Chapter 37

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-3rd POV-

(Y/n) blinked with dotted eyes when Anri dropped off a box and only said one thing.

"Take it to Mikage-kun!" She said, before walking out.

The girl walked up to the box and pouted slightly, "But he's all the way in the England Stratum..." She muttered, before picking up the box, "At least it's light..."

She walked out her office and headed towards the England Stratum.


The light blue haired girl finally got to the England Stratum, 'I still don't understand why Anri-nee had me take them...I'm not even their manager...' She thought, as she saw Chris walking around. She honestly hoped that he didn't see her, because she didn't want to get bombarded with questions on her joining his team.

Fortunately, he was busy with his tablet, looking at stats of his players, so she got to go on her merry way to Reo.

Another fortunate event was that she didn't have to look long, since she heard him scolding Nagi for not eating.

"But it's such a bother..." The white haired male said.

She walked up to them, which made him look up with a shine in his eyes.

"(Y/n)-chan." He said, instantly getting up and going to hug her close to him.

She put the box on the table and pat his head, making him lean into her hand with a soft smile.

Reo tilted his head, "What's with the box, (Y/n)-chan?"

"It's for you. Anri-nee came into my office, dropped it off and just said to take it to you." She shrugged.

He opened it and his eyes sparkled, "They're here!" He exclaimed, grabbing the item.

She blinked with dotted eyes and a small blush present on her face, seeing that the box contained many plushies of her, "But why so many..."

The purple haired male grinned and looked at her with a small blush on his cheeks, "Because you're adorable, (Y/n)-chan."

Her eyes widen and hid her face in her hands.

Nagi pouted a bit, holding the girl tighter, "Don't break her, Reo."

Reo chuckled and nodded, "All right, all right."

"I-I have to get back to my team..." (Y/n) stuttered.

"Do you have to?" The white haired male questioned, not wanting to let go of her.

She nodded, "Yes, I have to, Nagi-senpai. My team needs me."

The purple haired male nodded, "Yeah, she's not in our team, Nagi. Unfortunately. But, I'm sure she'll visit. Plus, we have plushies of her, so you can cuddle them."

The said male kept his arms around the girl, "But I like the real deal."

He walked up to help out the girl, "Well, she has to go, so let go."

He pouted, before letting go of her, "Fine..." He muttered and grabbed a plush of her from the box and hugging it close to him.

(Y/n) pat his head, making him lean into it, "Make sure to eat, senpai. I don't want you to be hungry." She said.

He nodded, "Anything for (Y/n)-chan..." He mumbled, before pouting when her hand left his white hair.

"Bye-bye senpais." She waved, before walking off.

"I already miss her."

Reo sweatdropped.


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