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Hello pookies 🌼🌹

Happy reading


Hello, readers! I just wanted to take a moment to thank you all for your patience and understanding while I have been away. I know that it has been a long hiatus, but I'm happy to say that I am back with a new chapter.

stay tuned for new chapters!

Thank you for your support,

[ L ]


Pete came back from the garden and told Porsche and thankhun everything, Porsha and thankhun was furious at how Pete can easily forgive vegas for everything he did in the past.

"Pete, are you seriously considering trusting Vegas again?" Porsche said, frustration and disbelief in his voice.Thankhun nodded in agreement.

"After everything he put you through, you can't seriously be thinking of giving him another chance. He doesn't deserve it."Pete sighed, feeling torn between his emotions and his logical mind.

"I know what he did to me was horrible. But he seems sincere this time. He is trying to make things right, to show that he has changed."Porsche rolled his eyes.

"And how can you be sure that he's not just pretending again? You already fell for that once before."Pete couldn't deny that Porsche had a point. He had fallen for Vegas's charm and lies before, only to be hurt and betrayed.

However, something in Vegas's eyes and voice made him feel that maybe this time was different.

"I know it's a risk. But I can't just ignore the fact that he's trying to make things right. I have to give him a chance to prove himself." Thankhun stepped forward, his expression stern.

"You're not thinking rationally, Pete. Vegas hurt you deeply. You can't just forgive and forget like that."Pete looked at Thankhun and Porsche, feeling frustrated at their lack of understanding.

"I'm not saying I'm forgiving and forgetting everything he did. I just want to see if he's really serious about changing."Porsche crossed his arms.

"And how are you going to test his sincerity? You can't just let him back into your life without some sort of a plan."
Thankhun nodded in agreement.

"And what about Venice? Are you going to risk his safety by letting Vegas near him again?" Pete knew that Porsche and Thankhun had valid points. He couldn't just blindly trust Vegas without some assurance that he was truly a changed man. And he certainly couldn't let Venice get hurt in the process.

"I'm not just going to blindly trust him. I have conditions," Pete said, his voice determined.Pete thought carefully before speaking.

"He will have to prove that he has changed. I want to see genuine remorse and a true intention to make amends for what he did to me in the past. I won't risk my safety or Venice's safety without knowing for sure that he has really changed."Porsche and Thankhun exchanged glances, knowing that Pete wasn't backing down.

They still had reservations about Vegas's intentions, but it was ultimately Pete's decision to make.

"Alright," Porsche said finally. "But promise us you'll be careful. We don't want to see you get hurt again."Pete nodded, appreciating the support from his friends.

"I will be careful. I'll keep my guard up and won't let myself get swept away by his charm again."Porsche and Thankhun both nodded, satisfied that Pete was taking their concerns seriously.

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