🌸The First Glance🌸(💔?)

196 3 22

Ship - Jean (Sean x Jake)

(tw:bullying, timeline-8th grade*jake*+freshman sean, bullies = justin, carter and paul)



*Jake's POV...*

       I was on my way to third hour, when all of the sudden I was tripped by the green-eyed brunette. When I fell it had caused a small cut on my ankle, because of the collision of Justin's shoe and mine.

    "Out of my way, freak!" Justin snickered. "I swear, I will tell everyone about-"

    "Hey, back off, shortass!" I heard a deeper voice cut off Justin from behind me, but it was slightly familiar. As Justin scurried away and while I turned around, I saw the calmest, cutest, hottest guy I had ever seen. He had short-medium length black hair, deep brown eyes, and a calm expression on his face.

    As I was looking at him, absorbing his appearance into my mind, the guy asked, "Man, are you okay? That guy is always just looking for a fight with you, I've seen how he acts around you. My name's Sean, by the way, what's your na-"

    Sean and I went silent when we made eye contact. I could feel my face heating up, hearing my thought say 'How is he so damn perfect?' As the tall, breath-taking guy tried to talk to me, he kept on stuttering as if he was malfunctioning. I couldn't figure out what happened, but I was hoping it was love at first sight.

{Help I feel so cringe}

*Sean's POV*

     "Uhh...My name's Jake, and, t-thank you for helping.." Jake stuttered. His light brown eyes and his peach-blonde hair were so cute, his skin looks so smooth, his voice is high-pitched but also deep, he's just too perfect, why would anyone want to bully him?

    "Okay...uhh Can I get your number to, y'know, stay in touch?" I said while turning slightly red.

    It took a while for Jake to respond, but eventually we exchanged numbers and continued going to class. At lunch, it was painful to me to see Jake sitting alone in the cafeteria. I also really didn't have anyone to sit with either, so I started walking up to him.

   "Hey, can I sit here?"

{sorry if this is boring}

*Jake's POV*

   "Sure, I guess, I don't have a reason for you to not, because,like *internal gay panic*, uhh, yeah" I said. 'Nah could I not come up with anything to say'.

   "Okay, erm Jake?" Sean looked up from his blueberry pie.


   "Is that the only person that bullies you, or are there more people I don't know of?" He asked.

   "I-, uh, yeah there's 2 others, Paul Govinski and Carter Hailerson"

   "Oh, okay. I don't know how that feels, but if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here if you need someone to listen. I might be able to make some connections because of my, family issues

   At that moment, I had started to tear up because of 2 reasons. First, someone actually thought of listening to me and understanding me for once. Second, Sean has family issues, which I didn't relate to as well as him since I never really knew my other mum. (In my au, Jake has two mums)


520 words (without letter)

Thanks for reading! I will make a part two and maybe even 3 of this, but it might take a while since I haven't been feeling well. I'll continue this as soon as possible, but have a good day^^


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