Chapter 7

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Yeah, I'm sitting in school again. But not without Sakura or Ino this time, but my whole group of friends I've made over the break. Mostly the girls since the boys sat at their own table.

And honestly, I've had a great time with them and I can't wait until the summer, because we'll have extra fun then, but of course we had to get through the next 2 weeks of school first.

We had finals in 1 week, a week before school exactly, then we'd graduate high school on to college, but we haven't chose where we were all going yet.

"Oh look it's Hinata, looks like you're late today." Temari turned to me.

"I'm still so tired.. we've been out since 3am last night how come you guys aren't tired at all?"

"Well we had coffee without you.. Not that it was like on purpose or anything, but we tried to wake you up and you weren't waking up, so we just left." Sakura said.

"O-oh.. my bad guys.." I sulk in sadness.

"It's okay Hinata, We can all just go next time!" She said while looking away. "But we were just talking about what we should do for our graduation event."

But that's not until 2 weeks! And if anything, talking about what college we're going to go to is much more important than that.

"Man, I don't even wanna talk about school in school! I just want school to be over already, I hate waking up so early." Ino said.

"I think we should go to the arcade today anyway, I don't have anything to do after school today."

Actually, I think we should spend time studying for the finals which are In a week instead of playing games.

"Seriously Hinata? Why are you such a party bummer now?"

I-It's not being a party bummer, it's just that I want you guys all to pass so that we can all be together you know.. you guys are my only friends and-

"Aww, Hinata cares about us guys! This is making me so emotional." Ino cried.

I-I mean, of course I care about you guys! You all helped me at the lowest points of my life, and all my crush issues.. but other than that I should always be grateful for you guys not making me lonely, and If I didn't know you guys by now heck would I still be eating in that stinking bathroom when Sakura and Ino didn't come to school.

Ino started crying a river and hugged Hinata tightly. "Hinata stop you're making me cry!"

When did Ino get so emotional now?

"She's on that time of the month right now. Sorry about her burst of emotions every second." Temari facepalmed, trying to get Ino off of me.

"Are you sure you don't like Hinata bro? You're always staring at her, to mention her lips exactly. What's up with that?"

"And are you sure you don't like Temari dude? You're always looking at her too! Especially her ass man! That's worse! You wanna have a baby with her or something??" Naruto called him out.

"Hey now, that's a different story! And I didn't say that I wanted a baby with her! I'm asking about you and Hinata! Not me and Temari, and it's specifically none of your business. You better confess to her soon or she'll end up finding another guy."

"If you and Temari aren't my business then so aren't me and Hinata! And she wouldn't anyway, she always blushes when she's around me or sees me, she wouldn't dare! She had a crush on me ever since we were 10th graders you know! I bet Temari doesn't like you a bit!"

"You're such a drag! You're more troublesome than women themselves!"

"At least Hinata likes me back!"

Sasuke rolled his eyes in annoyance while Sami was just weirdly smiling at them.

"Right... maybe she'll give up sooner or later." Shikamaru smirked.

English class used to be so boring honestly, I hated this class with a passion because I wouldn't know anyone in this class and would actually have to sleep this class away or just do the work but now, that's different too.

Science class was the death of me, I shared this class with Naruto and Temari and gosh, there was a girl overly obsessed with Naruto. Her name was Shion and she always kept looking at him so.. weirdly. And it just got on my nerves one day, so I snapped.

I threw a dissected rat part at her, causing her to jump like a grasshopper.

"Shion, what are you doing? Why are you acting up during the middle of class? Do you want to get sent to the principals office?"

"Um no! But someone just threw a dissected rat part at me! Why don't you send them to the fucking principles office instead?"

"I didn't see it so therefore, we will be continuing on with class, the next distraction from you and you'll be sent to the principal's office. Do you hear me Shion?"

"Yes, Mr. Orochimaru." She looked back at her table set.

"Woah, Hinata! I never knew you had that in you, you're usually so shy. Guess hanging out with Naruto left a big impact on you a little.

H-hey! Not so much Temari.. It was just that I felt he was uncomfortable you know..

"Yeah yeah sure, whatever you say Hinata. You'll never convince me though."

And we both started bursting out laughing.

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