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November 5th, 11am. Lees POV:

I was resting in my room after taking my vitamins for the day. They effected every Eater differently, but for me, I get a little dizzy.
My roommate is up. Ugh. He's playing his music so loud I can hear it through the walls. Usually he uses head phones. Usually he's not up this early either.
I hear the next song turn over and recognize the trumpet intro as "Father" by The Front Bottoms. I've heard it before..

"I have this dream that I am hitting my dad with a baseball bat,
And he is screaming and crying for help.
And maybe halfway through, it has more to do with me killing him
Then it ever did protecting myself.
And I believe that, yeah, Dad, maybe no one is perfect,
But I believe that you were pushing your luck.
It just sucks it played out like this.
A terrible movie and you can tell none of the actors even give a fuck."

I grimace at how relatable the opening was.
That's when I heard a pounding on my door. My roommate.

"Hey Lee, did you drink my last Gatorade? If you did that's fine, I didn't know you liked them. If you want, I can pick you up some today. I know your family doesn't send you money. If they did, you would have better jeans." He muttered the last part.
"I've got more than I know what to do with." He kinda politely and kinda pricky said.

My face twisted into an expression I can't describe. Confusion, then guilt. I drank it, and threw it up almost instantly. Whoops.

"Sorry I didn't know it was yours, ma-" He interrupted the word 'Man.' Something I picked up back in Kentucky.
"Nah it's fine, like I said I can get you anything you want." He smiled. Davin Huntress. Been here much longer than me. He was Asian, short black hair and dark eyes. He was kinda cute, but eh.
Kinda hate him just because he's my roommate.

"Sorry, but I just can't let you do that. I have work at the schools stalk yard. I mean, it doesn't pay much, but I make due." I looked down at my jeans self consciously and ran my hands through my hair.
"Well I'm buying you some more shaving gel. Your out, and to be honest, I use it too sometimes. So it's only fair."

I nodded. "Hey Davin? Do you have somewhere you can be tonight? I'm uh... Having.. s-someone over." I stuttered. Suspicious.
"Who you having over? If I may ask."
"You may not ask."
"Oh Lee, your so boring." He smiled. "I'll go out, don't worry about it." He shrugged and went back to his room.

11pm, 3rd Person POV:

Lily and Kayla walked twords Lees dorm. Kayla told Lily story's of their childhood to calm her nerves and assured her that Lee would never hurt anyone. After trudging up the two flights of stairs they finally arrived at the door.

"Lee's Dorm, KEEP OUT!!!"
(and Davin's)

Written on a handmade cardboard sign propped in a window next to the door. Kayla looked at it, then playfully at Lily and began knocking.

Lee heard a pounding on his door. Kayla? He opened it after taking a breath.
He saw the two he was expecting.
He grabbed Kayla inside and hugged her tightly.
"Get off me, stupid." She giggled jokingly, hugging him back. He then pulled Lily into a hug, which she didn't expect.

"Thank you for keeping her safe for me." He muffled into her shoulder.
Lily stiffened unintentionally. She relaxed once she realized. "Mhm."

-Signed, L.Where stories live. Discover now