Burning Bridges

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A thud was heard outside of Mingyu's apartment. He didn't pay much attention to it as he started to clean up. His jacket was tucked into the closet while some pizza was reheated in the microwave. Still a little buzzed, he looked around and noticed his trash was overflowing.

The microwave vibrated in the background. The time left counted down from one minute. He grumbled figuring he could make it back in time. The trash chute wasn't that far away. Quickly, he tied the bag up then ran down the hall.

Mingyu came back to a pitch black apartment. The curtains were shut and his lights were turned off. "Huh?" He flipped the lightswitch to find his pizza steaming on his counter. He slowly walked up to it, wondering how the hell that happened. "Did I do that?"

The vampire growled "I did." Taehyun watched Mingyu's blood run cold. Though he was full, nothing gave him more delight than the thought of draining him of life. He stood up from the couch, fangs dropped, and teased "you know something? A couple days ago, pizza would've made my mouth water. You could've bribed me with a good old meat lovers slice. It's kind of amazing how much can change in a short period of time. Kind of like how one second, Jin was alive and the other second he wasn't! Funny right?"

Terror was all the lab tech felt. He talked to his senior boss only moments ago. They just shared a couple beers together. They bragged about Project Sunshine being over. He felt as if he should've known it wouldn't be that easy to break down Taehyun Kang. "How? Just-just h-how?"

"If you want any chance of living, you're going to have to not stutter. It just makes you look more pathetic."

Mingyu gulped. He couldn't take his eyes off of the red ones glaring back at him. The blonde didn't blink. He seemed to stare into his soul and paralyze his mind. "I thought you were incapacitated sir..."

"I was and you'll never fucking guess who healed me."

Beomgyu's venom was neutralized. For the life of him, Mingyu couldn't figure out how he was healed in his panic. The walls of his apartment seemed to be closing in, almost suffocating him. His stomach was in his throat when he realized how Taehuyn could walk again. "Kai healed you..."

"Correct. And what did you do? You sent him away. Now, dear Mingyu, you're going to tell me where he is."


"What did I tell you about stuttering?!" Taehyun grabbed his lab tech and violently threw him against the couch. The piece of furniture broke against the wall. Mingyu, for the most part, remained unharmed.

"I'm sorry!" Mingyu had been a coward his entire life hiding behind a screen. He could handle pressure when it wasn't his life on the line. For once, he decided to be brave. He decided to protect Kai and Beomgyu even though only suffering would come from it. The oath to protect and serve had never meant more to him until now. It was time to do the protecting. "He's getting married!"

"Cool. Where?"

"I don't know where!"

Taehyun picked up a large piece of splintered wood and held it like a bat. "You want to change your answer?"

Mingyu cried "I swear I don't know!"

"You see... I don't believe you." Taehyun tossed the plank into the air. When it landed in his palm, he stabbed straight through Mingyu's thigh. The wood split in half from colliding with bone. He watched blood climb up the plank. A scarlet puddle was quickly enlarging on the floor. Splinters wedged themselves further into Mingyu's skin the more he writhed in pain. Hearing him scream annoyed the hell out of Taehyun. He complained "are you done yet?"

Mingyu was dangerously close to passing out from the physical and emotional toll the blonde was bringing him. He couldn't respond. He only screamed louder hoping someone would call the police on them.

Taehyun knelt down to meet his eyes. He sharply yelled "WHERE IS HE?!"


"WHERE IS KAI?!" Taehyun grabbed his throat and started squeezing. "WHERE DID YOU SEND HIM?!"

Mingyu started to violently cough each time he attempted to yell. It was no use. His lungs felt impossibly tight. He gasped for breath that wouldn't come. Desperate, he tried to claw the absolute hell out of Taehyun's fingers. Skin was building under his nails but the blonde didn't react. That demonic smile continuosly taunted him at each failed attempt to save his life. Spit began to cake his cheeks when the vampire kept yelling. He heard his collarbones snap. He knew he was about to die.

Taehyun squeezed harder. He could feel Mingyu's spine in his palm. The taller began weakly spitting blood as he choked on it. Taehyun brought their faces closer together and taunted "say hi to Jin for me." With one last squeeze, he beheaded the lab tech. It was as easy as crushing an egg. The body thudded to the ground. He took a second to watch life drain from Mingyu's eyes. It was fascinating to see. When that light was gone he dropped the head, not caring where it rolled. "Such a fucking waste of blood."

A window was opened. Sirens blared in the vast distance. Taehyun smirked then began to hack into Mingyu's computer. Luckily for him, he found it was already logged in. His fingers typed at an inhuman pace. Thousands of files were on that computer. Most of them were useless. Those distant sirens started to close in. With a few more clicks, he found what he was looking for. "Las Vegas, Nevada... let's see. Ah. You're only staying for two nights huh? Where are you going after?"

The sirens pulled up to the building. Taehyun didn't care one bit. With another click, he found the newlywed's house in Los Angeles, California. He also found their new identities.

Footsteps started to enter the building. He could hear the squads march up the outside steps. With a couple ones and zeros, he burned the information. Then, he grabbed a lighter and a bottle of rubbing alcohol to burn the apartment. Flames quickly encased the floor. The fire alarms started blaring. Smoke was his perfect cover to escape to the airport.

By the time he landed in the United States, it was too late. He found the house. After that, he broke in and sat on the couch. It became a waiting game. The couple was going to fall into a trap and this time, he was going to keep his promise.

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