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Laderwood Boarding School has always been a bit different. Not in the way of teaching or expectations, but in their selection of students.

There was a day class, a class that attended from 8am-3pm as a normal school would, human and normal, wearing white uniforms to cover their body's.

And a night class. They attend from 5pm-12pm. They are what Humans call, Eaters. People that crave flesh and blood. Sometimes, if hungry enough, they are able to chew and swallow the ‘Bones and All’.  

Both selections of students lived on campus however didn't attend the same classes and were strictly prohibited to socialize, -until last year, when an experience was done with those students willing in the higher set of grades, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade.
Not many accepted, but those who did were allowed two hours of supervised visitation with an Eater from the night class for a week. After the week was over, if the two wished, they could become a sort of pen-pal, since Eaters aren't allowed personal phones. Most just talked for the week, and then went on with life.

November 3rd:

“Come on Lily! You're gonna make us late!”
“Coming, sorry!” Lily yelled back, running to her part of the room, brushing her damp hair. “What was the announcement for the morning? I showered through it.” She said in a rush to get ready.
“Other than the social experience with the night class, nothing much..” Her friend, Kathryn, joked. “Can I expect to see you there? You did fill your papers out last night, right?”

Lillyanna Gallon was in 11th grade at Laderwood, she was good at History and English. She was kind and thoughtful, wore her white uniform a little more modest, despite that being uncommon for the girls her age. She had brown hair and matching eyes. Her skin was textured, not with acne so much as just groups of tiny bumps.

“Oh.. Yeah, I did.” Lily paused, trying to calm the swirl that was starting in her stomach. “I don't know though.. I might not go.. after all.”  
“Oh come on Lily! You missed out last year because you're a chicken. You can't miss out again!” Her friend begged.
“I'm not a chicken Kat, I just… I think they're kinda scary.” Her tone got quieter towards the end, “I just don't really want to..”
Kathryn was quiet for a minute, then said, “They don't eat… on campus Lily, you know that right? They only do that in the wild. They have substitutes here.” Lily sighed and nodded, Kathryn continued. “They can't help it, you know. I met a girl last year who’s an Eater, and she's really nice.”

Kathryn Richmen was Lily's best friend since enrollment. They were roommates as well which helped them stay close. Kathryn had dirty blonde hair and green eyes, a dark brown birthmark on her right jawline, Her teeth stuck out from her sucking her thumb too long as a baby, she was getting braces next year.

“I'm sure she is, I just..” Lily sighed again, tugging quickly on her uniform for the day and pulling on the skirt to make it seem longer than it was.
“Fine… I'll go..” Lily looked down at the kitchen table and grabbed her, and Kathryn's papers and put them into her own bag. At the same time, Kathryn nodded, content with her friend's answer. She was excited to meet her partner this year. And with that, the two headed out for their first period.

During class an announcement was made for all Seniors to bring their filled out paperwork and come to the mess hall. Shortly after that, -like twenty minutes after- the Juniors were called, no seniors must have agreed. Lily's flip phone buzzed, and she almost jumped out of her seat. But it was just a message from Kathryn.

“Dont B A Chkin!!1!”

Lily sighed and met with her friend at the front of the classroom, they walked to the mess hall together and Lily's heart never slowed. Lily looked around at the comforting mess hall that smelled of oatmeal and sweets. She quickly stuffed a cookie into her bag for later and handed over the paperwork she filled out for both of them. It was smeared with a grease stain from last night's meal as Kathryn didn't move them off the table before beginning to cook.

-Signed, L.Where stories live. Discover now