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That night after school let out, Lily got a letter in the mail. She grabbed it off the table as she was heading to her half of the dorm room. The envelope looked old, and it was sealed with a few pieces of random patterned sticker paper. The kind that frames the stickers on a sheet. The kind you usually throw away. She scanned the front of it, no name. Just blank paper. She opened it up and pulled out the letter. It read;

Thx 4 talking with me today Hope we can talk more
Sry ur scared of Eaters I bet u r scared of me even tho u say ur not
I cant write alot cuz my pens are cheap and I gotta save em for homework but hope u have a good night Lillyanna

-Signed, L.

Lily read over it a couple times, she decided to write him back;

Hey Lee, It's Lillyanna,
I forgot to tell you that I go by Lily. I'm surprised you remembered my name to be honest. It's quite long.
Again, I'm not afraid of you, I have a bad memory associated with Eaters, I just need to learn not to stereotype anymore.
I'll send you some pens and some envelopes, and whatever else you need. Just let me know what it is and what brands you like :)
I hope you have a good night too, or day, whenever you are reading this.

-Signed, L.

She laughed at her mocking of his signature, but her name started with L too. After sealing it with a piece of tape and pressing a stamp on the front, she gathered a box with envelopes and pens. She placed the letter inside and sealed the box. She would mail them on her way to school. He probably sent his letter out right after they talked for it to have arrived this soon.

He seams nice, Lily thought.
She started feeling guilty for being weary of him. But it wasn't just him. Eaters in general gave her the creeps.

Her mother's killer was an Eater. She had never seen him in person before, only his mugshot. Lily's father was a dead beat, so when her mother was murdered, she was sent to live at Laderwood with Kat. Kats mom and Lily's mom were good friends, so Kats mom became a sort of god mother to Lily.

She didn't like to talk about it, Kat barely knew anything about Lily's moms death, only that it was an Eater that killed her. Kat had always had a fascination with eaters. What's the difference between what made a normal person choose to consume flesh, and an Eater, who has no other choice? Gene mutation. Not all Eaters are born from other Eaters. It was happening more and more, recently. The younger generation seamed to have about 1/30 Eaters to humans. Kathryn wanted to work in the medical field so she could help figure out what was forcing them to Eat. She felt bad for them.

Lee would be going into school about this time, Lily wondered what he would be doing, what his classes were. Kat had tried to brainwash her over the years that not all Eaters were bad, but she had never seen one that close before. And she had never felt that scared. It was like she was meeting her mother's killer himself. Weird. Maybe she needed to start talking her pills again? She hadn't talked them in almost a year.

Later that night Lily decided to get in the bath for a while and thought about everything.

There just people Lily, your being crazy... He can't hurt you, he can't even touch you! He has a human sister, which could mean he's perfectly fine with humans, he might not have issues... I mean he weighs 140lbs soaking wet. He's just a kid Lily, he wouldn't kill someone... Would he?

-Signed, L.Where stories live. Discover now