Final Hour

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The plan sounded easy. Infact, it was a little too easy for Beomgyu's liking. In denial, he questioned "what do you mean this Mingyu guy is going to help us escape? And he's just going to let us go and edit the footage? No questions asked?"

"I saved his life once. He felt it was time to repay me. Baby if we actually pull this off, we'll be free!"

The pessimistic side of Beomgyu still believed something would go wrong. The plan was just too simple.

Next time Taehyun made an appearance, they were going to get him into the cell. Didn't matter what it took. A fight would have to break out. Either himself or Kai would have to render the blonde unconscious. Priority was to keep him alive. A death could also be explained away but that was a last resort.

After Taehyun was knocked out, Kai would create a power surge if the door was shut. If the door was open, they'd run. If not, Beomgyu would break the weak spot in the wall by the bed. Mingyu would blame the whole escape on an electrical malfunction. After their successful escape, a replica body would be planted with Kai's DNA. He (and potentially Taehyun) would get to die a hero which meant Mingyu's reputation would stay intact. Jin would cover up Beomgyu's existence and the world would move on.

Fake United States identity papers were already under their pillows along with credit cards to their new Swiss bank accounts. All of their previous accounts were closed. Their combined wealth was astonishing, just waiting to be spent in this new chapter of their lives.

Beomgyu's dream of marrying Kai felt like it was in reach. In a few generations, when everyone died out, he vowed to go back and live the rest of eternity in his family castle. Life was going to be okay. He just needed the blonde to come inside. Impatient, he began to pace in a circle around the cell.

Kai didn't mind it at first. After a while, seeing a continuous blur over the top of the book he was trying to read, began to severely annoy him. "Babe. Please stop."

"I can't stop. I'm going crazy in here!"

"Do what you did at the castle then!"

"We don't have a TV."

"That's all you did? Watch TV? You didn't leave the castle at all?"

"Not really."

Kai marked his page then sat the book down. His arms opened until Beomgyu fell back into them. "So what happened before the purge but after you were turned?"

"Yeonjun and Soobin taught me everything from how to hunt to how to survive incase I got captured. I really didn't do much without my family. An anti-vampire movement was growing while that happened. Most people didn't believe we existed for the longest time."

"Until they started biting more people."

"Yeah. Before they only bit a few. The anti-vampire movement coincided with the vampire one. The more people they bit, the stronger the sentiment. Still, the majority of the population didn't believe we existed. We wanted to keep it that way so we only stayed in the safest places. Usually, it was our houses but the purge ended up having most of them burn down. Honestly, I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner. I think if you and Taehyun hadn't come into the picture, someone else would've taken your place. Or maybe we would be living in a vampire world!"

Kai thought of what that would be like. He imagined humanity wiped out for their prized blood. Mammals would be next. Then everything else with an ounce of blood would follow after. Eventually, he saw the vampires dying out due to starvation. Beomgyu seemed to share the same thought with how sad he became. To make him feel better, he sweetly said "it's okay baby. I like this world because you're in it."

"You're so fucking gay."

Kai shoved him off of the bed. Beomgyu was still laughing at him while he grabbed his book.

"I'm gay too! I can say that!"

The book was now pressed against Kai's face to the point where he couldn't even read it. His laughter was hidden in the pages.

Beomgyu ripped the book out of his hands then tossed it across the room. The book caught on fire from colliding with the electrical field. "Fuck." They watched it burn while black smoke stunk the room. "You didn't really like that book did you?"

"I did."

"I'm sorry..."

"You burned my book."

"Baby?" Beomgyu plopped onto the bed to search Kai's face. He wanted to know if the younger was jokingly mad or actually mad. The signals were mixed. "I'm sorry! Are you mad at me?"

Kai was. He caved when he looked into those pleading puppy eyes. He was still mad but a little less so now. "No... I'm not..."

"You look mad."

"I'm not mad."

Beomgyu kissed his lips. He then kissed him again in hopes he would feel pressure back this time. The third kiss did it. "I love you Kai."

"That's fucking gay." Kai snatched him tightly in his arms when the older tried pulling away. He attacked his cheeks with kisses because it made him giggle.

Their lovely moment ended when they saw the blonde enter the hall. Taehyun was dragging a cart with three cylinders in it. Kai began to rethink their plan. Seeing the blonde display a single shred of humanity was proof the old Taehyun was still in there.

All Beomgyu saw was his opportunity about to fall into the palm of his hand. Revenge for his family, his soulmate and himself was coming. He just needed Taehyun to open the door.

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