Chapter 6

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"So your father just randomly gave you your phone back out of the blue? Are you sure he doesn't get periods too? Because it looks like he has mood swings often."

W-what? Ino that was really..

Ino what kind of question was that are you stupid? That question was out of the blue!"

B-but yeah, that's technically what happened. I mean at first I got caught going out with you guys and suddenly he was like just take your phone before he changed his mind.

"When is your father ever actually happy? It sounds like a very rare moment." Temari said

I don't think he's ever smiled once in his life, not even when I or he was a baby.

"Isn't there anyone else in your house other than Hanabi and your father?"

I mean, I do have a cousin. But he doesn't live with us, his names Neji. He's also quite serious too.

"Damn Hinata, your family is bad luck. If we weren't your friends you would've been done for." Ino said.

"Anywho, me and the boys, since me Sasuke and Naruto are the only the ones with a license, we were planning to go on a late night drive today even though we need to get our sleep schedules together since school starts again soon or more like tomorrow, but a little more fun never hurts." Sakura says sipping her coffee.

"It's probably weird I am saying this since I'm technically a nerd in this case aha.. but never mind that."

"I don't even know how I failed my drivers test, I did so well too." Ino sighed.

"Not to be disrespectful or brag.. but seriously you would've killed all of us if you were driving. Just pointing out you know."

An irk mark appeared on her forehead while twitching her eyes. "Let's just stop before I punch you in the face."

I'm not sure my father would like tha-

"Nobody cares about what your father thinks, he's just never had this much fun as a kid so he's just jealous on how you're having fun. He loves us anyway so I'm sure it's fine!"

"Anyways, we're meeting up at Naruto's house and the boys are already there, so we have to get going now." Temari said while getting up from her seat.

"I bet they're talking shit about us right now."

"Where are the damn girls? It's been a hour since we were waiting!" Kiba yelled.

"You know they like to take their sweet time, don't ever expect them to be early or on time at all." Sasuke mumbled.

"They're probably at Starbucks right now. Any girl would die for that obviously."

"This is such a drag."

The doorbell finally rung, Naruto walked and opened the door. "Finally, what took you guys so long, or should I guess even though it's obvious."

"I think you can guess that already you know, but we were out at Starbucks getting a coffee."

Naruto rolled his eyes and looked over at Hinata, their eyes locked for a moment until Naruto looked away.

Hinata blushed 50 shades of red and looked down at the floor while entering.

They all sat on the couch, bored not knowing what to do. There was an awkward moment of silence.

"I think we should go shopping!" Ino shouted out of nowhere.

"I mean, summer break is starting in less than a month! We're all going to the beach and having parties, then college! So why not?"

"I guess so."

We all got in the car, Naruto was driving, part of me wanted to sit in the front, but then the other me was too nervous, So what did I do? I sat in the middle of course.

It was sure one crazy ride, there was lots of traffic because there was a car accident on the road and apparently the roads were slippery, so we waited about 2 hours.

And we were finally at the place, the mall. There was a 50% sale going on and the mall was so crowded, I was never used to crowded places, only like parties and things but this, I wasn't.

I went shopping with the girls of course while the boys shopped with each other, I was looking for new sets of clothes.

"Guys guys! How does this look on me? I think it's pretty cute." Ino yelled out.

I think it looks beautiful on you Ino! But I don't really like how short it is..

"Hinata! Did you forget that summer is literally in less than a month? I'm not gonna wear full coverage clothes in hot season!"

Oh... Right.

"Sakura, Temari, TenTen, how does it look? And Sakura no playing around this time! I need actual opinions."

"What I'll say is, it's not bad. It's cute! But I think It'd look better on me instead." Sakura said.

Ino rolled her eyes, looking at TenTen and Temari for their answer.

"If you wear that you'll be attracting guys like a magnet Ino, just don't wear it outside in public."

"At least I'll pull more boys than Sakura ever can." She smirked playfully.

"I think it looks pretty great."

"Okay, I'm getting this then! 20$ down the drain though.."

"Hey, where's Hinata actually?" TenTen scratched her head.

"Oh, she's in the changing room, she found a new shirt she liked."

I came out the dressing room, as the door slid open the girls all looked over at me.

"So, how do I look?" I smiled nervously.

"You look absolutely amazing Hinata! You'll definitely catch Naruto's eyes with that. It's beautiful!"

Thank you girls.. I say while blushing like a tomato.

"There's really nothing to shop here for, new boxers or something?" Kiba said.

"Kiba, we can buy new pants and stuff too you know." Shikamaru said annoyed.

"But we aren't like the girls, they can get lots of things like crop tops and shit!"

"Are you a girl or do you want to be a girl Kiba?" Shikamaru asked him.

"Hell no! None of them at all!"

"Then shut up.

It was about 9pm when they left the mall, many new shopping bags filled up the car, mostly the girls, but it was almost a great night for all of them.

Hinata sat in the middle seat once again next to Sakura and Ino with Temari and TenTen at the back.

At the front, Shikamaru was sitting next to Kiba and Naruto and Sasuke was sitting next to each other.

"Where are we going next? I don't wanna go home yet even though we have class tomorrow." Kiba said.

"Let's go watch a movie! Then after we can just do whatever." Temari said looking down at her phone.

"The movie theaters it is then." Naruto said starting the car.

It was once again another crazy ride because there was a police chase on the street, and of course gang members were fighting.

But we made it to the movie theater thankfully and ordered all our things, it came up to like 100$ even though we didn't like the movie after and fell asleep in there.

It was now 1am in the morning, school started again at 6am, but I ordered the others didn't care because we were all having a good night.

We were on the highway with the windows rolled down, the music was very loud like how it was at the party, and we even got chased by police for a while but we didn't mind. Because we were all having a fun night.

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