My Missing Creation

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A few hours ago.

"I'll ask again. Where. Is. Kai?" Taehyun stared the vampire down, furious he didn't receive an answer the first time.

Beomgyu lied in his happiness. "I have no idea who you're talking about."

"Funny. Where is he?"


"Kai Huening. Every vampire knows us. Don't play dumb. I know he went to find you. What did you do?"

"Kai Huening... hm." Beomgyu paced back and forth while rubbing his chin. "Sounds familiar. Perhaps you could describe him?"

Taehyun did his best to read the vampire's odd behavior. He was attempting the gage what he wanted beyond hurting him. There had to be something else. If hurting/killing was the goal then the other would've attacked by now. He slowly slipped the gun out of his dresser and placed it in his back pocket. His voice commanded "Kai Huening. Lieutenant of the Waterford police force. My best friend. Someone I would kill for if anything happened to him." The gun came out of his back pocket and pointed directly between the vampire's eyes. "I know he isn't dead. Where is he?"

"OH! KAI! THE LIEUTENANT!" Beomgyu giggled as his hands went up. "Why didn't you say so?! How could I forget someone who tasted so..." His fangs revealed in his smile. "...delicious."

"YOU DIDN'T!" Taehyun didn't wait for him to respond. He aimed directly between the eyes but his target moved. Another bullet was aimed at the vampire's legs. That one didn't miss. After his victim fell down, he ran over then stabbed him with the serum. The needle stabbed the vampire ten more times for good measure. His victim's arm started to resemble a pin cushion as bits of broken needle jutted out from his flesh. Taehyun screamed "FUCK YOU FOR KILLING HIM! YOU'RE GOING TO BURN IN HELL!" Sweat beaded on his face as he kept stabbing his victim with the broken syringe. His anger burned through all exhaustion. "PIECE OF SHIT! MOTHER FUCKER!"

Beomgyu scrambled to his feet then ran for his life. Whatever was in his arm was working quickly. His vision kept blurring. His head throbbed like a drum in his skull. The bits of needle were ripped out and tossed onto the street. He had to get back to the castle and wait this thing out. Buildings whipped by. His feet ran so quickly that he almost flew.

A scent grazed his nose in a part of the country he had never been to. That scent was the only thing that made him stop running. Kai was nearby. He had to find him.

Yeonjun and Soobin told him that they were injected with something awful after the first time they escaped. They said it had the ability to neutralize a vampire's venom so no one else like them could be born. Beomgyu needed to know that's what it was. If that was true then Kai would be the only thing he had left. He hated him with every fiber of his being but that Huening was his first and only creation. He was attached whether he liked it or not.

Beomgyu eventually found him while crouching on a rooftop. He looked weak as if he was almost a skeleton. For a moment, he almost felt sorry for him. He watched the younger lie on his side while grabbing his stomach. If Kai could cry, he was sure he would.

The vampire grumbled "you're not allowed to die unless I kill you myself." Beomgyu needed him alive. A part of him wanted to keep Kai alive only so he could watch him suffer. He wanted to break him. Have him betray everything he stood for and become a mere shred of himself.

The other part, the pathetic, depressing part, figured some company for eternity was better than none at all. Taehyun took away his family and now he robbed him of the chance to turn someone else. Being stuck with Kai, the other half of the duo responsible for wiping out his family, was his own personal hell.

A different kind of hell set in when the serum spread throughout his body. It didn't take long for him to pass out on that rooftop. When he woke up, Kai was gone.

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