Chapter 8

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"I hate studying so much! I hate school itself. Why does this work have to be so harddd." Ino shouted.

Sakura sighed. "It's not even that hard or that long! You're just stupid and Lazy Ino! Even the dumbest person in our class can solve this in one try! You're hopeless. I really do hope I see you in college..."

Ino started to cry. "Sakura! You're so mean!! Just because you're smart doesn't mean you can bully me.."

"No Ino- I didn't mean it like that! You're actually really smart and know how to do alott of things but you're just lazy, there now don't cry or I'll be dead meat!"

Ino stopped crying and hugged Sakura. "Sakura! You're so nice.. I don't know what I'd do without you!"

Sakura sighed. "Of course, Ino.. Now let's continue the work here."

"Whaat! But I don't want to! Can we just play a game or something? You know, like a break."

"Ino, you know that if we ever take a break we're not gonna complete this work and turns into a huge mess. Don't try to guiltrip us either." Temari said.

"You guys are absolutely no fun!"


"Yo Naruto, you good? You've been zoning out for the last 5 minutes bro."

He sighed."I was just thinking about something."

Sasuke coughed. "Ahem.. you mean, someone? Like.. Hinata?"

"I'm not thinking about Hinata! Stop assuming that! What are you thinking about Sasuke? Sakura huh?? You see I thought so."

"At least I'm not scared to admit that I'm actually thinking about a girl I like." Sasuke scoffed.

"Fuck you Sasuke!"


Hinata and Sakura sneezed.

"That means someone's talking about you two! I bet it's one of the boys anyway. Which reminds me I really need to find a boyfriend." Ino sighed.

"Maybe you'll find one someday, maybe even before we graduate!"

"Thanks Sakura, but loyal and well treating boys are hard to find these days. And what if we're going to different colleges! Then I'd be heartbroken and we'd have to break up."

Temari smiled. "Well, we haven't chosen one now, sooo don't start sulking, yet."

Sakura yelled. "Speaking of colleges! I found this one on a website just now, and it's full of rich kids and costs lots of money to enter. Maybe we could all go there!"

"And Ino could possibly find a hot rich man there that would spoil her everyday."

Ino sighed. "I hope so. So now can we please play a game? It's boring! Let's play truth or dare!"

"Fine, but no more than 10 minutes Ino because we seriously have to study."

"Okay! Hinata, are you playing with us? This is a nice chance to confess to Naruto! If you want to of course."

Hinata waved her hands in embarrassment. "W-what? I'm not sure about that.. But I'll play I guess."

"Alright! I'll go first. Temari, truth or dare?

"Dare because I'm not scared like all you scaredy cats over here." She smirked. "I'm not a scaredy cat, if anything that's Hinata!"

"H-hey! I-I'm not a scaredy cat.. I'm just shy that's all."

"Whatever, anyways Temari, I dare you to prank Shikamaru and pretend like the house blew up."

"Whatever, that's nothing."

Temari got up from the couch and headed to the kitchen and brought out a spoon and placed it in a microwave and recorded the video to edit and sent it to Shikamaru's phone.

Temari sat back on the couch. "There, he takes long to respond anyway so let's just continue with the game. Anyways, it's my turn."

"Hinata, truth or dare?" Temari smirked at her.

"Temari.. U-um.. Truth."

"Ugh Hinata you're such a scaredy cat, yesterday you weren't acting like that when you threw that dissected rat part at Shion!"

Sakura and Ino turned to Hinata. "You threw WHAT at Shion? We thought you were an angel, what for?"

"U-um.. It was only because-" She threw it at Shion because she was staring at her soon to be boyfriend yeah. Temari laughed.

"Y-yeah, kind of.."

"Woah Hinata... We didn't know you could be so possessive sometimes. You should definitely ask Naruto out we're sure he'll say yes! Right Tem?"

"Oh yeah definitely, I've seen the way he looks and talks to you. Don't you ever notice how he stares at your lips when he's talking to you Hinata?"

"W-what! I never noticed that.. But maybe he has nowhere else to look at.. That doesn't mean he likes-"

Ino facepalmed. "I think you're just insecure Hinata.. He 100% likes you and I'm sure he's liked you for a while, he'll probably confess to you sometime."

"Yeah, he talks about you too you know, but I won't tell you about what he says." Sakura smiles playfully.

"Hey girls, do you have a minute? I wanted to talk to you guys about something, or err.. someone. And I just really need your help.

"Of course Naruto, what did you wanna talk about?"

"Well, you know Hinata? I kind of.. you know want to ask her out or something you know but I really don't know how to express it to her. And I don't even know if she really likes me, because you know what happened with Shion and all.."

"I know it can be hard to trust after Shion, she was a bitch. But Hinata wouldn't leave you like Shion did, in fact Hinata's liked you since 10th grade, but you were so busy playing all of those girls but she still likes you you know, so of course I say she would say yes."

"Yeah, definitely."

"Okay, well when should I ask her out? I was thinking maybe on graduation day.."

"We're sure it'll be a night she'll never forget. Let us know if you ever need help!" The girls started to walk away

"Since 10th grade huh?"

Shikamaru looked at his phone. "Temari texted me? I wonder what she wants."

He then plays the prank video of the house blowing up, of course he didn't believe it cause who would put a spoon in a microwave?

"Girls are really such a drag."

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