Holding it Together

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Kai woke up when the bullet hole in his head finished healing. He groaned because it still hurt. Looking around, he noticed he was locked in a room with all of his lab equipment. "What the hell? BEOMGYU?! BABY WHERE ARE YOU?!"

"Relax." Taehyun reveled seeing his best friend awake. He stood proudly behind the door with a wine glass of his blood in a constant swirl. "He's fine. Aren't you Beomgyu?"

Beomgyu started banging on the door to his cell when he saw his boyfriend wake up. "KAI! CAN YOU HEAR ME?!"

Kai couldn't even see him. The glass was one way. The vibrations in the wall also drowned out noises from across the hall.

Taehyun pressed the button on the intercom so Kai could hear the Choi was alive. It was confirmation he didn't kill him like he wanted to.


Kai looked up when the intercom cut off. "GONNA WHAT?!" His eyes guessed where the blonde was behind the glass. "Taehyun? Can we just talk? Please?"

"I'll answer your questions but first you're answering all of mine."


Taehyun tapped a button on the outside of Kai's cell. The glass switched to two way. "You two can hear and each other now."

Beomgyu scrambled to where Kai was standing. "BABY! YOU'RE OKAY!"


"I'm fine! He said he's going to test things on me! What is he talking about?!"

Taehyun snickered as he faced the Choi. "Go on Kai. Tell your boyfriend what we did to his ex. He isn't the Saint you think he is."

"I don't care what he did! He wouldn't hurt me!"

"Fair enough." Taehyun turned his attention back to Kai. "What do you see in him? Seriously?"

"What do you care? Just tell me what you want with me."

Beomgyu started laughing from how naive his boyfriend was acting.

Taehyun snapped "what's so funny?"


Kai rolled his eyes. "Beomgyu stop."

Taehyun looked back at the younger in disbelief. "Look at him! You chose HIM over ME! Why?!"

"What do you want to hear? I fell in love with him. That's it."

"You didn't fall in love with him. You felt sorry for him. Let me guess. He told you some sob story about how he was turned. He played on your desire to save everything and everyone and you fell for it. How close am I?"

Kai bit his bottom lip.

Beomgyu had to know what he was holding back. Softly, he asked "Kai?"

Taehyun grinned. "I know you better than anyone. He doesn't know a god damn thing about you. He's an ASSHOLE who STOLE YOUR LIFE!"

Kai sat down on his black swivel lab chair. "I did feel sorry for him at first. You were right about that. But you were wrong about him stealing my life. I fell in love with him because he actually gave me one." Kai hated how upset the blonde looked. "Taehyun, come on. All we did was work! Weren't you tired of it?! Weren't you tired of never have a day to yourself or never having a relationship last longer than a month?"

"NO! I WASN'T! I WASN'T BECAUSE YOU MADE IT BEARABLE!" Taehyun stared at the floor to calm himself. He then looked at Kai and told him what he should've told him years ago. "I love you. I always knew you didn't feel the same way. I didn't think you were miserable with me though. Were you?"

"No. I wasn't miserable. It's just... all we ever did was work. I needed more." Kai spoke directly to his boyfriend. He needed to hear what he had been holding back since he realized he loved him. "Beomgyu gave me a life. I've never met someone so beautifully unafraid of love. He's my perfect fantasy and my flawless reality. I love him. He's my baby."

Beomgyu beamed "I love you too! I told you we were meant to be together!"

Taehyun rolled his eyes as he shook his head. "Here's what's going to happen. You get a choice. Either invent a cure to reverse your condition or change me."

Kai punched the glass out of frustration. "Are you fucking kidding me?!"

"Not at all."

"And if I refuse?"

"He dies."


"Which is it Kai?"

"Why do you even want to be bitten?"

Taehyun tapped a button on Beomgyu's door. The glass frosted and the speakers went dead. He turned back towards his best friend with an even bigger smile than before. "I don't but spending eternity with you wouldn't be so bad. We wouldn't need to work. We could go to Japan like we always planned. Doesn't that sound perfect?"

"And Beomgyu?" The scowl the blonde produced told him everything he needed to know. Kai refused to bite him in that moment. "I'll work on a cure but I refuse to test it on him. I'll test it on myself."

"I'm afraid that's not how this works. You made me promise to kill him and what kind of best friend would I be if I didn't live up to it?" Taehyun tapped the button again. One more tap and gasoline started to flood Beomgyu's cell floor. The blonde waved a match to taunt the younger. "You'll forget about him 200 years from now when we're still together. You'll see. You'll be so happy with me Kai. Just. Like. Before."

"DON'T! GOD, PLEASE DON'T!" Kai fell to his knees. "I'll do it... I want him in the cell with me the whole time. That's all I'm asking for Taehyun. Please. At least give me that."

"I want the first sample in a month."


Taehyun faced Beomgyu. "Try anything and you're dead before sunrise."

Beomgyu saw the door open. He could easily kill him. Seeing his love behind the blonde was the only thing holding him back. Before Taehyun could change his mind, he ran into Kai's arms. "Baby..."

Kai held him tightly. The gasoline smell on his boyfriend's shoes was sickening to inhale. "It's going to be okay."

"No. It's not... he's making you hurt me."

"Hey. Hey baby look at me." Kai brushed Beomgyu's hair away from his eyes. He saw the same fear he was trying to hide. "I'm not going to hurt you. I'm going to get us out of this."


"I don't know... I'll think of something."

Beomgyu kissed him deeply. "At least we're together right?"

"Yes baby." Kai kissed him again. Taehyun's insanity made him appreciate Beomgyu that much more. When he looked up, the blonde was gone. His focus went back towards his boyfriend. Though the situation was grim, he silently vowed to get them out of this. "If we make it out of here, I'm taking you to Vegas."

"Why Vegas?"

"So you can marry me."

Beomgyu had half a mind to yell "THANK YOU" to Taehyun for making this happen. Not wanting to die on the spot, he leaped into Kai's arms instead. His legs wrapped tightly around his waist as they kissed again. "You're my soul Kai."

"And you're my warmth." Kai kept kissing him to mask how scared he actually was. He didn't have a plan. His best friend status meant nothing to ensure his safety. His odds of making it out alive were iffy. Beomgyu's was nonexistent and it absolutely killed him inside.

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