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November 5th. 3rd Person POV:

Lee walked outside in the middle of the night to have another cigarette. He had skipped school that day. What Lily said wasn't really what he was mad at, it was the direction the conversation took. He felt self conscious enough is it is. He didn't like feeding. Like an Eater is ment to feed. His hands shook as he lit the nicotine stick.

Should I run away? Steal a car and get out of here? Maybe try to find Kayla first? He thought. No, I can't do that. I'll get caught.

He took a drag and sat down on the metal floor of his balcony, looking through the safety bars. After a while, when the cigarette was almost dead anyway, he saw the post man drive up to the house and get out with a package. He knew nobody else was home, so he figured he'd sign for anything, so it didn't get taken back to the post room. Eaters didn't have access to that. He took one quick drag again and put it out on the side of the shutter. If it wasn't dark colored already, you could see the tobacco stains. But it you drug your finger across it, you would pull it back, black.

He opened the door and stepped out. "Hey man, whatcha got?" He called out as he was double stepping down the stairs.
"Uhh, two for Lee." He handed them to the boy who smelled like fresh smoke. Lee looked confused. "Two? You sure?" He postmen nodded. Lee took the box and the letter and looked at who they were from, both Lily. His human friend. "Thanks man." He turned around, not looking at the postmen only the packages, and took the things inside. Once inside he opened the package box first.

Pens, envelopes with stamps on them, and a roll of tape. As well as a letter. He read it over and scoffed at how suddenly Lily had changed her route in conversation. He sighed and opened the single letter, it read;

Dear Lee,
I'm sorry for being so rude. I feel I owe you an apology,
I don't know how to express how horrible I feel, your right. You have a heart, a life, problems, friends, parents. Everything I have.
You can help who you are. I wish I could be more like my friend, Kathryn, she's able to look past habits and see people for who they are as a person.
I truly think you are a good person. I hope you can forgive my tendency to say things that are off hand.
I wanna be friends, I just need patience to get used to this. I'm sorry, Lee.
I'm going to try to talk with Kayla, maybe I can deliver a letter or two from her, or bring her to my session with you!
I know what it feels like to be lonely, trust me.
I hope we can become friends
-Signed, L.

Lee read it over while having another cigarette. She seemed genuine. It still didn't defeat the fact that it hurt, but Lee would try to forgive her. He understood. Shes never been around an Eater. She was asking an honest question I guess. He thought. He did want to see Kayla and hoped Lily would make good on her promise.

Lily and Kat searched the halls for Kayla, asked around all the 9th graders they could until the were told she ate her lunch in the library. They both ran to the book filled room. This was the first time Kat had willingly came in here. When they turned the corner they didn't see any one, Kat yelled,
"Kayla? You in here?!" Which Lily shushed quickly. But it worked.

A girl came around from a book shelf in the back. Her hair was brown at the root with blonde in the rest, she wore red hoop earrings, and a few thin warm toned rubber jelly bracelets. She was enjoying a cone of vanilla ice cream, with rainbow sprinkles, but put it down. Her face and arms were speckled just like Lees, and wearing the white uniform the two there girls wore.

"Yeah, Who's asking?" She barely twanged, just like him.
"I'm Lillyanna Gallon, I was assigned to your brother, Lee, for-"
"Lee?! Is he okay?! God I hope so!" She ran up and grabbed Lily's hands.
"Yeah he's fine, I just.." Lily saw a small tear forming in Kayla's eye. "Are you okay?"
She sniffed and wiped her face, brushing it off. "Yeah I'm fine, what do you know about Lee?"

-Signed, L.Where stories live. Discover now