🌸Two steps forward🌸

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   (Help I had no idea what to name this chapter)

   (Anyways this is basically just fluff and little to no angst)

   (There isn't any smut you horny bitches)

   (Anyways I take it back this will be Jean, not Drake so sorry for that. The next one will not be Drake either, I'm making a part two of one of the ones I've written.)

   (This takes place in year 2028, and they were already dating)



(Sean's POV+Texting)

         - Hey Jakey!

         Peach-Simp🍑- hiya ed seanan! (Quick note- SPREAD THIS NICKNAME!)

         - can you meet me by the beach tonight? it's important

         Peach-Simp🍑- sure, i'll meet you at 6?

         - sure hon.


At 5:50...

   I was really nervous for Jake to come, but there wasn't turning back, since it was already too late to do so. I hope he accepts this, since I don't know what I would do if he rejects me, but I doubt he will since we've been dating for over 4 years. I'm here with Milly, Drew, and Liam since they want to witness me and Jake taking the next step in our relationship. They built a literal hideout from sand and water so they wouldn't be seen. I will be happier than ever if he accepts this, so all I have to do now, is wait.

15 minutes later...

   "Sean, I'm so sorry for being late! My bike tire decided to pop so I had to run most of the way here!" Jake was panting for air at this point. "It's alright, but Jake, I have a serious question to ask you, and I need you to be honest with me." I heard Jake gasp in excitement as I pulled out a delicate emerald ring from my pocket.

   "Jake Sterling, you have improved my life in more ways than I could count, and I want to take our relationship. After avoiding this moment for months, I finally have the courage to ask..." I saw the peach-haired boy start to tear up in happiness as I kneeled down in front of him. "Jake Sterling, will you make me the happiest man on Earth and marry me?" I heard Liam and Milly tearing up from their 'sound-proof hideout', and I knew that Drew had a genuine smile on his face while listening to my proposal.

   "YES! I LOVE YOU SEAN!" Jake ran up to me while bawling his eyes out. I pulled him into a kiss that felt as if it would last forever. As I pulled away, I saw the 3 spectators snapping photos from each of their phones to send the pictures to the music club and Henry+Lia.

   "You finally got the bravery to ask him, huh Sean?" Milly said happily. "Well, when's the wedding?"

   "Come on, Mills, we're here too! Anyway, good for you guys!" Drew said with a massive grin.


   "Actually Jake, Drew and Milly just found out that they are half-siblings. Anyway, you two need help planning out a wedding? Luke just got a new job of doing so!" Liam said while a tear escaped his eye.

   "Aww, Liam, when will that be you and Henry?" Drew smirked.

   "S-shut up" The French tomato-vampire blushed furiously.

   Eventually we decided on changing Jake's last name, not mine. We also made a decision to have the wedding by the cherry blossom tree where we started dating. 


Okay let me give you the wedding roles of each person


Drew=Best man

Milly=Maid of honor



Zoey+Maria=Not Invited

Bethany=Flower girl



Time Skip to the wedding (Third Person POV)

   "Alright everyone! It's time for the grooms to say their vows!" Zander announced. "Jake Sterling, please read your vows."

   "Sean Everett, you are the most important person in my life. I promise to take care of you under any circumstance, in good or bad health, help beat bad habits, and most importantly, make sure that you are happy." Jake read off of his mind, making Sean tear up uncontrollably.

   "Sean Everett, please read your vows."

   "Jake Sterling, you are the sun to my world. You have helped me with everything. We have had our ups and downs, but you never let that get in the way. I will return the favor by making you the happiest man alive and helping you through anything in the future. I will help us tackle obstacles that are yet to come, and help prepare for them, I will protect you from anyone that will hurt you, and make sure you are always okay." Jake proceeded to silently cry throughout all of Sean's vows, but now were the final questions before their marriage.

   "Jake Sterling, do you accept Sean Everett as your lawfully wedded husband?"

   "Yes, I do." Jake fought through his tears, and so did Sean.

   "Sean Everett, do you accept Jake Sterling as your lawfully wedded husband?"

   "Of course, I do!" Sean smiled more than he has in the past month in just five minutes.

   "Alright, you may kiss the groom!" Zander concluded.

   Sean and Jake shared a kiss that made it feel as if time stopped. Everybody was cheering and taking pictures of them, saving them for memories. This moment was the one thing that they had wanted for the past 8 months after their engagement, and it finally happened. Finally.


hiya everyone! I totally didn't cry as I wrote the final 3 sentences. I think this is the longest chapter I've made so far, Anyway, thanks for helping me get sort of far in just a short amount of time. It means a lot to me and I will make as many more oneshots as I can. If anyone wants a part two of this, let me know (the shoe game). bubye!

                                                                                                  -seansguardianangel 💻

-952 words 🥲

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