🌸Bloody Secrets💔 Pt.2

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(TW:Not smut but some sexual shit)

(If you forgot, trust me, pay close attention to part 1)

Hailey's POV

   I ended up coming to the beach with Milly and Luke, so I started entering the water. I felt like I was being watched, so I decided to look underwater. I.couldn't.believe.my.eyes. I saw some sort of a mystical creature and a half-kraken. They both looked familiar, but I couldn't tell who they were. I saw them starting to swim away in fear, but I wanted to do something. "GET OUT OF THE OCEAN, MORONS!" I tried to scream, but it came out muffled from talking underwater. Half of the club and I despise over-powerful creatures, especially ones with unexplainable (somehow isn't a word) abilities. Luke, Sean, and Jake have a strange relationship with them, they always seem off every time we bring them up.

   As I came up from the water, I heard Luke ask, "Hailey, are you alright? You look like you've seen a ghost?"

   "I just saw a kraken-thing and a weird siren, but they looked familiar. Do you know anyone like that?"

   "N-no..? I don't think s-so?"


Luke's POV

   'Shit, was it really that obvious? I thought I could keep a secret for them?'

   "N-no..? I don't think s-so?" I was on the verge of tears, I thought I was good at hiding this..(.) The thing is, I accidentally found out about Sean and Jake's secret, about them not being 'normal' or 'human'. It hurt keeping a secret from the rest of the club, but they would kill me if I told the club about them.

   "Are you sure, Luke? You're acting strange?" Hailey snapped me out of my thoughts.

   "I- uh..have a centaur cousin, I guess? I haven't seen other strange creatures out of people I know, though." I partly lied. I do have a centaur cousin, but I do know about, that.

   "Whatever, it's probably nothing, I'll ask Jake and Sean if they've seen anything.."


Meanwhile with Sean and Jake...(Sean's POV)

   "S-sean?" Jake stuttered as I pulled him into my room. We had swam back to the beach closer to our house, then ran home.

   "Yes, hon?"

   "I'm starving, I haven't 'eaten' in a few days, I barely have energy..." He looked tired. I felt bad, so I knew I had to do something to help.

   "Just..use me I guess-"

   "No, babe, you don't get it. I'll most likely get carried away and hurt you!" Jake sounded worried, but he needed something, and fast.

   "Honey, since it's for you, that's a risk I'll be willing to take." I was unsure, but I wanted to do this, Not in a weird way-, I just want to help him..

   "Fine, come here, jackass." Jake said with a nervous tone. 'I forgot how he swears when he's nerv- AH!' Jake started softly biting my neck as I felt a small bit of blood trickle down my neck. It was making me slightly blush, I guess? It hurt but at the same time..it felt..nice?

   "J-jake, stop-p.." I said out of pain, I couldn't continue with this, or else I would loose too much blood, and I could tell that people needed me.

   "SEAN?JAKE?! WHAT IS THIS?" We heard someone walk behind us..



hii! i'm guessing y'all want a part 3, but i have other ideas, so ill make a part 3 later. bubye guys, maids, and mainly gays!


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