The Stars Below

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Beomgyu couldn't stop smiling the entire car ride. Every time he looked at Kai driving, he felt equal parts in love and deeply turned on. He started to laugh when they momentarily floated over a small hill the younger didn't know was there. The car took a rough landing. Both were impressed nothing seemed to be damaged.

He couldn't stop laughing. His jaw actually hurt from how happy he felt. The adrenaline from ripping down the highway, put him into a dreamy high. "C'EST LA VIE!"

"You know french?!"


"I fucking love you."


Kai rolled his eyes in his smile. "I fucking LOVE YOU IDIOT!"


Kai couldn't stop laughing from how chaotic Beomgyu was. The farmhouse pulled into the horizon. It was just as shitty and rundown as he remembered it to be. "We're here."

Beomgyu was confused as to why he was brought here but he went along with it. The sun was minutes away from disappearing. He followed Kai through the thick brush to the center of the open prairie. Twigs snapped under his feet. Crickets begun to chirp their songs into the night. He looked out towards the sky to see the last rays of light fade into moonlight. The stars came out. He kept walking with his eyes upward. His jaw dropped from how vivid the constellations were. "Wow..." Beomgyu looked forward to see Kai stopped a couple yards ahead of him. "I'm coming! Hold on!"

Kai waited patiently for his boyfriend to stand in front of him. Beomgyu's curious innocence added to his charm. Every time he thought he couldn't fall in love with him more, he did. "It's pretty out here right?"

"Yeah, it's beautiful. I still don't get it though."

"Just wait. When you see it, you'll know."

"And how long do I have to wait for?"

"Shouldn't 50 year olds have more patience than this?"

Beomgyu scoffed in his smile. "Excuse me! Respect your elders!"

"As long as we both agree you're fucking old."

Beomgyu tackled him into the dirt. "Do I need to teach you some manners?" The seductive atmosphere was gone when he saw the younger looking to the side. "Sweetheart?" Kai's eyes lit up in excitement and Beomgyu couldn't tell why. "Baby what-" Suddenly, he saw it. Brief flashes of lights danced across his eyes. He sat up as Kai did. It started with only a few. Specs of yellow bounced in waves between the grass. "Oh my god..."

"Wait. It gets better."

It did get better. Beomgyu stood up from Kai's lap as thousands of fireflies emerged from the grass. He became surrounded in a sea of twinkling yellow lights. "Kai..."

Kai couldn't keep his eyes off of his boyfriend. This was the most in love he had ever felt. Beomgyu was no longer just one part of his life, he was his entire life. He was the warmth his body lacked. His soul wasn't taken away, only replaced, because Beomgyu became it. Being bitten was a blessing. Just watching how starstuck his boyfriend looked among the lights, made his entire existence worth it.

Beomgyu looked down at his sweetheart staring at him in the grass. The younger had a smile that shined like the sun. He slumped into his lap then started passionately kissing him. Kai's hands slipped under his shirt to hold his waist. Beomgyu ran one of his hands through the younger's hair while the other rubbed the outside of his sweatpants. He deeply moaned when he tasted the tip of his tongue. "I can't believe I've ever breathed without you..."

Kai softly held his cheek as he smiled.

Beomgyu whispered "what baby?"

"Nothing." Kai ever so lightly kissed his bottom lip.

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