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"Oh my god..." Taehyun woke up to see every thread of copper wire in the lights above him. He blinked a couple more times to make sure he was seeing correctly. His eyes fixated on the miniscule holes in the ceiling tiles. He whispered "whoa..."

Was he dreaming? He wasn't quite sure.

A spec of hair like dust floated down from the ceiling. He watched it land onto his lap. As a test, he attempted to reach his hand out to grab it. He could. That thin little hair between his fingertips was proof he was completely healed. A doctor told him that he would never walk again. That doctor was wrong. Taehyun had never felt healthier. He sat up and wiggled his toes to confirm every suspicion. He then touched his fingers to the side of his neck. There were small scars where Kai bit him. "He saved my life. I can fucking walk again..."

Taehyun tried to remember what happened before he passed out. First, he looked at the clock. It was 16 hours later than when he last remembered being awake. His best friend was here. He knew that much. Kai tried to talk to him. He remembered pushing him away. The piercing pain of being bitten, being drained, was being relived. His body cringed when he continued to think about it. A little pain was worth it from escaping the hell of being paralyzed.

His appreciation was short lived when the smell of blood hit.

A different kind of hell set in. A stretcher rushed past with doctors and nurses surrounding it. The patient on it was heavily bleeding. Possibly a stab wound. Possibly a large cut. Either way, blood was being spilt. It started to overwhelm him. He became very conscious of his throat. Dry, scratchy and desperately in need of a bite.

Taehyun's mind was stuck in a different kind of prison.

Almost 24 earlier, he was given his diagnosis when he woke up in his bed. Hearing he was paralyzed from the neck down made him wish he could commit suicide. He started crying as the doctor explained that they did everything they could. Instinctively, he went to wipe his cheeks. His arms refused to move. More tears flooded his pillow when his body continuously failed him. He started to scream in agony. The most feared cop in the entire country became a vegetable strapped to a bed.

For hours after the doctor left, people stopped by to see him. He didn't want their pity. He wanted control of his own fucking body again. Helpless, he was forced to listen to motivational speeches full of false hope and lies. "At least you're alive! It'll be okay. Your legacy will live on. It could be worse. Your face is still intact. That's good right?"

Through it all, he smiled and nodded. Besides his parents, there was only one person who he was waiting to show up. Kai. He knew Kai would come but he was unsure of when.

Jin came first. Taehyun was told they were doing their absolute damnest to cover up what really happened. Not only would it make Taehyun look bad but it would also tarnish the entire reputation of the country's police force.

Kai was the biggest factor in their cleanup job. His disappearance was becoming harder to hide. Their excuses were running out. Mingyu was working overtime to erase any existence of him on department and street cameras. Jin feared some images would fall through the cracks so he was personally helping him. They couldn't let their famed lieutenant be known as an attempted murderer on his partner's life.

Taehyun asked for clarification on what happened before he was struck. Instead of telling him, Jin showed him the footage. Seeing it played out caused him to relive it in his head. "Beomgyu fucking threw me?!"

"It would appear so."


Jin didn't say anything more. There was nothing to say to the man who would never move on his own again. "You've been a good Captain. You'll retire with all benefits and an outstanding pension. I'm sorry this happened. I'll let you rest."

Shortly after that, Kai came in. His best friend healed him. That meant he still cared. It was only a matter of finding him now. If he found him, he'd find Beomgyu. The asshole who tried to kill him twice. This time, he wouldn't spare Kai's feelings. Their entire lives were revolved around bringing justice. His justice was coming soon.

Taehyun's first instinct was to call Mingyu. If anyone could find Kai, it would be him. "Hey, Mingyu-"

"Taehyun! Did you get one of those cool computers like Steven Hawking?!"

"Sure. Where is Kai?" Mingyu's hesitency to respond raised his suspicion. He firmly asked again. "Where is Kai?"

"I-I don't know. I haven't been able to find them since they broke out."

"How did they break out? Which direction did he go?!"

"They wrecked the office then they ran! I think they went to where they were hiding before. I can't trace either of them!"

Mingyu's voice reaked of panic. Taehyun pushed harder to see if he could catch what his tech was hiding. "Who came to visit me? Can you go through the footage?"

"Wh-why sir?"

"Because I'd like to call everyone who did as a thank you."

"Um. Okay sir. One moment."

Taehyun was read a list of names. None of which were Kai. Mingyu was lying to him. He started to think his tech was the one who orchestrated the breakout. That the entire thing was planned and that he was purposely being screwed over. Maybe he was meant to die instead and Kai couldn't go through with it. Whichever the reason may be, he was going to get some answers.

Thirst was no longer a padlock to his body. It was all the motivation he needed to get what he felt he deserved.


And that started with a trip to Mingyu's place.

Hanging by a Thread- BeomkaiWhere stories live. Discover now