Back at It

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It was bad enough that Kai loved someone who, technically, killed him but watching those two have sex dissolved every ounce of compassion in Taehyun. He told himself he could fuck his best friend better. He would last longer. He would love him more.

The Choi had to go. Beomgyu would join his cousins in a burning hell fire while he gladly watched. Sure Kai would be upset now but in 10-20 years? He would barely remember him.

Watching the two cuddle in the cell hurt worse than watching them have sex. Taehyun could clearly see that Kai wasn't exaggerating when he said he loved him. He had never been looked at that way before. "That should've been me."

He blamed himself as much as he blamed Beomgyu. Kai practically begged him to take time off so they could go on their trip together. He always told him "when this happens, we can go." Something else always came up. New milestones pushed their trip further every year.

If they had gone to Japan, he was sure they would've fallen in love. He could see it. Kai would get drunk with him. They would have sex, better sex than whatever the fuck he just watched. Then, in the morning, they would have a serious conversation about their relationship professionally and romantically. They would hide it at first until people slowly found out. By the time others did find out, their relationship would've become serious. It could've happened. He refused to think it would've gone any other way if he only took that chance.

Jin came into the security room to see a clip of Beomgyu grinning at the camera while he was being sucked off. "Jesus, I did not need to see Kai like this! Why are you even watching it?!"

He had no idea why he was watching it. It was similar to watching a horror movie that was so bad you had to see it again. Taehyun switched the screen to live footage. Kai and Beomgyu were kissing in between laughing. They looked annoyingly happy. Kai looked annoyingly happy. "Why are you here?"

"I wanted to see how you were doing. Clearly this isn't easy for you."

"I'm fine."

Jin sighed as he sat down next to the blonde. "Truthfully, I'm considering taking you off of this assignment."

"What? Why?!"

"You're too close to Kai. None of your judgements will be clear. Your bias and your temper will be a great hindrance."

"How can you take the last vampire expert off of the case?!"

"There isn't a case Taehyun. That's what you're not understanding. You're supposed to be running a precinct. Not watching two prisoners."

"Don't take me off. I can do both!" Hearing Beomgyu's obnoxious laughter added the growing fury of the situation.

"Mingyu will update you regularly. Your squad needs their captain. Go do the job you were promoted for."

"And if they get out because I'm not monitoring them?!"

Jin remained calm. Taehyun was brilliant in all aspects. His attitude was always his downfall. Kai was usually the person who kept him under control. Now that he was out of the picture, he mentally told himself to keep a close eye on him. "None have escaped since we started feeding them. It's a non-issue."

"Kai is different! He knows-"

"He's a vampire. His weakness is blood just like all the others. Go run your department. Is that clear?"

Through gritted teeth, Taehyun said "yes sir..."

"Oh and Taehyun?"


"Should I catch you down here again, you'll be suspended. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes sir..." Taehyun stormed up to his office. The rational part of him took over when he saw the arrest and conviction statistics since he started Project Sunshine. All numbers were down. His department was no longer number one in the country. He became second best in his love life and now his personal career. One of those he could completely control.

Mingyu walked in when he heard his boss was officially back as their captain. Even though it was forced upon the blonde, he was thrilled. Things didn't run as smoothly in his absence. "Welcome back sir."


"I will be updating you regularly on them. Do you want my advice?"


Mingyu decided to give it anyway. "Kai isn't Kai anymore. Those other vampires were human too. They had different lives before they were bitten. My point is, you need to start seeing Kai the way you saw the others. Animals who feed off of blood."

"You don't understand. Kai's resistance is stronger than the others. When he finds out I'm no longer monitoring them, he will break out."

"Beomgyu won't and honestly sir? I don't believe Kai would ever leave him."

"Prepare the squad for an announcement. I need to gather my things. And... thank you."

"You're welcome sir."

Taehyun realized if blood wasn't going to keep Kai inside then Beomgyu would. The Choi was shiny chum in a trap intended for his big catch. Without the chum, there was no temptation. Jin and Mingyu were right. The Kai he knew was gone. He was nothing more than a dangerous animal in a cage he had to contain.

With his new line of thinking, he straightened his uniform then opened his office door. His squad was waiting for him. Taehyun commanded "I have an announcement. I apologize for my absence and lack of explanation. I've been working on a classified project with your lieutenant that has been eating most of my time. However, I can confidently say that I'm disappointed in your performance in my absence. Our standards have faltered. We are NOT a number two squad. I hand selected all of you for a reason and this is how you show your worth?"

The squad hung their heads in shame.

"Therefore, starting today, no paid overtime is allowed until we're number one again." Taehyun ignored their protests. "We have set the standard for excellence! We ARE the standard. You should feel ASHAMED at your performance in my short time away! You not only did yourselves a disservice to your career but also to your citizens! Our failures are the criminals successes! If this doesn't bother you then pack your shit up and leave this instance. I want a squad that cares. You know how to do your jobs. Prove it."

In unison, the squad shouted "YES SIR!"

Taehyun was satisfied. It felt good to be back.

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