Chapter 1

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My names Hinata Hyuga, 18 years old. Soon graduating high school. I don't have as many friends maybe only like 2. I have a crush on the 'player' of my class, Naruto Uzumaki but I don't think that it would get anywhere really.

The bell rings, it's time for lunch. I would be sitting with my friends right now but they didn't come in today because they were sick unfortunately, but that was probably a lie and they didn't want to come to school. So instead of sitting at a table alone eating my lunch, I ate in the bathroom. I know it was horrible but that's what I'd rather do than be watched eating alone by 100+ kids in the cafeteria to be honest.

Once lunch was over I got out of the bathroom stall, getting my things ready for next period, and supposedly there just had to be a fight. I bet Naruto was play fighting again this time with one of his best friends. I sighed. I wish I had as many friends as he did, but the friends I had now were good enough than having none, so it was fine.

I made my way to English class, I sat behind Naruto and his friend, Sasuke. Who one of my friends had a crush on. I think he likes her back, but I'm not entirely sure. I was too deep into my thoughts until I heard the teacher yell out my name.

"Sorry, what was the question?"

"Can you tell us the answer to this? Please pay more attention."

"Oh yeah, the answer is literacy. I'm sorry about that."

"Thank you Hinata, but next time please stay more engaged in my class."

"Y-yes, I'm sorry." It was like the same thing everyday, it was boring. And I wish this semester could be over already so I could just leave. I absolutely hated this school to the core. This is the school where you would get pregnant or high. But I was forced to stay here until I graduate.

I got ready for history class like usual, grabbing all of my belongings and walking to class. Once I got in there, I heard the thing I didn't wanna hear the most.

"We'll be working on a partner history project, choose your partners everyone."

That was the worst thing I could hear, none of my friends were here so what would I do? They're probably not coming tomorrow either so I can't wait.. guess I'll just tell him I'm doing it by myself, plus it shouldn't be so hard anyway.

"Hinata, who is your partner for this project?" I'm working by myself.

"You're required to have a partner, the only person open is Naruto since Sasuke decides to work with someone else."

Only Naruto? Seriously? I started to think they were doing this on purpose like they knew I had a crush on him. And probably did since it was pretty obvious.

"Are you gonna be my partner? You don't really have a choice anyway, so nice to meet you princess." Princess? His word choice when he first talks people is rather interesting.. but I was still blushing.

School was finally over, finally. It was a long day without her friends around and couldn't survive at school without them, she was getting ready to head home and till she felt a hand tap her.

Naruto? What are you doing here? "You know, the project that we're supposed to be working on." O-oh right! How could I forget...

Well, do you want to go to my house or yours? "Let's go to my house."

We made it to his house and damn, he was rich. I didn't see anyone in there, not even his parents or anything, maybe they moved away? I know he could live on his own but living in house as big as this with nobody else is outrageous. I decided not to ask him about it.

"Your house is amazing! Holy you're rich." I say, walking inside.

"Okay, so for the project, you can do this slide and I'll do that one." He probably wouldn't want to do the hard ones since he doesn't have good grades like me, so I'll make It easy for him. "Or, do you want to do the easy things and I'll do the hard ones?"

"Yes please, I fucking hate school projects."

We ended up finishing a good amount of the project, I was getting ready to leave his house. I'm insanely tired to the point if I left I'd end up falling asleep on the sidewalk.

"Are you leaving that soon?" I heard his voice behind me. Yeah? I'm exhausted. It's been long enough anyway, I've been here for 2 hours. And I'm literally about to fall asleep.

"Can you just stay a little longer? And if you were to leave, you would probably end up falling asleep on the sidewalk or streets. And I know you can't say no to me."

He was right about that, I couldn't even say no to him. Fine, I'll stay but only for 30 more minutes.

So umm... why did you want me to say behind? I sit there, looking at him with a raised eyebrow. And he started ranting off to me. Thought at first I didn't know what to do, but at least he could trust me."Well because... I'm lonely here. I know this is a big house where there should be someone else here and not all to myself but my parents fucking left me, they didn't care about me! So they left me here. Everyone loves me for my money, and not me at all. So, I grew mean and all cocky to make friends that I wanted. He said, about to cry. It's true he was the bad boy, but he had a little sadness inside, I'm sure he didn't want anyone to see him like that. But I'm the first person who did. And I understand him. Way too much at that.

I hugged him. I didn't blush or stutter this time. He started crying, and sooner or later he fell asleep. I couldn't bring myself to leave him alone, so I stayed with him, until he could feel okay again. Since no one else would be here to calm him down or see him cry.

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