Getting A Car

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Kai stood up to look down at the broken red arm chair. While what they did to break it was fun, really fun, he regretted the aftermath. "Um. That wasn't expensive was it?"

"Just a chair that's been in my family for five generations from a woodshop that no longer exists. No big deal."

"Well, I doubt we were the first to have sex in it. How are your knees by the way?"

Beomgyu shoved him across the room. He didn't want to laugh but Kai's unusually loud laughter was so infectious that he couldn't help it. "You're welcome."

Kai ran up to rapidly pull his boyfriend into his body. He held his waist tightly as he kissed him. "I love you baby."

"I love you too."

"Want to get out of here?"

"Is it safe?"

"Where we're going is."

"Kai Kamal Huening... where is this vampire safe mystery place that I've somehow never heard of?"

"An abandoned farmhouse in the middle of nowhere. It looks like shit during the day. The views get better at night."

"Better than here?"

"You'll see."

Beomgyu grinned then turned to look at what used to be a large chair. It broke from how aggressively he was riding the taller. "By chance, you're not secretly a carpenter are you?"

"No. Sorry babe."

"What should we do with it?"

"There's a dump in the city and a landfill next to Henry Avenue. Both are kinda risky."


"They're surrounded by security cameras. We'll be able to dump it, I'm just worried about being followed."

"We could burn it at the farmhouse."

Kai briefly considered it. The smoke was sure to draw attention if anyone was around. To his memory, the only people who bothered to go there were dumb teenagers. Usually it was to graffiti the place or make up stories about the supposed haunted activity that went on. Even then, since vampires became known to the world, the place was largely forgotten. "Do you have a car?"

"Yeah but it's um... kinda stolen."

"Excuse me?!"

"Let me explain!"

"Go on!"

"When the purge started, we got rid of everything with our real names on it. That included our cars. Then Yeonjun got tired of running everywhere so he stole a car and it clearly hasn't been found so really, I don't think it's that big of a deal. Also, it wasn't like he stole it from a house. He stole it while it was fresh out of the factory so in a way, that's even better!"

Kai maintained his silence so he could see how far of a hole his boyfriend was going to dig himself into.

"Please don't be mad at me. I didn't steal it! It's not my fault! It's Yeonjuns'! And really, you kinda took care of that by punishing the thief so everything worked out! Oh my god, I'm going to hell." Beomgyu knelt before the Choi portrait on the wall then profusely apologized to Yeonjun's painted face.

Kai gently tapped his shoulder. "Are the license plates at least off?"

"Yes. Or at least I think so."

"Fine. You're absolutely sure Yeonjun stole it from the factory? Not a person?"

"I'm sure."

"And out of curiosity, do you know how to drive?"

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