Chapter 3

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Yep, you know it. It was another awkward and sad day at school for me today because Sakura nor Ino aren't here again. But today's Friday at least so I won't have to struggle for a week since we had a break after our exams.

But then I remember why Sakura and Ino are absent, they were helping set up a party for me to socialize. They never told me where it would be but the best I'm guessing is that it's probably at Naruto's house because it's so big.

And of course, I ate in the bathroom again. Like I said, I'd hate to sit alone at a table with over 100 kids in the cafeteria, I'd look like a total loser.

But I really should stop eating in the bathroom, the bathroom stinks really bad and if I keep eating in here I'll start smelling like the bathroom myself! And if that happens nobody's ever gonna stop talking about it and I would be done.

I got out the bathroom 5 minutes before lunch ended and started getting ready for the next class, I was walking and I wasn't really paying attention to the outside world so I accidentally bumped into someone.

That someone being Naruto Uzumaki.

And boy for the first time it actually looked liked he was doing to do work since he had many notebooks in his hands. I was wondering if I should help him pick up his stuff or run away with a blush on my face.

And what did I do? None of the above.

"O-oh sorry about that.. it was an accident. I wasn't really paying attention."

"It's okay, you are a pretty lady right here." He said while smirking.

I blushed 100 shades of red and I ended up running out of embarrassment and tripped. I immediately got up and kept running to my next class.

"Hinata Hyuga, you are late. The test has started already, what took you so long?"

"Umm I accidentally bumped into someone one the way, sorry."

"That doesn't make you 5 minutes late for an exam unless you guys were flirting... anyway, just get to your test."

I sat down all the way at the back and got started on my exam. The class was quiet but after a few minutes Naruto came barging into the class which made everyone get his attention.

"Naruto Uzumaki! Don't have the audacity to be late to class and then come in here being loud!"

"My gosh, sorry old man." He said while walking away from him.

I shifted my focus back to my test until I felt a little more weight on my seat. I looked to my side and THE Naruto Uzumaki was sitting next to me.

I blushed but I quickly hid it, I just focused on my test and pretended that he wasn't there, but for me it was hard to because he was my crush, literally

He started scooting closer to me and whispered in my ear.

"Hey princess, if you could help me calm down the other day I'm sure you can help me on this test too baby."

I couldn't help but blush 100x more red, he was so close to me and he just called me princess. It's like he knew I had a crush on him.

O-oh, sure I can of course! I said nervously. He was way too close to my face.

"Naruto Uzumaki, stop making Hinata uncomfortable please and focus on your test or do I have to move you?"

"No old man, I'll stay in this seat right here and I'll bother her all I want, you're not my dad or my boss." He said leaning back in his seat.

"Your parents need to teach you more manners little boy."

"Anyways, princess. What were the answers again, he kept interrupting."

And after many lectures and deaf hearing, the exam was finally over, and you know what that meant? It was time to go home! I immediately went to my locker and grabbed all my belongings.

I closed my locker and almost screamed when I saw who was behind it. "Naruto?"

"Umm.. Well, I don't really know how to say this, knowing I never really said thank you to anyone before, but I just wanted to say.."

"Thank you for helping me on the test."He said quickly and walked away.

For Hinata, a thank you from Naruto was everything. He actually knew her name and paid attention to her existence. Inside she was melting from joy.

And she went home like the happiest woman alive, honestly that changed when she got back to her house because it was a pretty serious household except for her sister, Hanabi.

"Big sister you're back! How was school? Did anything interesting happen?"

"No, nothing happened today. Only the fact I had exams all day today but school was okay. I said while smiling."

"Oh.. welcome back Hinata. How were your exams? Did they get back yet?" Her dad said stepping out of his room. In fact he was really strict about her grades so it mad mainly the first thing he asked her while she came back in the house.

"No.. they're being graded over the week, and I'm there's also something I need to tell you about."


"I'm going out with my friends tomorrow, you know Ino and Sakura. No boys will be coming it's just us if you're wondering."

Damn well I was lying, he's protective when it comes to boys and man would he scold me if he found out, so I had to lie for my sake.

"Oh alright, that's fine." Thank goodness he didn't question me further about when I was coming home, because when I'm hanging out with Ino and Sakura somewhere there's never a scheduled time where I'll be back home.

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