Chapter 4

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Today was Saturday, the day of the party. But Sakura or Ino never told me when or where the party was, knowing how they are they would just barge in at a random time and say let's go.

It was 10am in the morning and I was still in bed awake not knowing what to do, I knew my friends would be busy until they came and picked me up for the party, it was so boring in the household.

Thankfully I had Hanabi in the house. Clearly another person that isn't serious. We'd tell each other about everything. And I mean, everything.

"You're going to a party and you didn't tell dad? I'll pray for you when you get back Big Sis..."

"I-I mean I told him.. Kinda. I only said that Ino and Sakura would be coming and there would be no boys coming, but that was a lie.."

"Do you even know where or when it's at? It's almost 4pm now."

"Oh.. they didn't tell me yet. I should start getting ready! Tell me if my phone rings okay? Or if the front door is suddenly broken open.." I mumble.


"Oh nothing at all.."

I headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower, looked for my party clothes and slipped them on. Not party clothes but more like.. pajamas. Yes, in the summer, I don't know why.

It's currently 6:00 right now, still waiting for Sakura and Ino to get to her house. She then heard a loud crash downstairs.

"Hinata! They're here! Except.. The front door is busted though.."

I rushed downstairs to my friends, and oh man, the front door is quite busted, I wonder how dad would react to this.

"Sorry about that, we were just very happy to get out of the house you know! She's usually a turtle in her shell you know."

No I'm not!

"But we'll be going out now, thank you and bye!"

"Those girls are a mess, but I'm glad they're taking care of Hinata."

And I guessed it, where was the party? At Naruto's house, everywhere I go there's always a Naruto somewhere.

We walked inside and man was it big, it was like the whole high school was there! I mean it was 1 month before we graduate and half of us would probably never see each other again.

And Naruto was right there at the front entrance, I'm sure he was waiting for them to come back, since they were helping him set it up.

"Ino, Sakura! Thanks for helping me set this up you guys. And hello to you too Hinata.."

It took me everything not to melt faint blush and I don't know, whatever this man makes me do when flirts with me.

Gee it's so loud in here.

"Okay, Hinata. It's time you meet some people! The first person you're talking to here is Temari." They said while dragging me to her.

"Hey Temari! What's up?" Drinking a cup of alcohol.

"Sakura, Ino! And who's this?" She says while looking at me.

"Oh her? This is Hinata, she's our friend. She's a turtle and she's usually shy all the time. So she may not be so open to talk..

"Oh yeah I remember her now, she's quite the smarty pants, heard you had a crush on Naruto."

"W-what? H-how'd you hear that. T-that's not true at all!" I say while waving my hands.

"Well, let's just say that your friends here are really big blabber mouths and don't really know how to shut up."

"I really don't expect anything less from them, they're so loud noisy and nosy."

"What was that Hinata? Say it again we didn't hear you.."

"Nothing by, absolutely nothing." I say smiling awkwardly,

Me and Temari both laughed, I talked to a lot of people like Sasuke, Kiba TenTen, and Shikamaru they were pretty funny.

I don't know why I didn't talk to them before, they're all very kind people. Maybe I was just intimidated by their looks.

We were all sitting in a circle including Naruto Ino and Sakura just talking about random things and how crappy this school was.

"Hinata, you've ever tried alcohol before? I haven't seen you drink any." Kiba said

"N-no I don't drink alcohol, especially at parties because anything could happen, plus this school is the worst."

"I couldn't agree any more." Ino said.

"But I have a toast for the all of us! Once we all graduate from this school, let's have another graduation party! And if we do manage to make it to college, we'll all enroll at the same college and that, of course we'll all be together forever of course."

They all raised their toasts and cheers with wine bottles, and here's me with my coca-cola because I don't trust alcohol.

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