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Hello pookies🌹🌼

Happy reading


Today suddenly strong winds started blowing outside..I closed my eyes and felt the cool breeze on my face.When I opened my eyes I looked up the dark clouds started appearing in the sky..They were moving fast one after the other as if they were racing each other.

I closed my eyes as soon as I heard the sound of thunder in the clouds.People don't like thunder, but I love this weather.I like it when these strong winds blow, clouds thunder and heavy rain my mind feels at peace.

i felt a drop of water falling on my face.I haven't opened my eyes, I want to forget everything and feel this moment.

It started raining lightly, as if someone was lightly pouring cold water on me.The clouds started roaring loudly and the wind started blowing rapidly. The trees in the garden started swaying here and there due to the force of the wind.

I was feeling that moment then suddenly I opened my eyes.I saw someone standing in front of me with an umbrella..

"If you keep getting wet in the rain like this, you will get sick." He said in a worried tone and held the umbrella over me

"no need to worry about me. And put away your umbrella I don't need it"I said and turned my face away

"Pete don't be stubborn "he said and put his overcoat on me " You will catch cold, wear this."

"I don't need your false worries and this overcoat of yours."I threw the overcoat given by him into the mud

"And don't take my name out of your mouth"i said in anger

"So what should I call you if you don't want me to take your name from my mouth?"He leaned towards me, our faces were an inch apart, I could feel his breath on my face.

"so should i call you baby,honey or my love? "he asked in his husky voice. My whole face got hot and red after hearing what he called me. i pushed him back and stand up but my foot slipped I was about to fall when he held me tightly around my waist.But the ground was slippery due to rain, so Vegas's foot slipped and we both fell into the mud.

I closed my eyes tightly. I didn't feel anything below my head so I opened my eyes. Then I saw that Vegas was on top of me, his left hand was under my head and other hand was on my waist.he was looking at me with a worried expression We were both looking into each other's eyes.After a few minutes of awkward silence, I cleared my throat.He stood up and gave me his hand to help me stand.

"I..There is no need to call me something like that."my voice come out cracky he smirked seeing me nervous. Fck his effect is still on me.

"I don't like to talk to strangers much anyway so move"I said in a monotonous and was about to leave when he grabbed my wrist I turned to him

"leave my hand vegas" I said trying to free my hand. I looked at him when he spoke.He was looking at me as if I was his whole world.No pete don't fall. This is some new trick of his.

"But I am not a stranger, Sweetheart"he cupped my cheeks and said softly. He started caressing my right cheek softly i close my eyes under his touch.

I opened my eyes and removed his hand from my cheeks.pete what the fuck are you doing. Why do I feel so weak whenever he touches me. Why are you making it difficult for me Vegas..Everything is already messed up.

"you are vegas you are a stranger to me. So stay away from me and my son" I said.I saw pain in his eyes when he heard what I said. But suddenly his eyes started shining brightly when he saw me looking at him.and he spoke

"Okay then if I am a stranger to you then give this stranger a chance.A chance to court you."he said. His eyes did not leave my face even for a second.
I looked at him for a while and then said

"Okay, I give you one chance, prove that you love me, prove that you'll never hurt me like before, I give you one week, Prove that you are worthy of trust,Vegas. If you don't prove your love within a week, I will go so far away from here that you will never be able to find me"Hearing me, his eyes lit up and he hugged me. I was shocked by his sudden action.

"Leave" I pushed him away

"Sorry, I got a little excited. But you're really giving me a chance." He said. I just nodded. I hope I don't regret my decision

"Don't be so happy" I said

"Now move out of my way, I have to go."I said in a boring tone.

"How will you go home in this heavy rain"he asked in concern

"By plane.why, Want me to drop you too" I turned towards him and replied in sassy tons

"I mean it's raining heavily let me drop you home" He said and come towards me

"No need, I will go myself."I said and was about to turn and leave when he caught hold of my wrist again.argh why don't he understand if i told him that i don't want to go with him so why he forcing me. I turned towards him in anger

"Why don't---"He interrupted my words

"Just go with my driver, I'm not coming. It's okay with you'' he pleaded with me. I looked at him for moment then nodded.

"take him safely to the main family compound"
he ordered his bodyguard. How much his way of talking changed when he was giving orders to the guards.I got into the car and without looking at him, I closed the car door and the driver started the car. I saw him from the side mirror of the car that he called someone and was talking to someone.

'I hope I didn't make any mistakes by giving you a chance Vegas'i said in my mind

Vegas pov

After Pete left I called nop to pick me up from the garden.

"Call our special bodyguards and tell them to keep an eye on Pete and Venice."I said as soon as I sat in the car

“Is everything okay khun Vegas?” nop asked, looking back from the driver's seat.

"i think someone is stalking pete" I said. Whoever is stalking my love, I will not leave him if he does anything to my baby or pete. I will kill him in such a way that his seven generations will remember him.

To be continue...


This is my favorite chapter so far😂

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Your comments give me motivation to write pookies so do comments alot 😘😌

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