eyes fall on the figure that collides with me

As soon as I saw that person, my eyes widened in tears. The person I've been frantically searching for for years... The person I love most in this whole world, the person I've hurt the most.

standing in front of me.

As soon as he saw me, his eyes became wide as if he had seen a ghost… His forehead was drenched in sweat… and he fainted. I called his name but he was not opening his eyes...

Pete please open your eyes” I called his name anxiously and placed his head in my lap… I patted his cheeks but to no avail… I picked him up bridle style and was about to run towards my car. but someone shouted from my back....

"Papa..." As soon as I heard that little human saying, the ground slipped from under my feet... He was about to run towards me but Khun stopped him

"Honeybum, what happened, why are you running like that?" he asked while picking up the child.

"Lung... Noo Noo Papa" The child pointed his finger towards me. His eyes widened as he turned to see what the kid was showing him. He whispered something in the child's ear and the child nodded and went away from there. I ran towards my car.

“Nop drive fast” I said nervously. Why did he suddenly become unconscious? After he disappear I searched in every corner of the world but I could not find him, it seemed as if he had disappeared into thin air.

I wanted to apologize to Pete that night. After the party. When my stupid brain finally realized that he was just an innocent soul.I was punishing him for something he didn't do.I was so burnt in the fire of revenge that I never saw Pete's love for me. Soon we reached hospital.

I was waiting outside the emergency room.when  Someone grabbed my arm from behind and turned me around I felt a sharp pain on my right cheek. It happened so fast that I didn't get time to compose myself. I turned to see who had the courage to slap me

“Khub, why did you slap me” I roared angrily.

"Why did I slap you?You have audacity to ask me This vegas!!!" He roared. I know what he's trying to say. But I am in no mood to listen to his nonsense right now.

Look khun, I'll listen to everything you say, but not right now, I want to see Pete, please try to understand," I said desperately.

“for what” he asked, grabbing my collar. If someone else had held my collar instead of khun, his body would have been six feet below the ground

"For what, Vegas... Why do you want to see him. You broke him enough that right now he's in the hospital room again because of you" As soon as I heard those words, my heart broke into a million pieces. What does again mean? Has something like this happened to Pete before too?

"Khun----" I was about to say something when we heard Macau's voice

"What happened to phi.... "He runs towards us and  asked in penick toon. Khun turned

"Macau, calm down. He is fine now, the doctor is checking."He said

"Did he have a panic attack again...but how, we didn't do anything to cause him to have a panic attack. This is the second time in a week he had an attack. Phi it's not good." I was shocked to hear what Macau said. Pete has panic attacks. And how does Macau know everything about Pete? Why is he acting like he knows Pete so well?

"p--panic attack" I asked.he turned and looking at me blankly

"Thanks to you hia"he said bitterly

What do you mean...he's having panic attacks." I felt silent pain while asking this. I hurt him so much that he is still suffering...

"You are asking this hia!  because of you, phi had to suffer every night..., phi had to endure everything because of you. Because of you, we almost lost him four years ago. And yet you asked this?" He said holding his tears

"What happened now Vegas? Why are you standing silent now? You wanted to take revenge of your mother's murderer, right? So today your revenge is complete. you always wanted Pete to suffer, so here it is, because of you, once again Pete is in the hospital bed."every word of khun's I felt as if someone was stabbing a knife in my heart.

"Even though you knew it wasn't Pete's fault. You knew from the beginning who the real murderer was, yet you still hurt Pete.

Say Vegas, you didn't know the killer wasn't Pete but Pete's stepfather.The man was arrested by the police after committing murder.

Because of this you could not take revenge, so you took revenge from his son who was not at fault.By pretending to be in love with Pete, marrying him and then torturing him mentally and physically.

Do you even know how impact your hurtful words have had on his heart and mind?"khun said in anger. I didn't even realize when tears started flowing from my eyes. Despite knowing everything, I did all this with him. I was so blinded by my desire for revenge that I could not see anything.

"I know I don't even deserve Pete's forgiveness. But please let me see Pete just once. I apologize to him. I want to ask him for one last chance. I love him so much that I can't live without him"i begged

"Vegas, can't you see how much he----"khun couldn't finish his sentence as the doctor called my name.

"patient is fine now. But keep in mind that this should not happen again. Otherwise the patient's life may be in danger" Dr. Top informed

"Thank you dr. Top.Can we meet phi now"macau asked

"Yes, we have shifted the patient to the VIP ward. You can meet him now." He said and left.

"Baby don't cry, nothing has happened to papa."All three of us turned after hearing Porsche voice. he was carry the same kid whom I had seen in the mansion.

As soon as he saw macau he make grabby hands. Macau took him and he hide his face in Macau's neck.

" Lung cau... Papa"he mumbled

"why is my lil lion crying haa"Macau asked while caressing his hair.

" Wat hapen to papa? Why did tis uncle caly papa in his hands"why this kid calling pete his Papa?
he asked point his finger at me. When he looked at me, I noticed that this child's eyes were exactly like Pete's.Why do you feel so strange looking at this kid?

(What happened to papa? Why did this uncle carry Papa in his hands)

"Nothing happened to Papa, lil lion. Papa is sleeping. Do you want to go to Papa?" Macau asked and that kid nodded cutely. This kid is a carbon copy of Pete, exactly like him.cute. that kid turned towards me

"lung cau who is tis? Papa nevel sow his poto"

( Lung cau who is this? Papa never showed his photo)
To be continue...


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