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Hello pookies 💞✨

Happy reading 🥂🌷


After the wedding ceremony, both vegaspete went vegas's home.This is the first time Pete has come to Vegas' house.

They both went inside and just when Pete was about to enter Vegas' room,Vegas grabbed Pete's hand from behind and pulled him and started taking him towards the storeroom.

Pete shocked by sudden change in Vegas. He was writhing in pain as Vegas held him hand tightly.

"V-vegas what are you doing.where are you taking me. Pete asked. His eyes started watering.Vegas ignores Pete's question and takes him to the store room.

He opened the door and pushed Pete inside. Pete hissed in pain as Vegas pushed him

"Vegas, what are you doing?''he asked shaky breath. Vegas started laughing like manice

" What do you think pete. What made you think that I would let a person like you enter my room." He bent down and grabbed Pete's hair from behind.Tears started flowing from Pete's eyes.

"I don't even let a person like you come near me. How could you even think that I would love a person like you"

"What are you saying Vegas....y-you're scaring me vegas please"Pete said trembling.Vegas's words reminder him of his father

"How could you even think that I would love the son of a murderer.who killed my mother in front of my eyes."He said, holding Pete's jaw tightly. Pete was very shocked to hear this.

Was Vegas pretending to be in love with him the whole time?This was the only question that was running in my mind the whole time.

"You don't deserve to be loved pete" Vegas said and slapped him on his cheek.These are the exact words his father used to say to him.

"You are very naive pete. you fell into my trap"As soon as Pete heard these words, he raised his head.His entire face and eyes were red from crying

"f-fell into y-your trap.... What...--"He couldn't even finish his sentence as Vegas slapped him again.

"I never loved you Pete, how could you think I'd love someone like you" Vegas gripped Pete's jaw tightly. Pete's mind went blank after hearing Vegas' poisonous words. He hissed in pain as Vegas gripped his jaw more tightly.

"You are the son of a murderer pete. No one will love you. A person like you doesn't deserve love" Vegas said and kicked his stomach pete screamed in pain. After this he kicked two more times and went out of the room, leaving pete alone in pain.

after vegas left pete cried. Not because Vegas kicked him, but because of these poisonous words said by Vegas.

He was crying foul. The person he loved the most, the person he trusted the most, lied to him, it was all just lies, he just played with his emotions. He kept crying.all his tears dried .he cried and fell asleep.

Six months have passed. Vegas abused Pete every day... In the first week of their marriage he did not give him anything to eat or drink and locked him in the storeroom... and in addition, he beat him every day..pete was both mentally and physically tired. Pete still refuse to believe those poisonous words spoken by Vegas....

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